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Billionaire Slim opens health center for the poor MEXICO CITY Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim by some

me estimates the world's richest man opened a $500 million health institute Tuesday aimed at helping Latin America's poor. Based in Mexico City, the private, nonprofit center is the latest in a series of charitable efforts by Slim, who has been heavily criticized for alleged monopolistic business practices and for amassing enormous wealth even as 40 percent of Mexicans live in poverty. The Carso Health Institute named for Slim's industrial-retail conglomerate Grupo Carso SA will focus on families who are most in need, said institute chairman and Grupo Carso president Marco Antonio Slim, a son of the tycoon. Few details were disclosed on how the institute will operate in Mexico and other countries, and Carlos Slim did not speak at the event. Slim, a 67-year-old Mexican mogul of Lebanese descent, controls vast international holdings including Telefonos de Mexico SA, which operates more than 90 percent of the nation's fixed-line phone services. Mexicans relish their big day The people of Mexico celebrated their country's independence last september15th Mexico's Dia de la Independencia -- the 16th of September -- commemorates the day nearly 200 years ago when the people of Mexico began to fight for independence from Spain. The holiday is the jumping-off point for Hispanic Heritage Month. In 1810, Spain had ruled Mexico for nearly 300 years. Many in Mexico wanted to be free from Spain's control, so they planned a revolution. After 11 years of fighting, they were successful. Modern celebrations start the night before, when people gather in town squares all over the country. In Mexico City, the president waves the national flag and rings a bell from a balcony, then calls out the cry for independence from 1810 -- "Viva Hidalgo! Viva Mexico! Viva la Independencia!" Mexico truck explosion kills 34 PIEDRAS NEGRAS, Mexico (AP) A truck carrying explosives for the mining industry blew up after colliding with another vehicle in northern Mexico, killing at least 34 people, including three reporters at the scene, state and federal officials said. Authorities said the two vehicles crashed into each other Sunday evening on a busy highway, drawing a crowd of curious onlookers as well as a small army of police, soldiers, emergency officials and journalists. Shortly after the crowd arrived, the wreckage caught fire, and the explosives blew up, sending a ball of fire into the sky that consumed nearby cars and left a 10-by-40 foot crater in the concrete, said Maximo Alberto Neri Lopez, a federal police official.

Documentary Film on Living in Mexico Wins in Film Festival in Mexico San Miguel de Allende, Mexico September 6, 2007 -- Lost and Found in Mexico, a documentary film made by a retired psychotherapist baby-boomer who never made a film before, won in its category in Expresion en Corto, one of the biggest film festivals in Mexico. The film delves into the psychological and spiritual aspects of ex-pats living in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Caren Cross and her husband David impulsively decided to move to Mexico after a one week vacation to the town of San Miguel de Allende. Caren had no intention of retiring early. She loved her profession and often joked that she'd work until she was 80. When the Crosses returned home, however, they dismantled their lives in the U.S. and retired to Mexico. A few years later Caren realized that she had been significantly changed by the experience of living in Mexico and she wondered if other ex-pats felt the same way. The answers she encountered are revealed in this film. Beckham hurt in SuperLiga final Galaxy falls to Pachuca 4-3 in penalty-kick shootout CARSON, Calif. (AP) -- More pain for David Beckham and the Los Angeles Galaxy. Beckham left the field in the 30th minute of Wednesday night's SuperLiga final against Pachuca after spraining his right knee when he fell. That wasn't the team's only loss. The Galaxy were beaten 4-3 on penalty kicks after playing to a 1-1 tie after 90 minutes of regulation and 30 minutes of overtime. Beckham, who rejoined his team on the bench for overtime and the penalty kicks, limped off the field in a suit and tie. Carlos Rodriguez's kick into the right corner of the net past goalkeeper Joe Cannon gave Pachuca a 4-3 lead in the shootout. Abel Xavier then missed wide right for Los Angeles, ending the marathon match.

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