Resuscitatio 1670

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THE SECOND 'p ART | | OF THE || Refufcitatio i OR A i) COLLECTION | . OF feveral pieces of the | |OF the Right Honourable Francts Bacon, | uonst Pain and Vikousok Se baw, | someof them formerly ri re kl reso Cake ine Flr whom fH | ii Ba i Leip ad lt Ch ” hin, Ne 1 Capa boston his Melly, ° i | ‘Moft Exedlent Majelty asi | eeeeeEs mucbastbe dignity of a King tran: a "eends te fubjett, We the ‘ligation 4) the fire 10 tbe King 5 neither 3 ibe duty lefirve owe to the fafety of xr, B088FEF Sorenige, than the ‘Thad ol challenge in bis protections as te center exe wader God, from which we deriveow bononrs, and owbich me cave om [ervices; of thi duty the learned Aubor| rer Royal Grand.fatber and Fathers tify Servan ous mat gnorant, nether avas bis aoledge beter tw tored than bis indnfsy, tbe fame bandof Kingl mv ificnce bichdifenced bins is bonows, pointed bum oat the ines of bis maf excellent labours the difpefed | (flxwers of mich are bere humbly offered up 10 ‘your j | [Ryu proteion; with an bumble confidence and of | Vecace tba tinerebih bat fen the rife and fal of Jo many famoue Kingdomes, the invention and decay, } [of fi many leaned Ibo tbe erro and defi i of fo many flatly Trophies: time, wbich in ber oak | Garp barb no only fralowed xp Amignty, bu for, themop part envned ber Hiflory, will yt soaler your z Royal 4 \bearty defire of \Royalwings preferve the name and ‘memories of te \eamed Bacon 10 al pofterty, the fame being the) YourMajelties mofthumbleand mott loyal Subjedtand Servant | Cuanres Motron | | | | serseteotyommon cenfse hath Aare ie fora crane He Provera rbecer fom ob fr aa Fee site tr wll wiltone though the fem alwaysto fawa on fortune, ccomad yo en nove commend a0 Elo | Meche var Te hchben thought he | prideand priviledge of chat power we call fortune to be-| Row her ‘belt favours where fhe finds leaft worth to crown| Spain womens ap nie eee ages Ines tippy her a a ies ena fry,as moft jealousy left mans wit or endeavours fhould) idagt an Seen het Pergo? Bu he tae knows Seti Abeescbewache lots of Fagan ignore] lind the lear fr-thine of Crist, Betwixt Poetic! reed Prophet vin al Sd lar opin| aero r he name, ierbig tha: ole et eabag of mony ation co Dey which (Baye ter whch Chany mii have gh | chem more property to havereimed Providene, and how | eee se Mandl hes ge Empte beyond ct pee Chita ha raped mace fae [Sibye ere Sesto no boty tarnbih eee ae

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