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Salt water runs in our veins, my boy.

We may not have the magic of the Elves, or the steam engines of the Dwarves, but you wont find finer sailors in all the seas in all the world than the men of Arkos. Merchant Captain Ambrus Mihaly to his son.


The humans are thought to have originated in the mountains and forests of Svanurgast, and spread from there to the adjacent regions to the north, south and east. This was in a period when the Old World was sparsely settled by any race; the humans were primitive hunter gatherers, but they prospered and slowly developed their knowledge of the land and its flora and fauna. Then the orcs became more numerous, and being unable to harvest the resources of the land themselves, began to loot and pillage the settlements of humans, dwarves and elves. The orcs spread like wild fire across the land bringing about a time in history known as the Grotheperga Period. The other races were isolated and under pressure for many generations, the humans retreating to establish holdings in three main locations: the South Plains, the South Isle and the Arkos Islands. The humans were safe in their strongholds; able to keep the orcs at bay with their high, fortified walls. In the time since they had spread from the forests of Svanurgast, the differing branches of the human tribe had grown distant, and were no longer welcome in their ancestral home. As the years passed the humans divided into more and more clans, who were ever more distrustful of one another, and had to fight hard against both the orcs and each other for survival. The orcs were a ragtag bunch of savage tribes, able to steal, but not to create anything and they fought among themselves more than against their common enemies. The humans meanwhile, waited for the opportunity to strike back, developing their civilisation as the centuries passed. The humans on Arkos advanced the technology of shipbuilding on their sanctuary islands, while their kin in the South Plains regimented and disciplined their armies, led by one particular clan called the Corvus.

When one empire dissolves another emerges, and now it was the dwarven kingdom that thrived. Having beaten the orcs back they settled the lands from the north-west to the savannah of Rhyssinica and ruled the land for centuries, this came to be known as the Shandelfan period. They generally had friendly relations with the humans, who were able to lay the foundations of what became the Imperial State. Initially it was comprised of the Arkos clan, the Corvus clan (which later became the Corvinus), and the Dragutin, who had left the South Isle behind them and settled the lands above it. The South Isle is, however, still under Dragutin control and it is here that most of their military are trained. The human civilisation continued to develop, though they suffered under a feudal system that saw many corrupt or inept kings and warlords come and go. The Arkos and Corvinus indulged in frequent feuds, and when they were united it was to conquer land and fill the coffers of their treasure rooms with gold. Over the years various families vied for more power, looking to rise through the ranks, and soon two more families came to the fore: the Tepes and Vaka. Eventually the clans enhanced their status, and grew independent of each other, and soon became noble families, who realised that their infighting created weakness; the same weakness that they had seen cause the disintegration of the dwarven Empire of Shandelfan. The Imperial Council and with it the Imperial State was created, believed to be the solution to their squabbles, a theoretical device to limit their flaws and take advantage of their virtues.


The Arkos and Corvus allied together and began a campaign of war on land and sea against the Orcs, fortunately coinciding with attacks from the Elven and Dwarven nations. Together the two clans drove the Orcs out of the western continent, rescued the humans on the South Isle from their exile and marched east. The humans met with the Dwarven armies as they approached the Great East Spur, and it was here that the Orcs made their stand and finally halted the human and Dwarven advance.

The Imperial State is ruled by its five main noble families, the Corvinus, Tepes, Arkos, Dragutin and Vaka. The most senior nobles from these families chair the Imperial Council, which in turn elects the Imperial Overlord, who cannot be a present member of the Council. The members of the Imperial Council are elected by the nobles of the lands, whose votes are determined by the amount of taxes that their families contribute to the coffers of the Imperial City. The exact quantities paid are often disputed, leading to delays and investigations that come to nothing, and slow the machinery of government. The Imperial Council has complete control over the lands of the Imperial State, and makes all of the day to day decisions regarding running the armies, fleets and local government. Given that its members represent the main families, most of the edicts of the Council are beneficial to those families.

Internal Politics

Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules

Copyright 2008-2013 Spartan Games

The Imperial State has enjoyed several centuries of progression and expansion. Many of its people travelled north and east to settle independent Kasmyria, while several human clans that had co-existed with the families took advantage of the fall of Shandelfan to settle Bekel and Rhyssinica. All three of these lands have since come under the rule of the Thaniras Elves, a major new threat to the Imperial State. The elves have gained power at a time when the Imperial State is weakened by corruption, and ruled by an Imperial City that concerns itself with political rivalry rather than foreign affairs. The Council is currently led by two Corvinus, Duke Emin Kostic and Gertan Mesic, an Arkos, Duke Vir Dequene, and a Dragutin, Oleg Thematz. The Tepes and Vaka currently have no representatives on the Council having resigned their positions due to a major dispute with the Corvinus. The Imperial Overlord is Jochen Saranic, also a Corvinus, and a man obsessed with controlling the affairs of the other families.

scarred from battle, since the Vaka have always preferred battle to diplomacy, and lack large numbers of shipwrights.

The Dragutin are aloof, proud and wise; servants of knowledge and learning. They are the only nobles known for practising magic, a craft generally only excelled in by wizards that owe no allegiance to one family or another. The Dragutin tend to be preoccupied with the occult, and will pay wizards and alchemists highly for their knowledge. As such, the lands owned by the Dragutin include the headquarters of the majority of the magical fraternities and alchemical schools in the Imperial State. The Dragutin have had a strong interest in the lands of the Uncharted Seas, and were among the first to take the rumours of its existence from the ancient texts seriously. Now, with a chance to explore this land and meet with its rulers, Dragutin fleets are sailing forth from Krakolwa, their major sea port and capital. The family sees this as a voyage of discovery rather than conquest. The Dragutin heraldic symbol is a dragon and their sails are typically painted blood red; a colour they believe represents wisdom and knowledge.


The Corvinus own the largest territories of the Imperial State, including those that surround the Imperial City. As such they have the strongest political influence over the Council, and as a result are resented by the other families. The Corvinus nobles are always scheming against their peers, bent on enhancing their personal power and prestige. The Corvinus maintain the largest army among all the noble families, though most of their troops lack true experience. They have very few naval bases, so they pour money into those they do control, making them the most heavily fortified ports in the Imperial State. Their weakness lies in their lack of any immediate enemies, which makes them over-confident and complacent. The Corvinus benefit from bountiful farmland and large herds of livestock, supplemented by fisheries along their extensive coastline. They lack substantial industrial development, as their armouries are spread across their many towns and cities, the foremost of which is Besanizca. The Corvinus heraldic symbol is the red eagle, a bird native only to Nostica, the greatest land asset of the family. The sails of Corvinus ships are often a stark clean white colour, since the family has a large budget for its relatively small navy and can afford to regularly replace the sails. Corvinus ships are normally very well maintained and include all the latest human technologies.

THE Corvinus Family

The Arkos maintain the largest and best naval force of the Imperial State. Almost every Arkos citizen works and lives either near the sea or on it. The family has a long tradition of seamanship and their admirals have written most of the books of tactics considered standard reading for any naval officer. They ensure that Arkos shipwrights continue developing superior skills and they are responsible for almost every ship design commonly used by the Imperial Navy. The domains of the Arkos include many of the sea trade routes of the Old World that are vital for the economy of the Imperial State. However, the islands of Arkos only have a small amount of farmland, and as such are dependent on trade with the Tepes and Corvinus. Their capital is Arkruden; the only city on the islands, alongside a small number of towns. The Arkos heraldic symbol is the Terkash, a giant spiny sea serpent known to inhabit the waters of the Imperial State. The family models itself on this beast and its mastery of the sea. The sails of Arkos ships are typically dyed blue or turquoise and the hulls are often constructed from a grey coloured timber native to Arkos.

THE Arkos Family

The Vaka are a family of warriors; always the first to suggest the use of military force to solve disputes. Vaka nobles have a long tradition of military prowess, and they tend to measure greatness by achievements on the battlefield. They are characteristically hot headed and impetuous, with a lust for renown which often leads them to warmongering. The Vaka only have one port, which is also their capital, Rosannaberg on the Werder River. It is from here that they trade their two greatest exports, wine and war. The Vaka heraldic symbol is the lion, an animal common in the Vaka plains where it is still hunted for sport by the nobles. The sails of Vaka ships are commonly decorated with shades of green, a colour said to represent courage and strength. Vaka ships are often

THE Vaka Family

The Tepes were the first noble family to send a fleet to the Uncharted Seas, keen to fight and conquer the indigenous savages rumoured to inhabit the region. They got more than they bargained for however, when they became the first humans to come into contact with the Dragon Lords, losing all but one of the ships in their expeditionary fleet. The Tepes rule over a narrow stretch of hostile land to the west of Svanurgast, and the fertile plains to the west of Kasmyria. The Tepes heraldic symbols are the crescent moon and wolf, depicted together or singularly depending on the branch of the family. The wolf is white, while the moon is yellow on a black field. Many of the Tepes keep wolves as pets and hunting animals, while the crescent moon represents the famed ability of Tepes warriors to fight unhindered at night.

THE Tepes Family

Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules

Copyright 2008-2013 Spartan Games

Navies Of The Imperial Overlord

Swift, and with close range firepower brimming from every side, Falcons perform escort and reconnaissance duties within the Imperial Navy, then, if full battle is joined, the well drilled squadrons focus their combined firepower to isolate and cripple strategic targets. MARs: None Harrier Assault Balloons are subject to the following rules: Harrier Assault Balloons may be Deployed on a friendly Capital ship. Each Capital ship may carry ONE Harrier Assault Balloon. When launched, place the balloon anywhere within 3 of the ship. It can be placed Tethered. Harriers CANNOT be targeted until launched. Harriers DO NOT Activate the Turn they launch. Harriers are removed or Captured if the carrying ship is Destroyed or Captured. Harriers CANNOT Board other models and CANNOT Ram non-Flying models. Harriers CAN be Boarded by other Flying models which are capable of Boarding. Harriers can ONLY move in the direction of the wind. Harriers DO NOT count towards Hand Size.



Justice under the Overlord is harsh and uncompromising, life within the naval prisons is often viewed a crueller fate than the hangmans noose. It is less surprising then, that many choose the third option when it is presented. Crews of the Martyr Frigates know their duty well, they sail unswervingly into the jaws of the enemy guns, holds packed to bursting with explosives. Then, when burrowed well into the foes formations, they detonate their cargo in a catastrophic conflagration. Those crew who perish in the explosion are absolved of their crimes and said to have died with honour, any who miraculously survive are granted full pardon, and offered positions in the Navys ranks. Martyr Frigates may make the following Martyr Attack: Declare ONE Martyr to be the Lead. Roll a D6 for each other Martyr within 4 of the Lead. On a 3-6 it may contribute to the explosion, on a 1-2 it does NOT. Every model (friend or foe) within 4 of a Martyr that has successfully contributed to the explosion, suffers an Attack of 4 Attack Dice per contributing Martyr, plus an additional D3 for the Attack. For example, 3 exploding Martyrs would Attack every model in Range with (4+4+4+D3) 12+D3 AD. All Martyrs within 4 of the Lead are then removed from the Game Board, whether they contributed to the Attack or not. Any Martyr not within 4 of the Lead is free to act normally, or declare its own Martyr Attack, but DOES take damage if in Range of the explosion. If a Martyr is involved in a Ram or Collision, or is Destroyed by an opposing players Attack, it will immediately explode on a D6 roll of 5-6. This is resolved BEFORE any Ram/ Collision damage.

ONCE PER GAME Harrier Assault Balloons may Launch Gliders: At any point during its movement, a Harrier may Launch its 4 Gliders. Gliders may immediately perform a Boarding Action against a Surface model within 8. Any Gliders that fail to Board are removed from the Game Board. EACH Glider fights with a Crew Rating of 1. Gliders CANNOT take prizes. If the Gliders win a Boarding Action, their Crew will remain on board the ship and can be used to defend it against attempts to Capture it. The ship will drift as if it were a Derelict. Launching Gliders DOES NOT provoke Defensive Fire. If the Assault Balloon is destroyed by an enemy Weaponry Attack, roll a D6. On a 4-6 you may Launch Gliders before the model is destroyed. Each Balloon comes with FOUR resin tokens to represent the Gliders on the Game Board.

MARs: Spotter, Tether


MARs: None


At sea, where a sailor trusts his life to wood and canvas, fire is a truly terrifying weapon. The Kestrels flame cannon, a mammoth device bolted to its buttressed and iron plated prow, commands true fear in the Overlords enemies, and earns deserved respect from his allies. MARs: Flame Weapon (Fore), Iron Ram

When master designer Fernardo de la Cruz, of the House Tepes, first proposed the idea of the Harrier Balloon he was openly mocked by his peers. But he built it and tested it, and soon mockery was replaced with high praise. The Harrier serves two roles: spotting enemy targets to aid the gun crews, and to act as a platform from which elite, glider borne troops launch daring assaults.

Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules

Copyright 2008-2013 Spartan Games


Light and fragile, the Elementals sole purpose is to carry the fleets retinue of Wizards, along with their power enhancing devices, to wherever they are most needed. At sea, these powerful individuals can perform a variety of feats, including stirring their wake into an icy blizzard or imbuing water with restorative properties that can swiftly heal the injured. MARs: Arcane Amplifier, Wizardry


Devised by Arkos shipwright Gustav Mori, the Kingfisher mounts a modified whaling harpoon to its prow. The harpoons barbs latch deep into the enemys hull, and broad iron chains reel the vessel closer, disrupting formations and allowing the Kingfishers marine complement to seize another prize for the Navys coffers. MARs: Harpoon Weapon



Seventeen years I served aboard the Mercy, from the morning she sailed out of the dry docks of Arkruden to the day she limped, crippled beyond repair, into the port at Ios. Never once did she let us down, sailing faithful under four Captains and two Houses, spitting death at the inhuman scum who prowl these waters and always carrying us home safe. - Midshipman Elias Oszar, following the scuttling and salvage of the IOS Mercy. MARs: None

Like its namesake, the Eagle exhibits elegance, dignity and a predators wroth. Expansive sails billow gracefully in the wind, sending the mighty prow slicing through the waves until, when lodged in the thickest fighting, precisely manufactured cannons erupt from every side to sunder the enemy to smoke and splinters. MARs: None



The marines of the Imperial Navy are fierce, capable warriors, armed with the best their House can provide. Stalwart in their duties, they serve to not only protect their vessel, but to carry the fight to the enemy, with sabre and musket, when their commander demands. MARs: Crack Marines

The pride of the Imperial Navy and the cutting edge of human engineering, the Condor supplements its traditional sails with a newly developed steam engine. Any Admiral with the prestige or coin to afford one has seized the opportunity with both hands, as these rare vessels are both a powerful influence in battle and an imposing status symbol. This model can elect to either use Sails for 7 of movement OR Steam for 5 of movement when it is Activated. Wind: If it uses Sails it IS affected by the wind, if it uses Steam it is NOT affected by the wind. Movement Template: Large when the Flagship uses Sails, OR Medium when the Flagship uses Steam. When Activated, this model can repair 1 of its own HP on a D6 roll of 6. However, it can ONLY repair lost HP, and it CANNOT repair HP while involved in a Boarding Action. MARs: Mage Quarters


Matching a sturdy hull with an appreciable turn of speed, the Albatross is the vessel of choice for merchants and Navy supply chains alike. MARs: None


Created as a pure, front line war ship, the Vulture Squadrons have fast earned a reputation for uncompromising savagery. The third gun rank over the smaller Hawk has made them the chosen vessel to hunt the enemys largest and toughest ships. MARs: None

Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules

Copyright 2008-2013 Spartan Games

Falcon Class Frigate

DR 3 2 CR 5 2 MOVE

Points: 30

Martyr Class Frigate

DR 3 CR 5 2 MOVE RAM 2

Points: 25

12 RAM 2





Small Class Standard model Template: SMALL This model USES the wind direction Squadron Size: 2 to 4 Models MARs: None

Small Class Variant model Template: SMALL This model USES the wind direction Squadron Size: 2 to 4 Models MARs: None



1 2 3 4

4 3 -

4 3 -

4 -

1 2 3 4

4 2 4

Harrier Class Assault Balloon

DR 3 2 CR 5 2 MOVE

Points: 35

Kestrel Class Destroyer

DR 3 3 CR 5 3 MOVE

Points: 45

6+D3 RAM 1

10 RAM 3





Small Class Flying Special 3 model Template: NONE This model USES the wind direction Squadron Size: 1 to 3 Models MARs: Spotter, Tether

Small Class Standard model Template: SMALL This model USES the wind direction Squadron Size: 2 to 3 Models MARs: Flame Weapon (Fore), Iron Ram


1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

5 3 -

5 3 -

4 2 1 -

Elemental Class Sloop

DR 4 4 CR 6 6 MOVE

Points: 70

Hawk Class Cruiser

DR 4 CR 6 6 MOVE

Points: 55

9 RAM 4

9 RAM 4








Medium Class Special 2 Attachment model Template: MEDIUM This model USES the wind direction Squadron Size: N/A MARs: Arcane Amplifier, Wizardry

Medium Capital Class Standard model Template: MEDIUM This model USES the wind direction Squadron Size: 2 to 3 Models MARs: None


1 2 3 4

6 4 1 -

6 4 1 -

4 2 -

1 2 3 4

6 5 4 1

6 5 4 1

4 2 -

2 1 -

Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules

Copyright 2008-2013 Spartan Games

Albatross Class Troop Ship

DR 4 4 CR 6 5 MOVE

Points: 40

Albatross Class Cargo Ship

DR 4 CR 6 4 MOVE

Points: 35

8 RAM 4

8 RAM 4




Medium Capital Class Special 3 Attachment model Template: MEDIUM This model USES the wind direction Squadron Size: 2 Models MARs: Crack Marines

Medium Capital Class Special 3 Attachment model Template: MEDIUM This model USES the wind direction Squadron Size: 2 Models MARs: None




1 2 3 4

3 1 -

3 1 -

1 2 3 4

3 1 -

3 1 -

Vulture Class Heavy Cruiser

DR 5 5 CR 7 7 MOVE

Points: 75

Kingfisher Class Heavy Cruiser

DR 5 CR 7 8 MOVE

Points: 70

7 RAM 5

6 RAM 5




Medium Capital Class Variant model Template: MEDIUM This model USES the wind direction Squadron Size: 2 to 3 Models MARs: None

Medium Capital Class Variant model Template: MEDIUM This model USES the wind direction Squadron Size: 2 to 3 Models MARs: Harpoon Weapon




1 2 3 4

9 7 5 2

9 7 5 2

4 2 -

2 1 -

1 2 3 4

6 5 4 -

6 5 4 -

Eagle Class Battleship

DR 6 8 CR 11 9 MOVE

Points: 110

Condor Class Flagship

DR 6 CR 11 11 MOVE

Points: 140

6 RAM 8

7/5 RAM 9








Large Capital Class Standard model Template: LARGE This model USES the wind direction Squadron Size: 1 Model MARs: None

Large Capital Class Special 1 model Template: LARGE This model USES the wind direction Squadron Size: 1 Model MARs: Mage Quarters


1 2 3 4

14 12 10 5

14 12 10 5

7 6 5 -

4 3 1 -

1 2 3 4

15 12 10 5

15 12 10 5

7 6 5 -

4 3 1 -

Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules

Copyright 2008-2013 Spartan Games

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