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Teachers Name School Class Number of Pupils Date 8.

10 Subject Topic/ Skills Group Pupils Name

DAILY LESSON PLAN :Halizah @ Nur Annisa Binti Abdul Halim. :SK Kasagaan, Pitas. : Year 3 : 7 (2P, 5L) : 23. January 2009 Day : Friday : Mathematics :Pre -Numbers Group 1 1.Jusliati Dahut 2. Sylvia Chin Chai Lin 1.Pre-Numbers i) Colours. 1. To recognize colours 2. to name colours 3. to match colours with objects. 4. to colour according to instructions. to classify concrete and non concrete objects. Group 2 1.Abdul Rahim Abdul Talib 2. Mohd Jefri Sapijol 3. Rekson Joni 4. Rezwandey Raideen.


: 7.10-

Topic/ Skills Learning Outcomes: Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson pupils are able toa; Pre -Knowlwdge Teaching Material

Pupils can name colour in Bahasa Malaysia. Primary colour cards colour pencils Concrete object with various shapes worksheets. try harder To match colour with object

moral Values Thinking Skills

learn new things

Procedures: Induction Set. 5 Minutes Procedure 1 10 minutes Procedure 2 5 minit Procedure 3 5 Minutes Closure 5 Minutres

Games: Pick the colour you like Teachet put wooden block with various colour and shapes on the table. pupils pick one of the colour they like. pupils name the colour they have choose. If they cannot name it they must put back the block. pupils recognize the colour of concrete object shown. Pupils match colours with objects Pupils in group 2 name the colours from the colour cards Pupils recognize the colour of object shown.

Pupils colours the picture according to instructions.

Repeated Games: Pick The Colour You Like Teacher define if the pupils can name the colour correctly

Refleksi Guru Pelatih : i. ii. iii. Sebelum Semasa Selepas

Catatan Pensyarah/ Guru Pembimbing : ..

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