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* A digital Over is a Pre Determined # of samples at 0dBFS * -20dbfs = 0vu = For each scale in K-System 12 14 or 20 the answer will

always be 0vu * Calibration should always be 83dBSPL * When Dither is applied it adds random patterns of 1's and 0's to fill in LSB of a digital signal. * POW-R = pschoaccoustically optimized wordlengh reduction * Before 1948 all recording went str8 to acetate (vinyl) with no mastering engineer. * When cutting to vinyl, if you cut too low of a level the noise would be prevalent * The final durable reproduction of a record is the stamper * In 1982 the CD was the standard medium for reproduction * Never use Near field, Auratones, KRK-rockets for mastering. * Object Oriented process allows control in a DAW * Head & Tail should always be left by mix engineers for the mastering engineer. * Dither is something not to prepare for as a mix engineer * Song order is chosen by the Producer. * The 8 code channels on a RedBook is "P" * The difference in dynamic range between 16/44 and 24/96 = 48 dB * Floating Floors isolate motoring environments * Bass Traps minimize standing waves, reduce comb filtering, & cancel reflections

* AES XLR = 110 ohms

AES RCA=75 ohms

* Crossover and placement is necessary to minimize phase and keep center image focused * Gateway Studios is owned by mastering engineers Bob Ludwig * Used a fixed monitor gain will help translate to other studios * Passive Speakers are used in mastering because they do not distort. * Upward compression makes the loud sounds louder * Jitter is the time variation of a periodic signal usually in regard to a clock source. * Clock Jitter is usually part of a final recording * Limiting in mastering properly raise the apparent level a few dB with out degrading the signal * Optical Compressors look at only RMS part of a signal * Bandaxall is the most common stereo playback EQ built in most systems * ISRC is the P-Channel * EAN is a European Article Number

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