A Unit 1task Sheet 2013

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MYP Assessment Task Sheet Ms.

Jen Art

Subject: Visual Arts



Title: The Art of Stuart Davies. Date of Assessment: Unit Question What does Jazz look like? AOI: Human Ingenuity Description of the Task: Students will: Research the paintings of American artist, Stuart Davis and come to an understanding of how his simple shapes and complex compositions display the sounds of Jazz within a city environment. Colour theory, line and pattern exploration exercises. Students must provide a number of researched objects found within a specific urban environment, such as a night club, caf, highway, theme park, etc. A series HB pencil sketches conveying distorted figures to be produced. Students create a number of drawings whilst listening to jazz pieces using only line and shape to express the rhythms. Through the developmental process, a number of trialled compositions which evolve into a refined designed are provided. Present examples of colour schemes. Exercises in 1 and 2 point perspective. Exercise exploring a variety of cameras angles/compositions. The use of presentation skills should be evident through the use of titles, dates, mediums listed, and notations within the DW. A framed completed artwork will be submitted. Submit a descriptive essay assessing the use of the Art Elements within an abstract paint. Criterion to be Assessed: Criterion A- Knowledge and understanding. Criterion B- Application Criterion C-Reflection and evaluation. Criterion D- Personal reflection

MYP Assessment Task Sheet Ms. Jen Art

Criterion A: Knowledge and understanding.

Achievement Level Descriptor Level 0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below. 12 The student shows a very limited knowledge and understanding of the art form studied in relation to societal or cultural or historical or personal contexts. The student is able to demonstrate a very limited knowledge and understanding of the elements of the art form studied. The student is able to communicate a very limited critical understanding of the art form studied, in the context of his or her own work. The has limited essay structure presented. 34 The student provides written description, judgment or interpretation demonstrating satisfactory knowledge and understanding. These show some critical development and cohesive expression with limited named examples provided. Issues and concepts connected to societal, historical or personal contexts are expressive with satisfactory clarity using subject specific terminology. The student has demonstrated a satisfactory understanding of this terminology. The student expresses a satisfactory understanding of the Art Elements and Principles of the subject. The essay is structured correctly. The student expresses critical connections from the studied art form to their own personal work (notations within the DW) which has satisfactory connections, imagination and research. 56 The student provides written description, judgment or interpretation demonstrating good knowledge and understanding. These show some critical development and cohesive expression with some named examples provided. Issues and concepts connected to societal, historical or personal contexts are expressive with good clarity using subject specific terminology. The student has demonstrated a good understanding of this terminology. The student expresses a good understanding of the Art Elements and Principles of the subject.

MYP Assessment Task Sheet Ms. Jen Art


The student expresses critical connections from the studied art form to their own personal work (notations within the DW) which has good connections, imagination and research. A well formulated essay structure is evident. The student provides written description, judgment or interpretations demonstrating excellent knowledge and understanding. These are well developed critiques, fluently expressed and supported by examples of the art form. Issues and concepts connected to societal, historical or personal contexts are confidently expressed using subject specific terminology and language. The student has demonstrated an excellent understanding of this terminology. The student fluently expresses an excellent understanding of the Art Elements and Principles. The student expresses critical connections from the studied art form to their own personal work (notations within the DW) which is relevant, and demonstrates thorough research. The easy structure is excellent.


Teacher comments:

Parents signature ___________________________________

MYP Assessment Task Sheet Ms. Jen Art

Criterion B. Application.
Tasks Title: Unit 1, Collage, coloured card or gouache paint. Practical; Based on the Art of Stuart Davis Unit question: Jazz Art! What does it look like?

The task includes images and technical experiments produced for the Developmental Process found within the Developmental Workbook where the student works towards a final design. Description of the task: the Developmental Workbook Students will display visual images that show an understanding of the following concepts in Visual Art: 1. The control of linear effects and shape. 2. The pictorial understanding of 2 or 3 areas of a picture plane. 3. The creation and function of a focal point/s. 4. Understanding the difference between an open and/or closed composition. 5. A pictorial understanding of the Art Elements, shape, proportion, line and pattern. 6. Descriptive suggestion of one point perspective. 7. The visual research of personal images to describe an urban location. 8. The planning and effective organization to define desired visual concepts, set goals, and make decisions. Criterion B. Application.
Level of Achievement 0 12 34 Descriptor The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below The student demonstrates limited ability to use skills and organizational strategies to present visual information within the DW. The visual images presented are of a poor quality. The student demonstrates some success with basic skills and organizational strategies presented. The developmental process reaches a point of realization and the work leading to a final composition shows some proficiency in techniques.

MYP Assessment Task Sheet Ms. Jen Art




The student applies skills and strategies needed to produce creative work which displays reasonable proficiency within the development of a final image (not the finished artwork) and the trials and experiments using specific techniques such as coloured card or gouache paint. A reasonable understanding has been demonstrated in the choice of the colour scheme. The student shows competence in applying drawing skills to express musical rhythms and /or shapes that suggest an unban environment. The student displays developmental strategies needed for the realization of the finished collage/painting. This image shows creativity and proficiency in the chosen techniques. The chosen colour scheme demonstrates a proficient understanding. The student is highly competent in choosing and applying a range of visual figures, shapes, and linear effects to express the concept. The DW displays a thorough artistic processes leading up to the final image. This process and the resolved artworks design reflect a high level of proficiency and creativity. The student demonstrates a high level of proficiency.

Result_____________ Teacher comments:

MYP Assessment Task Sheet Ms. Jen Art

Criterion B. Application. The completed artwork

Level of Achievement 0 12 Descriptor The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below The student demonstrates limited ability to use skills and organizational strategies to present visual information within the finished artwork. The visual images presented are of a poor quality. The student demonstrates some success with basic skills and organizational strategies presented. The artwork reaches a point of realization and shows some proficiency in techniques. The student applies skills and strategies needed to produce creative work which displays reasonable proficiency within the final image. The student shows competence in applying drawing skills and colour scheme to express movement and shapes that suggest urban motifs. The student displays developmental strategies needed for the realization of the finished image. This image shows creativity and proficiency in techniques. The student is highly competent in choosing and applying a range of visual figures, and forms to express their concept. The finished artwork displays a thorough artistic process. This process and the resolved artwork reflect a high level of proficiency and creativity.


5-6 7-8


Result_________________ Teacher comments:

MYP Assessment Task Sheet Ms. Jen Art

Parent Signature__________________________________________ Criterion C. Reflection and Evaluation. Tasks Title: A Reflection and Evaluation of the Developmental processes. The student produces written responses that reflect upon technical skills, concepts and the use of feed back and discussion to produce images that lead the framed collage/painting. Description of the task Students will display written responses illustrating an ability to reflect and evaluate on: 1. The visual effects and technical skills found within the DW. 2. The creative development of the concept. 3. The use of verbal and written feed back and discussion on images, techniques and the painting/collage. 4. Assessment and appraisal of concepts displayed. 5. Use of artistic language in written responses.
Level of Achievement 0 12 34 Descriptor The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below The students use of feed back and reflection upon techniques is minimal. The student has completed a rudimentary evaluation of his/her skills. The student finds it difficult to take feed back where-by improvements suggested by the teacher have not been considered. The student provides an evaluation of his/her skill development. Themes and concepts have been evaluated but some aspects may be unrealistic or incomplete. The student reflects on the concepts and takes feed back into account when working. The student provides an evaluation of his/her development as well as evaluating the concept/s. Some aspects of the evaluation may be unrealistic or incomplete.


MYP Assessment Task Sheet Ms. Jen Art


The student gives a considered response to feedback and provides a thorough reflection and evaluation of his /her development. This evaluation includes an accurate analysis of the quality of developmental images. Specific reference to figures, colour, painting techniques, compositional design and conceptual resolution are presented with detail. The student has assessed their improvements and those still to be refined.

Result_________ Criterion C. The finished artwork

Level of Achievement 0 12 34 Descriptor The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below The students use of feed back and reflection upon techniques is minimal. The student has completed a rudimentary evaluation of his/her skills. The student finds it difficult to take feed back where-by improvements suggested by the teacher have not been considered. The student provides an evaluation of his/her skill development. Themes and concepts have been evaluated but some aspects may be unrealistic or incomplete. The student reflects on the concepts and takes feed back into account when working. The student provides an evaluation of his/her development as well as evaluating the concept/s. Some aspects of the evaluation may be unrealistic or incomplete. The student gives a considered response to feedback and provides a thorough reflection and evaluation of his /her development. This evaluation includes an accurate analysis of the quality of the framed collage/painting and developmental images. Specific reference to figures, tonal rendering techniques, colour, painting techniques, compositional design and conceptual resolution are presented with detail. The student has assessed their improvements and those still to be refined.




MYP Assessment Task Sheet Ms. Jen Art

Criterion D: Personal Engagement Organization Equipment management Engaged learning

Description of the task: The student is expected to engage actively in their learning experience through: 1. Displaying self motivation, initiative and a willingness to take artistic risks. 2. Engaged in thoughtfully presented, well ordered images and technical information found within the Developmental Workbook. 3. The student manages equipment consistently. 4. The student manages their work space and displays an awareness of his/her fellow class mates. 5. The student is organized, and utilizes class time. 6. Organizational skills such as, homework completion and deadline submission was maintained throughout the unit. 7. Student resourced their basic equipment, brushes and paint kit etc.

Level of Achievement 0 12

Descriptor The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below. The student participates to some extent in the technical skills and final drawing. Little interest and personal engagement

MYP Assessment Task Sheet Ms. Jen Art

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has been displayed. The student participates in the developmental process and the final collage and shows some self-discipline and motivations in his/her work. The student is fully engaged in the developmental processes and the final collage and displays a willingness to develop further to his/her potential. The student demonstrates a high level of interest and personal engagement in the developmental process and the final collage / painting and shows initiative, enthusiasm and commitment.

Result achieved_________

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