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Obtacles: 1. Premature judgment: inventing not come naturally, but not invent is normal state of affairs.

Judgment hinder imaginations- critical sense always threat to block any ideas/ sharper in pressure fears 2. Searching for single answer: people see job as narrow gap bw positions, not broaden options. hard on argee on it, why need diff ideas. Final -> single decision -> free-floating delay & confuse. 3. assumption of fixed pie fixed-sum game, $100 more-less option obvious/ I can satisfy you only at my expense. 4. solving their problem is their problem: to agreement need to consider interest of other side but: emotional involvement (we have prob of our own ; psychological reluctant (disloyal) -> shortsighted self-concern-> one-sided To invent options: 1. Separate invent judging: invent first, decide later 2. Broaden options: Using objective criteria 1. Principled negotiations produces wise agreements amicably and efficiently 2. Negotiating with objective criteria a. Frame each issue as joint search for objective criteria i. Starting off conflicting interest common goal- suggest and invite ii. whats your theory iii. Agree first on principles agree on standards b consider terms b. Reason & open to reasons as to which standards most appropriate & how should applied: prepared, but come to table with an open mind. Mostly people use objective standard to support their porition -> deeper. Behave like a judge, willing to respond to reasons for applying other standard or applying a standard differently. c. Not yield to pressure, only principles: i. Invite to state reasoning ii. Suggest objective criteria iii. Refuse to progress except on this basis 3. Developing objective criteria a. Fair standard: to substantive ques i. Independent of each sides will/legitimate/practical ii. Should apply to 2 sides b. Fair procedures: for resolving conflicting interest i. Cake slicing ii. Negotiate fair arrangement before deciding their roles iii. Taking turns, drawing lots: equal chance SO else decide joint decision

c. d. e. f.

More standard of fairness, efficiency, standard merit -> wise final package More precedent & history -> benefit from past/ less vulnerable Protect relationship Many party involved

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