Kingdom Academy: Submitted Under The New Creation Realities Course in Partial Fulfilment of The

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New Creation Realities

Assignment No:


Rev. Vincent Odhiambo

Assignment topic:



2nd November 2012

Student No:

S/KA1001/JG 12

Submitted under the New Creation Realities course in partial fulfilment of the Diploma in Christian/Kingdom Ministries

1. How do you relate the title of the film with the New Creation Realities? The title of the movie Limitless is akin to the unlimited potential I have as a regenerated spirit-man; I can supersede the laws of nature as someone who operates in two realms simultaneously. 2. What in your view does the pill typify? The pill typifies the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that leads to my regeneration as a Christman upon salvation; the pill expands the mind of the lead, Eddy, allowing him to access previously unused parts of his mind, and subsequently his body. My transformation as a new man is made possible by the regeneration of my spirit (it comes alive) as I align myself accurately to the original ordering and functioning as created by God. 3. After taking the pill for the first time, Eddy walks into his house and notices the mess and cleans up. a. What would you compare this to in New Creation Realities? This is akin to confession and repentance as the new man is convicted by the Holy Spirit and begins to conform his life according to his new identity as a Christ-man. It is subjection of the flesh following transformation of the soul. b. How does this scene in the movie fail as an analogy in typifying your conclusion in a above? His cleaning of his room is a one off exercise, whereas the actual process of soulical transformation is life-long. 4. From the scene where Eddy jumps into the water from a high cliff, answer the following: a. What is the significance of the setting and how would you compare this to New Creation Realities? This is akin to baptism in the Holy Spirit; a complete immersion in the new spiritual reality. b. Following the leap Eddy made some statements while in the water, what would you liken his conclusions in the scene to New Creation Realities? Upon Holy Spirit baptism, there is a realisation of divine purpose; what the new identity is for. It often is a complete shift or about-turn from the track one was on before. It always leads to a much bigger and more significant occupation of ones earthly existence. 5. Having brokered the merger deal, Eddy was due to be paid 40 million dollars. The older man then follows that up with a lecture/stern warning to Eddy against competing with him. a) State the significance of this scene in the film. It highlights the difference between the two men; the old man came up the hard way, Eddy had a meteoric rise. It goes to the core of the story line that Eddy and the others on the pill are not limited to natures laws. b) Parallel this significance with a principle learnt in New Creation Realities As new creatures we have the possibility of operating in a different dimension to the material, natural one. We can access the supernatural at will. We are not the same as natural man. Our life script has changed. c) State the importance of this scene on the future plot of the film The limitation imposed by the old man becomes the next boundary for Eddy to breach, i.e. branching out on his own.

d) Parallel that importance with truth learnt in New Creation Reality Unlike in the film, we, new Christ-men, cannot branch out on our own. Our fulfilment comes from relationship with our Heavenly Father. We are limitless to the extent that we interact with Him and therefore have the life of God flowing through and in us. The minute we depart from Him we die. In Him is eternal life, not apart from Him. 6. As the film comes to a close, Eddy is garnering for a political post. Name the post and in your own view state why he is going for it. He is gunning for Senator; he is running as part of his inestimable ambition brought about by the mental limitlessness he experiences as a result of the pill. It is the next challenge; the next frontier. 7. It is my conclusion that as the film comes to a close the title of the film is actually fulfilled. a) Do you agree with me or not? Yes he found a way to enjoy the benefits of the pill without needing to continue taking them or suffering the side-effects. b) Explain why you agree or disagree He exhibited heightened intelligence on three occasions at the end, as well as stating that there were permanent improvements in the hardwiring of his brain allowing him to operate at an enhanced level. He clearly outwitted his former mentor and indicated that were he to place himself in a subordinate position to the former mentor, he (Eddy) would soon be on charge; i.e. the old man was now no competition for him. c) State the two incidents that confirm your position in (a) above i. He correctly predicted that the van would drive into the parked taxi with very little data, but with deep insight; ii. He accurately deduced that the old man had a heart condition from only casual observation.

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