ds59 Protein Synthesis-1

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UNIT 5: DNA, Genetics

DAYSHEET 59: Introduction to Protein Synthesis

Biology I

Name _____________________________________

Date: __________

Catalyst/Bellringer: Read the passage below about DNA. Then answer the questions.
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the most famous molecule in
all of biology. Francis Crick, James Watson, and Rosalind Franklin
were the first scientists to discover the shape of DNA a double helix.
In all eukaryotes, DNA is located in the nucleus of the cell.
DNA is a nucleic acid, which means it is made of nucleotides. Each
nucleotide in DNA has three parts a sugar (deoxyribose), a
phosphate, and a nitrogen base. The nitrogen bases inside of DNA are
Cytosine (C), Guanine (G), Thymine (T) and Adenine (A). The
nitrogen bases always pair in the same way C is always paired with
G, and T is always paired with A. The order of the nitrogen bases in
DNA is the instructions for how to make proteins. Proteins determine
your traits, like your hair color, bone structure, and blood type.
1. What is the full name for DNA? ________________________________________________
2. What is the scientific name for the shape of DNA? _________________________________
3. What type of macromolecule is DNA? ___________________________________________
4. What are the building blocks of DNA? ___________________________________________
5. What are the three parts of a nucleotide? _______________, _______________, __________
6. In DNA, which nitrogen bases always pair together? _____ and ____; _____ and _____
7. Where in the cell is DNA located? ______________________________
8. DNA is the instructions for how to make ______________________________.
Biology Objective: I can describe central dogma of biology and the steps of protein synthesis.
Homework 60 is due next class!

Activity 1: Think Pair Share

Directions: Imagine you are a construction worker in charge of constructing a building.
What questions would you need answered in order to make the building?

Activity 2: Cornell Notes

Biology Objective / Essential Question:
Main Ideas /

Genotype = _____________________________________________


Phenotype = ____________________________________________
o The Central Dogma of Biology:



o Stop-and-Jot: How does genotype determine phenotype?


RNA (Ribonucleic Acid):

o __________ - stranded
o Made of ___________________
o Each nucleotide has 3 parts: _____________________________,
______________________, _____________________________
o Has the nitrogen bases ___, ___, ___, and ___
o Stop-and-Jot: Fill in the table below
Double - stranded
Deoxyribose sugar

Main Ideas /

The DNA is the _______________________ for how to make proteins


But proteins are made at the _____________________

In order to get the information from the nucleus to the ribosome, the cell
makes a ___________ of the DNAs instructions. This copy is called
___________ (or _____________________ RNA).
This process is called ______________________________________

o Stop-and-Jot: What happens during transcription?


The mRNA leaves the nucleus and goes to the _____________________

_____________ (_____________RNA) molecules bring amino acids to
the ribosome.
The amino acids are put together to make a ______________!
This process is called ____________________________________

o Stop-and-Jot: What happens during translation?





Activity 3: Time to Practice!

Directions: Tear off the paper on the back of your daysheet. Cut out the words and images. Place them
into the appropriate circle. Then check your answers with your teacher before copying them down or
gluing them on your paper!



Summarize: Compare and Contrast DNA and RNA by completing the sentence-starters below.
DNA and RNA are similar because ______________________________________________________
DNA and RNA are different because ____________________________________________________

Directions: Use the word bank below to fill in the blanks






1. I am the molecule that contains the instructions for making proteins

2. I am the molecule that makes up your physical features (eye color, hair color, etc.)
3. I am the place in the cell where the DNA is located.
4. I am the place in the cell where proteins are made.
5. I am molecule that carries the instructions for making proteins from the nucleus to the ribosome.
6. I am the molecule that carries amino acids to the ribosome to make a protein.
Directions: Transcription and translation are the two main steps to making a protein. Fill in each of the
blanks below with either transcription or translation.
1. _________________________ occurs in the nucleus
2. _________________________ occurs at the ribosome
3. _________________________ uses mRNA instructions to make a protein
4. _________________________ uses DNA instructions to make an mRNA copy
5. _________________________ tRNA brings amino acids to form a protein

Directions: Protein synthesis involves a lot of steps and molecules. Follow the directions below to
label the steps and molecules in the diagram below.
1. Look at the two smaller boxes in the cell (A and B). Label one nucleus and one ribosomes.
2. Look at the two larger boxes (C and D). Label one transcription and one translation.
3. Look inside the transcription box (E and F). Label one molecule DNA and one mRNA.
4. Look inside of the translation box (G, H, I). Label the ribosome, mRNA, and tRNA.


Activity 4: RAFT
Role Yourself
Audience Your cells
Form Speech
Topic How you are going to make a protein. Make sure to include all of the major steps

(transcription and translation), and the major players (nucleus, DNA, mRNA, tRNA, amino
acids, and the ribosomes).

Okay cells, listen up! Today we are going to make some proteins and heres how:

HW60: Protein Synthesis

Biology I

Name: ________________________

Date: ______________

1. Fill in the chart below by putting a or X to if to show if DNA or RNA has the characteristic.
Example: Double-stranded

Made of nucleotide
Contains uracil
Contains thymine
Contains phosphate
Contains sugar deoxyyribose
Contains sugar ribose
2. Which of the following is true about both DNA and RNA?
A. double-strand
B. single-strand
C. contains phosphate
D. contains uracil
3. Which of these make up the primary link between a gene and the expression of a trait?
A. proteins
B. sugars
C. lipids
D. vitamins
4. Where does transcription take place in the cell?
A. ribosome
B. cytoplasm
C. nucleus
D. cell membrane
5. Where does translation take place in the cell?
A. ribosome
B. cytoplasm
C. nucleus
D. cell membrane
6. Which of the following are made directly from DNA?
A. mRNA only
B. mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA
C. mRNA and tRNA only
D. proteins
7. The purpose of TRANSCRIPTION is to
A. To make mRNA from DNA
B. To make copies of DNA

C. To make proteins from mRNA

D. None of the above

8. The purpose of TRANSLATION is to

A. To make copies of DNA
B. To make proteins from mRNA

C. To make mRNA from DNA

D. None of the above

Guanine (G)
Cytosine (C)
Adenine (A)
Thymine (T)
Uracil (U)
Nucleic Acid
Made of nucleotides
Deoxyribose sugar
Ribose sugar
Nitrogen bases
CANNOT leave the nucleus
CAN leave the nucleus

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