Assignment 1 CPU

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Assignment 1 Subject code: 110003 Subject Name: Comp. Prog. & Utilization 1.

Draw Block Diagram of Computer System and Explain its various components. 2. Explain Various Symbol used in Flowchart and Draw the Flowchart for finding largest Number out of three given Numbers. 3. Explain scanf( ) and printf( ) with syntax. 4. Explain local variable Vs Global Variable using example. 5. Explain different datatypes used in C Language . 6. Give name of loop statements. Explain any one loop statement with example. 7. Explain different operators used in C Language. 8. Give comparison of a. C and C++ Programming language. b. Flow charts and Algorithms 9. Write a C++ Program to demonstrate the operators hierarchy. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Define Function with different parameters: Write a Draw a flow chart to find factorial of a given number. Explain ifelse if ..ladder with flowchart. Explain for loop. Differentiate use of continue, break and go to statement Answer the following Questions. Program to demonstrate the Recursive Function.

(i) Explain in brief the features of C language. (ii) Explain logical operator and relational operator used in C language. (iii) Draw a flow chart to find the smallest numberout of three given numbers. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. What is structure? How do we declare and access structure variables? Draw a flowchart to count odd numbers and making their total from Write short note on Pointer. Explain switchcase statement. Explain various operators used in C language. Define: Software, Hardware, Higher level Language, Operating System
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given N numbers.



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