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Santa Fe South Elementary UbD Unit: Grade: ____________________ Teacher: ______________________ Session:

Stage 1: Desired Results Content Standard(s):[Use State and Common Core Standards.] Departmental Big Ideas/Concepts:[Use State and Common Core Big Ideas.] Unit Big Idea: Santa Fe South District Initiatives: [MAX; Content Writing; 6 Plus; Higher Order Thinking Skills; ] Transfer Transfer Goals: [Use the phrase: I want students demonstrate [CONTENT/SKILL], so that in the long run, they will be able to, on their own, [other topics, fields, and adult life]. Meaning Essential Questions:[open ended questions with endless answers]

Enduring Understandings:[Students will understand that]

Acquisition: What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? Knowledge [Students will know] & or Skills:[Students will be able to..]

Stage II- Evidence Performance Task:[Authentic performance; criteria to be judged and includes all three desired results: Acquisition, Meaning, Transfer

Other Evidences:[e.g. quizzes, tests, academic prompts, observations, homework, journals, illustrations] Evaluative Criteria: [Rubrics; grading scale, etc.] Resources

Stage III- Learning Plan Pre-assessment: Learning Activities:[WHERETO] Codes: A= acquisition; M= meaning; T= transfer

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