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FRIENDS OF LONG ROCK MEXICO CROSSING 28 Godolphin Road, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JP Mr Jeremy Edwards, Highways

Network Manager Cornwall Council Room 8 Central Group Centre Castle Canyke Road Bodmin PL31 1DZ Dear Mr Edwards Risks for pedestrians at the Station House road bridge As you know, FOLRMC is conducting a survey of residents affected by your closure of the Mexico crossing. We are receiving some very worrying comments about the two alternative crossings (the gated vehicle crossing and the road bridge at Station House) and the routes approaching them. There is mounting evidence that the approach to the road bridge is very much more dangerous for pedestrians than we had anticipated, and we felt that we had to bring it to your attention before the completion of our survey. Many respondents mention the dangers of the road bridge route, including its blind spots, its lack of pavement, its lack of lighting, and the overhanging brambles, but what has really prompted us to write is the alarming number people reporting accidents or near misses. The attached list of verbatim quotes taken from the c.200 responses received so far gives an idea of the problems faced by pedestrians. Each anecdote by itself might be unremarkable but taken together they paint a grim picture. I cannot vouch for each of these anecdotes personally, and we will investigate them further in due course, but what I can personally vouch for is the fact that, travelling east towards Marazion, and walking on the right-hand side of the road (as one should), there is a terrifying blind curve just before the bridge, which offers the pedestrian no protection from the approaching traffic; and also the fact that at the bridge itself there is evidence of a recent serious crash, which must have occurred as a result of a motorist either driving dangerously or taking action to avoid a pedestrian. There are two features of the vehicle crossing which force more people to attempt the road bridge route. The first is that use of this crossing adds an extra 1km to most journeys, as we have explained before. This affects the majority of journeys because the majority of Long Rock residents live to the east or north-east of the Mexico Inn and the majority are heading either directly to Long Rock Beach or east along the coastal path. The second feature is the inconvenience of having to wait at barriers which commonly stay closed for 20 minutes and sometimes much longer. On one occasion recently people waited over 75 minutes for the barriers to rise; they gave up and walked up to Station House, where they had to negotiate the bridge crossing in the dark. The result is that many people are refusing to use it. Some have simply stopped going to the coastal path any more, but many are prepared to take their chances on the road bridge. Many of our respondents have suggested that the road bridge is "an accident waiting to happen". We will send you full results of our survey when we have finished collecting responses and analysing the data. This will provide you with solid evidence to support a decision to reopen the Mexico crossing. Yours sincerely Robert Nance for FOLRMC 18 March 2013

Anecdotes re Station House road bridge Near miss walking recently by double-decker bus Walking along the road the hedge is never trimmed and stands into the road about 2 feet. And the bridge at the station is an accident waiting to happen, because the cars can't see you Cars cannot see you when going round corners. Have to keep crossing the road. No pavement The highway code says to walk facing oncoming traffic. That traffic skims the greenery at the side of the road. A death is going to occur on that road very soon Blind corner - almost hit by a car A dangerous road - no footpath or lighting - people have been knocked over. People drive too fast. A woman and child in a pram were involved in accident the other week. Car turned over Near misses from cars - no pavement [a 92 year old woman] I did try it but not a nice experience. I spent most of the time in the hedge amongst the brambles A pushbike came round a bend and knocked my arm. More danger from cars No pavement - dangerous when walking on road and more time consuming - and often nearly get hit by car. Walked only once. Car almost ran me over coming around the blind bend on the right going to bridge. This means that as a pensioner I can no longer access the coast path Too dangerous to use. Nearly knocked over several times Only used once. Too dangerous re fast traffic, bends, no pavement, no room to get out of way of drivers, no lights

cc1 Tony Hogg, Police Commissioner By email cc2 The Duty Sergeant, Devon & Cornwall Police Penzance Police Station Penalverne Drive Penzance TR18 2NS cc3 Road Policing Unit, Devon & Cornwall Police Police HQ Middlemoor Exeter EX2 7HQ

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