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Name # _________________

Fluency Rubric 2 Progressing 3 Meets Expectations 4 Exceeds Expectations

4th Grade Oral Reading Rubric

1 Limited

Fluency Expression

Ineffective expression, monotone

Some expression that conveys meaning

Expression that Expression that emphasizes emphasizes important words important words and phrases most and phrases at all of the time times

Fluency Phrasing

Word-by-word reading

Inappropriate pauses; mostly short phrases

Mostly appropriate pauses; follows most punctuation; mostly long meaningful phrases

Appropriate pauses; follows all punctuation; all phrases are long and meaningful

Fluency Rate

Ineffective rate

Inconsistent rate

Effective rate

Automatically demonstrates effective rate

Fluency Accuracy

Ineffective accuracy

Inconsistent accuracy

Effective accuracy

Automatically demonstrates accuracy

Student corrects Student corrects Fluency Self- Student corrects no most errors that all errors that Student corrects all Monitoring errors or very few interfere with interfere with errors Skills errors meaning and some meaning and other errors most other errors

Name # _________________

Fluency Rubric

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