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Dems Budget Invests in Jobs, Infrastructure to Bolster Economy

Senate Democrat Budget Committee Proposal Policy Area Policy Breakdown

Health Care and Entitlements Spending Defense Other

Cuts $275B in health care spending Retains current structure of Medicare Maintains the Affordable Care Acts expansion of Medicaid and implementation of health insurance exchanges Cuts $240B in defense spending by continuing military drawdown of overseas troops Invests $100B in infrastructure repair, job creation and workforce training Reverses scheduled sequestration cuts and calls for the cancellation of sequestration Extends tax cuts for middle class and low-income families Provides for $975B in savings by closing loopholes in the tax code and eliminating tax breaks and expenditures for wealthy Americans and large corporations Includes $242B in savings from reduced interest payments Provides $218B in additional revenue generated by cuts to domestic spending Reduces debt as a share of GDP by cutting the deficit over the next ten years Proposes $1.85T in deficit reduction, which, combined with $2.40T in deficit reduction measures already in place, leads to $4.25T in deficit reduction over the next ten years

Taxes Revenue Other Debt and Deficit Debt Deficit

Sources: Senate Budget Committee Fiscal Year 2013 Senate Budget Resolution.

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