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Analogy: A rice field was planned for a site of construction of a road.

Despite the fact that it is not an ideal site of construction because of its smooth soil, the road was still constructed. Days have passed and the road was done. On 1980, first vehicle solemnly passed the road followed by the second vehicle on 1982, the third was on 1984, the fourth was on 1986 and the fifth vehicle was on 1986. As time goes by, the road lost its durability, appears rough and weak. The first five vehicles passed the road with no The sixth vehicle on 1989 went through; it passed a small holes and rocky part of the road and made the vehicle bumped. The vehicle ignored it and continued its way. Right at the middle of the road, the vehicles engine went overheat and its wheels were deformed. The vehicle still continued its way until it busted and was destroyed and decided to stop along the way. Meanwhile, a toll truck came to rescue and it tied its wire to the vehicle and pulled it away. The toll truck carried it and made its way to the car shop. There, the damaged vehicle was repaired and improved its engine as well as its parts. The vehicle made its way again on the road. Continued its journey with new wheels, upgraded engine and tuned parts.

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