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Dinosaur Extinction Theories

Instructors Guide
Robyn Dulco Crescent View Middle School Adapted Lessons from ELA Co-Teachers: Krista Dodds Whitney Lee Crescent View Middle School

Unit Goals In this unit, students will describe, evaluate, explain and interpret how dinosaurs may have survived prior to various extinction theories. The unit introduces the Essential Question What is essential for Survival? in the English Language Arts Curriculum Map. Students use prior knowledge, key terms, supporting questions, and cross-curricular connections to formulate, support, and defend what they believe is essential for survival in a variety of circumstances (e.g. Asteroid Impact, Utah Desert, Disease, and Middle School). Objectives of the Instruction ELA Core Standards addressed: Reading R.L. 7.2, 7.4, 7.5 Writing W. 7.2, 7.4, 7.5 Speaking & Listening S.L. 7.4, 7.6 Language L. 7.5 Objectives: I can: Communicate and respond to ideas about a variety of topics during discussions Use reading strategies to determine what a word or phrase means Explain how the ideas presented in different formats or media clarify a topic or issue Follow group rules to meet specific goals during a discussion Use reading strategies to determine what a word or phrase means Identify a theme in a text Summarize a text Develop and present claims and findings Write to clarify my topic using facts, definitions, details, and examples Write a claim(s) and recognize opposing views to my claim Logically organize reasons and evidence that support a claim(s) Improve my writing through feedback from other students or my teacher Explain how the ideas presented in different formats or media clarify a topic or issue Write to organize reasons and evidence that support a claim Share supporting evidence from my research during discussions Prerequisites Students need to have the ability to: Determine what is essential for survival Use a computer and iPad for research Work in small group settings Apply background knowledge to small group, whole group, and individual learning

Use reading strategies to determine word and phrase meaning Write to clarify, support, and entertain an audience

By being able to: Read (independently and with a partner) Write (independently and with a partner) Present (in a small group) Evaluate work of self and peers Introductory Presentation What is essential for survival? This is the big question. During this unit students will explore how dinosaurs could have survived in their elements and environments prior to extinction. Students learn through reading, writing, and discussing the scientific facts and theories. Basic Plans Day 1 Introduction: Survival in the Wild Dinosaurs (PowerPoint Presentation) Day 2 Big Question: How did Dinosaurs become Extinct? Quotes & Notes Day 3 Expository Writing Dinosaur Extinction Theories Day 4 Video & Notes: The Last Days of the Dinosaurs Day 5 Creative Write: The Last Days of My Dinosaur Day 6 Presentation: The Last Days of My Dinosaur Scope and Sequence Day 1 Introduction: Survival in the Wild Dinosaurs (PowerPoint Presentation) Gaining Attention Instruction Attention Grabber Dinosaur Stomp by Koo Koo Kangaroo Title Slide Objectives: I can: Communicate and respond to ideas about a variety of topics during discussions Use reading strategies to determine what a word or phrase means

Direction Materials needed: Mimio or overhead projector Internet access


Computer Student/ Instructor worksheets Instructor Power Point Presentation Small group work stations (for 3-4 students) Writing utensils Wipe board for each group Timer Numbered cards 1-4 (for student breakout)

Explain how the ideas presented in different formats or media clarify a topic or issue Follow group rules to meet specific goals during a discussion

Content Vocabulary Dinosaur Paleontologist Carnivore Herbivore

Students will recall the four basic needs of living things (energy, water, living space, and stable internal conditions). Students will discuss what they already know about the living needs of dinosaurs

Small group: Have students sitting in small groups of 3-4 students (give each student a number card) Whole group: PowerPoint Presentation 1) Introduce key terms (dinosaur, paleontologist, carnivore, and herbivore) 2) Present information using the slide show 3) Support presentation with the use of multimedia (links) Instructional strategy: Student 1 reads the question Student 2 leads the discussion Student 3 writes the groups response Student 4 presents the groups response

Application Feedback Level 1 (Guided Learning)

The instructor will remind student how to interact in their groups (e.g. be respectful, listen, smile, and nod when appropriate) The instructor will prompt students with the first question (Student 1 read the question, Student 2 lead the discussion, Student 3 begin writing the groups response, and Student 4 present your groups response)

Application Feedback Level 2 (Eliciting Performance)

Application Feedback Level 3 (Feedback) Evaluation (Assessment)

The instructor will walk around the classroom to ensure students were able to follow the guided prompt The instructor will prompt discussion by asking Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How questions The instructor will provide feedback to the groups by reminding students of details from the slide Students will demonstrate knowledge by being able to respond to the questions posed. Student groups will peer-evaluate each group on a scale of 3-1 (3 being the highest and 1 being the lowest)

Closure (Retention and Transfer)

Exit Ticket: Students will write on a post-it note one fact they learned during the presentation, share it with an elbow partner, and post it on the white board

Day 2 Big Question: How did Dinosaurs become Extinct? Quotes & Notes Instruction Gaining Attention Question: Are dinosaurs really extinct? Direction Objectives: I can Use reading strategies to determine what a Materials needed: word or phrase means Mimio or overhead Identify a theme in a text projector Summarize a text Student/ Instructor Develop and present claims and findings worksheets Write to clarify my topic using facts, Small group work stations definitions, details, and examples (for 3-4 students) Follow group rules to meet specific goals Photographs for vocabulary during a discussion Writing utensils Wipe board for each group Timer Numbered cards 1-4 (for student breakout) Recall KWL Questions asked:

Content Vocabulary Extinction Climate Asteroid Volcano Disease Stress Ozone Layer Depletion Supernova Greenhouse Effect

*What I know about the extinction of dinosaurs *What I want to know about the extinction of dinosaurs Small group: Have students sitting in table groups of 4 students Steps: 1) I Do Introduction, Quotes & Notes 2) We Do Quotes & Notes (topic 2) 3) You Do Quotes & Notes (Jigsaw/present) Vocabulary Instruction Build understanding by connecting the vocabulary words with photographs. Have students Think, Pair, Teach with an elbow partner their understanding of the vocabulary word. Instructional strategy Jigsaw Reading (Students are given numbers 1,2,3,4, students read their assigned passage with other classmates that have the same number. Then they teach and share the information to other members from their 1,2,3,4 group. Quotes & Notes Worksheet Students will use this worksheet to obtain important facts and details. Students will respond in writing with comments & reactions. 4) Formulate a hypothesis, based on the theories presented Have students discuss and support how one hypothesis was most likely

Application Feedback Level 1 (Guided Learning)

Application Feedback Level 2 (Eliciting Performance) Application Feedback Level 3 (Feedback)

Students are guided in their learning by using the I Do, We Do model. The instructor will demonstrate what the learning should look like and then work with the students as a group to work through the second example. Once the instructor determines that the students are able to successfully read and respond to the prompt, then have students complete the jigsaw/ presentation task. The instructor will circulate amongst groups to guide learning, as needed by providing prompts and tasks to ensure students are attaining concept mastery. The instructor will walk around the classroom to ensure students have mastered

Evaluation (Assessment) Closure (Retention and Transfer)

the concept. The instructor will ask who, what, where, when, why, and how questions to determine the students have an understanding of the content. The instructor will remind students to present important facts to their groups. The instructor will use examples from the first and second passage (Students can refer to the information located on the mimio) KWL Chart *What I learned about the extinction of dinosaurs Exit ticket: (Post-it) Students will write one sentence summarizing their favorite extinction theory presented and why it was interesting Students will share with a partner that has the same birthday month

Day 3 Expository Writing Dinosaur Extinction Theories Gaining Attention Instruction Brain Pop Types of Writing riting/preview.weml Objectives: I can: Write a claim(s) and recognize opposing views to my claim Logically organize reasons and evidence that support a claim(s) Improve my writing through feedback from other students or my teacher

Direction Materials needed: Mimio or overhead projector Internet access Brain Pop Mind Map Computer station Student/ Instructor worksheets Partner groups of 2 Writing utensils Timer Recall

Brainstorm Mind Map Students will use Mind Map for brainstorming - asteroid impact

Content Vocabulary Review: Dinosaur Paleontologist Carnivore Herbivore Extinction Climate Asteroid Volcano Disease Stress Ozone Layer Depletion Supernova Greenhouse Effect Application Feedback Level 1 (Guided Learning) Evaluation (Assessment) Closure (Retention and Transfer)

climate change volcanic eruption disease dinosaur stress ozone layer depletion greenhouse effect supernova caterpillars other theories

Vocabulary Instruction: Review the vocabulary words with the students. Instruct students to implement the vocabulary words into their written assignment. Students will: use the graphic organizer as a written plan create a rough draft of their essay peer-edit a partners written assignment make revisions create a final typed report

The instructor will provide scaffolding for the written assignment by walking around the room providing students with examples. Students will demonstrate knowledge of vocabulary words and content through their typed report. Students will share their paragraph with a partner.

Day 4 Video & Notes: The Last Days of the Dinosaurs Gaining Attention Direction Materials needed: Instruction Ask students: If you lived the life of a dinosaur, which one would it be and why? Objectives: I can: Explain how the ideas presented in different


Mimio or overhead projector Internet access Computer Student/ Instructor worksheets Writing utensils

formats or media clarify a topic or issue Write to organize reasons and evidence that support a claim

Build background knowledge by showing students pictures of various dinosaurs Vocabulary instruction: Review the vocabulary Show students on a map where the Yucatan Peninsula is located Students will: Watch the video The Last Days of the Dinosaur Discovery Channel Identify and list fact that occurred during and after the asteroid impact Provide guided examples by guiding student writing by pointing out facts and details from the video Write, Pair, Share Students will share facts with partner Students will demonstrate knowledge of content through their notes Exit Ticket: Students will make a list of dinosaurs they would like to research for the next class period

Content Vocabulary: Region Yucatan Peninsula

Application Feedback Level 1 (Guided Learning) Application Feedback Level 2 (Eliciting Performance) Evaluation (Assessment) Closure (Retention and Transfer)

Day 5 Creative Write: The Last Days of My Dinosaur Gaining Attention Direction Instruction Review: Video clip excerpt of The Last Days of the Dinosaur Objectives: I can:

Materials needed: Internet access Computer Lab or iPad Lab Student/ Instructor worksheets Writing utensils Recall

Write using transition words and phrases to show order of events or changes in a setting Conclude my story by reflecting on events Share supporting evidence from my research during discussions

Build background knowledge by reviewing the survival skills and strategies of dinosaurs prior to, during and after the asteroid impact Students will research one dinosaur and will write a realistic story of their chosen dinosaur: What it looked like Where it lived What it ate Interesting facts and survival skills relating to the dinosaur and its environment Students will plot the last ten hours of their dinosaurs life Research: Provide students with websites to search the characteristics and traits of dinosaurs Peer-tutoring pair students with partner (identical dinosaur) to gather research and information about their dinosaur Students will demonstrate knowledge of a specific dinosaur, its habitat, environment, and ability to survive prior to, during and after the asteroid impact Exit Ticket: Students will show the draft of their outline (e.g. character


Application Feedback Level 1 (Guided Learning) Application Feedback Level 3 (Feedback) Evaluation (Assessment)

Closure (Retention and Transfer)

Day 6 Presentation: The Last Days of My Dinosaur Gaining Attention Instruction Harlem Shake - Dinosaurs Version


Direction Materials needed: Internet access Computer Student Groups (Student Number cards #1-4) Content

I can: Follow group rules to meet specific goals during a discussion Share supporting evidence from my research during discussions Communicate and respond to ideas about a variety of topics during discussion Small group: Have students sitting in small groups of 3-4 students (give each student a number card) Students will listen to, discuss and evaluate the stories of their classmates The instructor will remind student how to interact in their groups (e.g. be respectful, listen, smile, and nod when appropriate) The instructor will have students read their story in a clockwise direction The instructor will walk around the classroom to ensure students were able to follow the guided prompt The instructor will prompt discussion by asking Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How questions The instructor will provide feedback to the groups by reminding students to score the written assignment.

Application Feedback Level 1 (Guided Learning)

Application Feedback Level 2 (Eliciting Performance)

Application Feedback Level 3 (Feedback) Evaluation (Assessment)

Writing Rubric: (self evaluation, peer evaluation, teacher evaluation) Rubric (4, 3, 2, 1, 0) 4 Shows understanding of the dinosaurs life What it looked like Where it lived What it ate Interesting facts and survival skills relating to the dinosaur and its environment 4 Presentation: Shows ability to entertain a reader


4 Writing: Write using transition words and phrases to show order of events or changes in a setting Closure (Retention and Transfer) Exit Ticket: Students will quick write reflection of what they learned, liked, and disliked relating to the Dinosaur Extinction Theory Unit


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