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Seeds are mature or ripened ovules. It has seed coat (testa and
tegmen), reserved food, and the embryo.
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Palay grains – monocot seed
Two types according to reserved

 Endospermic – with
reserved endosperm also
called albuminous.

 Non- endospermic
food reserved in
Seed types according to the
number of cotyledons

 Monocot seed –
with one cotyledon
called “scutellum”
– an absorptive

 Dicot seed –
with two cotyledons
 Transfer of fruits and seeds
from one place to another by
themselves or by external

Two types of dispersal

 by itself - Autochory
 External – through several
agents like
water, wind, animals.
External Agencies
 Water – hydrochory
 Animal – zoochory
attached to animal –
eaten by animals –
birds- ornithochory
mammals –
bats – chiropterochory
ants – myrmechory
 Wind – anemochory
Blowing In The Wind
Seeds & Fruits Dispersed
By Wind
Squirrel-Tail Grass. The long awns function like the
parachute bristles (pappus) of composites.
Fuzzy brown cattail spikes (Typha latifolia)
contain dense masses of tiny seeds.
The remarkable winged seed of the tropical
Asian climbing gourd Alsomitra macrocarpa..
Seeds of kalachuchi, malunggay,
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale).
The slightest gust of wind catches the elaborate
crown of plumose hairs, raising and propelling
each seed-bearing achene into the air like a
Calyx modified into plumes Wings on pericarp
dandelions Thumble weeds
The quipo tree (Cavanillesia platanifolia),
a remarkable rain forest tree in the bombax
family (Bombacaceae) with huge winged
Parachute seeds (plumose seeds) escaping
from the follicle of Nerium oleander. The crown
of silky hairs arises directly from the top of the
seed (not on an umbrella-like stalk.

An interesting one-seeded winged fruit that

spins as it falls through the air. It is called
"whirling nut“.
Gyrocarpus in the gyrocarpus family
Spinning fruits from Thailand. The
species ID of these fruits would be
greatly appreciated.
Sailing in the water
Fruit and Seeds dispersed by Water
Lotus fruit – spongy receptacle
Coconut fruit – impervious and buoyant pericarp
Traveling with animals

Fruit and seeds dispersed by

Devil’s claw fruit catches on the
legs of animals
Seeds that produce elaiosomes, oil bodies
that attract ants, which disperse the seeds
epizoochory while eating the elaiosomes as food.
Thowhorn fruit – spiny fruits
Fruit with barbs, awns and spikes that get
entangled in fur of animals
Barbs or hooks that stick to the fur of
Cocklebur fruits are well known to hikers.
Endozoochory – seeds pass through animal’s digestive system, aids in
Raspberries fruits
Edible but
indigestible seeds
– tomato, water
melon, aratiles,

Unedible seeds –
ampalaya, papaya,
bell pepper, squash,
Thank you and good day

Ross D. Vasquez

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