Target Audience

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Target Audience Profile

The name of my music magazine is Tune Up and is based on Chart Music. As well as focusing on current music and new artists, my magazine also goes on to talk about different artists and their personal life and fashion aspects. Due to this, my target audience is mainly teenage girls aged 13-21. On each issue of Tune Up there will usually be an image of a popular goodlooking male artist on the cover or alternatively a popular female artist who young girls look up to. This will be used to attract younger females to buy my magazine. There will also be freebies such as stationary, posters, CDs and concert tickets which girls are big fan of. Girls who will buy Tune Up will tend to enjoy going shopping with their friends in their free time, listen to pop music and be interested in the latest gossip. The stereotypical girl, who would read my magazine, would generally be up to date with the latest fashion. She would love all things girly and pink. She would definitely be a girly girl and quite mainstream. She would always follow the crowd and fit in perfectly as she will know all about the latest trends. Reading Tune Up would help her escape from her day to day life which consists of going to school, perhaps an extra-curricular activity such as dance, and end with an evening of homework and watching soaps or reality TV shows. She would spend a lot of time with her friends during weekends as she is a sociable person. During this time she is able to talk about the content of the magazine with her peers. The personality of my ideal target audience would be quite bubbly, funny, and not overly confident but not particularly shy either. She would often be rather happy and have a positive view on life which is reflected by the music she listens to.

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