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A Waste of Time There are personal missteps in life that make you or break you It is not about a label

some doctor gives you to make you feel better It's about life and the ability or non-ability to cope and how to do Science has been all to long given the green light a political letter Common sense should answer any and all questions as to the whys Shootings of innocent people the why oh he was on depression pills Well now let's thank science for feeling good about killing nice guys Everything does not need a pill some just need taught coping skill's Don't take me out of context and say I'm not a doctor just look around Pharmaceutical companies are getting bigger and stronger why here take a pill Wake up take a pill, go to sleep, here take a pill even in our food to be found Why did that person snap chemical imbalance no you think the pills made more ill No that just couldn't be true science and doctors have all the answers; not common sense Yea that's right blame the gun idiot politicians more laws for law abiding how sublime The answers as to the why is right in front of our eyes all the pills make us all to dense More laws for law abiding citizens that will fix those law breakers what A Waste of Time 2013 I.M. Nobody

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