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CorelDraw with its extensive text-handling & precision drawing features is the ideal tool for virtually a design project from logos & product packaging to technical illustrations & advertisements. APPLICATION WINDOW When you launch CorelDraw, the application window opens containing a drawing window. Although more than one drawing window can be opened, you can apply commands to the active drawing window only. Part 1. Toolbox Description A floating bar with tools for creating, filling, and modifying objects in the drawing 2. Title bar 3. Menu bar 4. Toolbar 5. Drawing window The area displaying the title of the currently open drawing The area containing pull-down menu options A detachable bar that contains shortcuts to menu and other commands The area outside the drawing page bordered by the scroll bars and application controls 6. Property bar A detachable bar with commands that relate to the active tool or object. For example, when the text tool is active, the text property bar displays commands that create and edit text. 7. Dockers A window containing available commands and settings relevant to a specific tool or task 8. Rulers Horizontal and vertical borders that are used to determine the size and position of objects in a drawing

9. Document navigator

The area at the bottom left of the application window that contains controls for moving between pages and adding pages

10. Drawing page

The rectangular area inside the drawing window. It is the printable area of your work area.

11. Status bar

An area at the bottom of the application window that contains information about object properties such as type, size, color, fill, and resolution. The status bar also shows the current mouse position.

12. Navigator

A button at the lower-right corner that opens a smaller display to help you move around a drawing

13. Color palette

A dockable bar that contains color swatches

1. PICK: Pick tool. Also known as the selection tool allows you to select, move, rotate, skew, and resize your objects. 2. SHAPE: The shape tool can be used to crop your bitmap images as well as make changes to individual characters of a text object. It. also allows you to shape ellipses (make an arc or a pie-slice), rectangle (to round all corners of a rectangle at once), and polygons (stars, pentagons for mirror editing). 3. KNIFE: Knife tool allows you to cut objects in two or create two sub paths (paths that are a part of the single object) from one path. It also allows you to reshape objects by redrawing their paths. 4. ERASER: Eraser tool allows you to remove unwanted portions of object. It removes the parts of the selected object that it passes over and closes any affected paths. 5. FREE TRANSFORM: Free Transform, tool allows you to change the orientation and appearance of the selected object. 6. FREE HAND: Freehand tool allows you to draw by dragging the mouse cursor across the page like a pencil or a paper.

7. BEIZER: Bezier. Tool allows you to draw smooth, precise curves node by node. When you use the Bezier tool, each click of the mouse places a node; you can control the curvature of the segments or segments that extend from it by positioning the node's control points (dotted lines that extend in opposite directions from the node). You can draw precise ^as and curves by using the control points and by placing each node individually. 8. PEN: Pen tool allows you to move the display in the drawing windows, by changing the view. 9. Zoom: Zoom tools allow you to reduce or magnify the view of your drawing. It lets you zoom in and out so that you are to have a detailed view of a particular area in your drawing. 10. RECTANGLE: Rectangle tools allow you to draw ellipses and circle. CorelDraw provides an option for converting the corners of a square or rectangle rounded. 11. ELLIPSE: Ellipse tool allows you draw Ellipse and Circle. CorelDraw provides an option for converting the circles or ellipse to arc. 12. POLYGON: Polygon tool allows you to draw polygons and Stars. CorelDraw allows you to modify number of slides for selected polygon. 13. SPIRAL: Spiral tool allows you to draw grid symmetrical and spiral shapes. The number of spirals for new to object have to be specified before you actually draw the object. 14. GRAPH PAPER: Graph paper tool allows you to draw grid that resembles graph paper. The grid contains number of grouped or squares arranged in the form of arrows and columns. 15. INTERACTIVE FILL TOOL: Interactive fill tool applies fountain fill to using the mouse. The property bar contains all the related information which is used to fill your object to make it more attractive. 16. INTERACTIVE TRANSPERANCY: Interactive Transparency tools are used to apply Transparency effect to any kind of fill in your object. 17. INTERACTIVE BLEND: Interactive Blend tool is used to apply blend effect to your object using mouse. For the options of blend tool refer to Effect menu.

18. INTERACTIVE DISTORATION : Interactive Distortion tool allows you to apply Push, Pull, Zipper or a Twister distortion to a selected object. The property bar contains all the related information which is used to distort your object. 19. INTERACTIVE ENVELOPE: Interactive Envelope tool allows you to create a new shape by dragging the nodes of the envelope which is placed at all side of object. 20. INTERACTIVE EXTRUDE: Interactive Extrude tool allows you to apply a 3 dimensional shading effect to your object. For the options of Extrude tool refer to Effect menu. 21. INTERACTIVE DROP SHADOW: Interactive Drop Shadow tool allows you to apply a 2 dimensional shading effect to your object. The property bar contains all the related information which is used to control shadow of your object. 22. OUTLINE TOOL: Outline tool allows you to change the attribute like Thickness, Color, Style, Arrowheads and Line caps of any line i.e lines rectangle or circle, etc. 23. FILL: When you click on Fill tool CorelDraw displays the fly out which contains the various options like Uniform fill, Fountain fill, Texture fill, Postscript fill and No fill.

I. FILE NEW: Creates a new drawing, represented by a blank Drawing page. NEW from Template: Open a New File Graphic Document with readymade designs. OPEN: Opens the Open Drawing dialog box, which allows you to select a file which has been created earlier. CLOSE: Closes the current drawing. If youve made any changes since you last saved your file, CorelDraw prompts you to save the file before closing. SAVE and SAVEAS: Saves your drawing under the name displayed in the Title Bar. If you have not saved the drawing yet, the Save Drawing dialog box appears, prompting you to enter a name.

REVERT: Removes all changes to the active Graphic Document since you last saved it. Use this command when you want to undo all changes you have made since you last saved the drawing including turning, deleting or inserting pages, printing and or pasting object to the Clipboard. EXPORT: To copy the picture in the new format. Steps to Export a Corel Draw drawing 1. Select the drawing 2. Click on file to Export 3. Type the name; select the format in which you want to save the file 4. Select the drive or directory in which you want to save then click on Export PRINT PREVIEW: Opens the Print Preview Setup dialog box, which allows you to see how youre drawing, will look before it is printed. PRINT SETUP: Opens the Print Setup dialog box which allows you to change the printer and printer properties such as paper size. DOCUMENT INFO: To display the information of opened Graphic Document like file name, type, location, size, etc.. You can print and save this information for future reference. EXIT: Ends the current CorelDraw session. If youve made any changes since you last saved your file, CorelDraw prompts you to save the file before exiting. II. EDIT UNDO: Reverses the action you just performed. The name of the command depends on the action you performed most recently. REDO: Restore changes reversed by the Undo command. Redo becomes available immediately after you click the Undo command. REPEAT: Repeats your last command or action, if possible.

DELETE: Removes selected text, objects or nodes. DUPLICATE Adds a copy of the current selection to your drawing. CLONE: When we clone (duplicate) any object or text, the changes made on original (parent) object like changing line thickness, filling color it affects on other (clone) object. SELECT ALL: To select all the objects or text or Guidelines displayed on the current page. COPY PROPERTIES FROM: Opens the Copy Properties dialog box, which allows you to copy properties from one object to another. HOW TO USE? 1) Create a object and apply your favorite fill and outline 2) Create another object and keep it selected 3) Now select Copy Properties From and select properties which you want to copy (Outline pen, Outline Color, Fill and Text Properties) and click on OK. 4) Mouse pointer becomes thick like this Take the pointer son the object from where you want to copy the properties. INSERT NEW OBJECT: Allows you to insert made picture from Microsoft Clip Gallery, or you can create a new be selecting the name of the applicat ion in which you want to create. III. VIEW SIMPLE WIREFRAME: Shows only outline of objects. WIRE FRAME: Hides fills and display monochrome bitmaps, extrusions, contours

and intermediate blend shapes i.e Objects display in skeleton form without fills or outlines. NORMAL: Shows all fills, except Postscript, all objects , and high resolution bitmaps. FULL SCREEN PREVIEW: To display your drawing in full size of the screen. You can also switch to the preview screen by pressing F9. PREVIEW SELECTED ONLY: This command is similar to the full screen preview command but here you have to select a drawing which you want to view in full size. COLOR PALETTE: The color palette is the quickest way to add colors to an selected object. The color palette is a tool bar that display a series of color. SCRAPBOOK: The scrap book is a small window which allows you to browse through the folder that notes the collection of clipart, photos, 3dmodels, and preset fills and outline as well as any File Transfer Protocol (FTP) FAVOURITE FILL AND OUTLINES: You can apply these fills and outlines to objects just by selecting the object and double click on the fill or outline which you want to apply. ROLL-UPS: Roll-up is a floating dialog box that contains a set of related CorelDraw controls. Unlike the dialog Boxes, the Roll-ups remain on the screen after you apply the commands contained by that roll-up. DOCKERS: A Dockers window is a dialog box that contains similar operations as most of the dialog boxes for eg. Checkboxes, list etc. TOOLBARS: A Toolbar is a group of buttons that provides quick access to a series of related commands.

PROPERTY BAR: The property bar will contain the overall drawing options such as the page size, orientation if no object is currently selected and if Pick tool is in use. STATUS BAR: Status Bar is an on-screen display area that display various information about your working environment, such as the colors used for fills and outlines, the position of your cursor, and the type of object that appears in the drawing window. RULERS: Ruler is a measuring tool which is displayed on the left side and along the top of the Corel Draw application window. This ruler is very useful in changing the size and position of the objects in your drawing. IV. LAYOUT INSERT PAGES: open the insert page dialog box, which allows you to add blank pages. Pages can be added either before or after the current page. DELETE PAGES: This command allows you to delete pages. When a page is deleted, the entire object on that page is also deleted. RENAME PAGE: Opens the rename page dialog box , which allows you to change name of the current page. GOTOPAGE: Opens the Go to page dialog box, which allows you to move from one page to another in the same document. PAGE SETUP: Opens the options dialog box, which lets you set the page size, layout, orientation, and more.


ARRANGE TRANSFORM POSITION: The Transform toolbar and the Property Bar, or the Position Roll Up, The transform toolbar and the property toolbar contain the basic tools required to change an object position in the drawing according to the Horizontal and vertical ruler. ROTATE: Like the other transformation tools, the rotation tools are effective, flexible and easy to use. SCALE AND MIRROR: Display the Scale & Mirror Roll-Up , Which allows you to change the scaling of a selected object with precision. SIZE: Sizing means to change objects dimensions horizontally and vertically while maintaining the objects proportions. Stretching means to increase an object size either horizontally or vertically. SKEW: Dragging an object skewing handles is the easiest way to add a slant to objects. The Free Skew tool allows you to skew the horizontal and vertical dimensions. CLEAR TRANSFORM: Reverses the following transformations and effects, allowing you to restore and object to its original size and orientation. ORDER: TO FRONT: This command is available only when you have one or more objects selected. TO BACK: places the selected object beneath all objects on its layer.

FORWARD ONE: Moves the selected object forward one on its layer. BACK ONE: Moves the selected object back one on its layer. GROUP binds the selected objects to create a single object. UNGROUP: This command is used to separate the grouped objects. COMBINE: It the combined objects overlap, the overlapping areas are removed to create Clipping holes. Clipping holes allow you to see objects that are behind. BREAK APART: This command is used to converts an object made up of multiple objects in to different objects. LOCK OBJECTS: This command Locks the selected object(s) which prevents it from being modified 01 moved in any way. UNLOCK OBJECT: This command Unlocks the selected object(s) allowing it to be modifies or moved. INTERSECTION: Intersecting two or more overlapping objects creates a new object using the area common to the original objects. Intersection creates a new object where they intersect. TRIM Trimming separates the parts at points where the objects overlap each other. Initially, the trimmed object may appear no different than it did before trimming. Move the trimmed objects apart to see the full effect of the trim. WELD: This command is used to join overlapping objects at points where they

intersect. Welding also removes sections of the path (Lines) between those intersecting points. There's no limit to the number of objects you can weld at one time. SEPARATE: Separates the original objects from intermediate shapes created by the Blend and Contour command and the extruded surfaces created by the Extrude command. CONVERT TO CURVE: Converts the selected rectangle, ellipse or text object to a series of curves and/or lines that you can shape with the Shape tool. Objects converted to curves are called curve objects. VI. EFFECTS ADD PERSPECTIVE: Puts a bounding box with handles at each corner around the selected object(s). Dragging the handles allows you to create one- and two point perspective views of the Object. ENVELOPE ROLL_UP: This command is used to apply and edit envelopes. You can apply envelopes to any object except bitmaps. Applying them to Paragraph text lets you reshape the frame to flow text around or inside objects. ADD NEW: Adds a rectangular envelope with eight handles. Dragging the handles reshapes the envelope in a manner determined by the Editing Mode buttons. When you click the Apply button, the contents of the envelope arc reshaped to conform to the shape of the envelope. ADD PRESET: Displays a selection of pre-shaped envelopes. Click the one you want then apply it to the selected object or edit it first. Note that when applied to Paragraph text, the preset envelopes are stretched proportionally to fit the text frame. For other types of objects, they are stretched non-proportionally.


BLEND ROLL UP: Blends one object into another through a series of object. First we have to type or draw a object and make a duplicate of that text or object. From the blend roll up we can select the number of Steps, Rotation, loop the rotation, and change the color by using Rainbow option. We can even accelerate the color and number of blend.

EXTRUDE ROLL UP: Adds surfaces to the selected object, making it appear threedimensional. Corel Draw links the object and its surfaces, allowing you to manipulate them as a single entity. a) DEPTH: Specify the kind of extrusion, the vanishing point, and how far you want to extend extruded surfaces. There are extrusion effects like Big back, Big front Parallel back etc. With parallel extrusions, the lines of the extruded surface are drawn parallel to one another. Front and Back refer to the place: the extruded surfaces with respect to the object. b) ROTATION: Displays controls for rotating the object in three-dimensional space. Click on the arrows to rotate the object in the direction you want. c) LIGHTING; displays controls for adjusting the intensity and direction of three possible light sources. d) COLORING: Displays controls for coloring the extruded surfaces. Use Object Fill: Fills the surfaces with the object's color. Solid Fill: Fills the surfaces with a color from the palette displayed by clicking on the color swatch. Shade Fills: The surfaces with a blend between two colors. Select the colors from the palettes displayed when you click on the from and To color swatches. CONTOUR ROLL-UP: Creates a series of concentric shapes radiating in or out from an object. The shapes will have tile same outline and fill as the object. You cannot

apply Contours to grouped objects, bit-maps or linked and embedded objects. LENS ROLL UP: The Lens Roll-Up contains eleven lenses which you apply to objects in your drawing. Applying a lens to an object causes the object to display through the lens. For e.g. adding the Magnify lens to an object and specifying a Magnify Amount of two causes the object to be magnified twice. COLOR ADJUSTMENT : The Color Adjustment tools, found in the Effects menu of CorelDraw, can be use control the relationship between the shadows, midtones, and highlights for object your drawing, as well as to adjust the brightness, intensity, lightness, and darken; your colors. POWER CLIP: With the Power Clip command in the Effects menu, an object(s) (the contents object placed inside another object (the container object) and the two become a unit know: a Power Clip object. CLEAR EFFECT: When you work on a drawing, CorelDraw keeps track of the operations and, commands you perform. If you make a mistake or change your mind about the effects on picture, you can clear them easily. Copy displays a submenu with commands for copying another object's envelope, perspective, blend, extrusion, contour, or power line to a selected object. When you choose the command, an arrow appears, which you use to click the object whose effect you want to copy CLONE: Displays a submenu with commands for cloning an object's blend, extrusion, contour, or power line to a selected object. When you choose the command, an arrow appears, which you use to click the object whose effect you want to clone.



BITMAP CONVERT TO BITMAP: If you don't have a bitmap (Paintbrush picture) to import in to CorelDraw, you'. Can convert Corel draw objects to bitmaps to access the various effects from the bitmap menu. Once you have a bitmap object in your drawing you can convert it to various color modes. A bitmap can be converted with respect to the color mode. You can select from Black and White (1-bit), Grayscale (8-bit), Duo--one (8-bit), Palettes (8-bit), RGB color (24-bit), LAB color (24-bit) or CMYK color (3-2bit) color modes. When converting a bitmap the active color mode appears dimmed. EDIT BITMAP: Opens the application in which the bitmap was created (usually Corel PHOTO-PAINT), allowing you to make changes to it. When you finish making changes and close the application window, the changes made in object'- is incorporated into your open CorelDraw file.

RESAMPLE: CorelDraw allows you to resample bitmaps in two ways: by increasing or decreasing its size, and by changing its resolution. CONVERT TO: Suppose if you want to change the mode of the object i.e. if you have object with RGB mode and you want to change it to CMYK mode. This command is available only if your object is bitmap object or if you have converted it to bitmap. 2D EFFECTS : CorelDraw has a wide range of professional-quality effects filters you can use to enhance or customize bitmaps. These filters can completely change the look and effect The Edge Detect effect finds the edges of elements in your bitmap, then converts them to lines on a background of a single color, allowing you to a variety of outline effects to your bitmap.


b) OFFSET: The Offset effect "shifts" the entire bitmap according to the values you s] When the bitmap is shifted, an empty area is produced where the bitmap previously positioned. Use the Offset dialog box options to fill the area, or another part of the bitmap, with another color. c) PRELATE: The Pixilated effect divides your bitmap into square, rectangular, or circular cells. Use the Square or Rectangular options to create a block}', exaggerated digital appearance or the Circular option to create a spider web effect. Experiment with the settings until you achieve the desired effect. d) SWIRL: The Swirl effect distorts your bitmap according to the direction and angle you select. The image swirls around a fixed center point in either a clockwise or counterclockwise direction, completing the number of whole rotations you set- A lower value in the Whole Rotations box will result in a swirling effect, while a higher value will result in a concentric, whirlpool effect. e) WET PAINT: The Wet Paint effect creates the illusion that your bitmap is a pain that is still wet. This effect can create illusions of colors to wet paint dripping down your bitmap. You set the percentage and degree of wetness.

3D EFFECT CorelDraw comes with six different three-dimensional special effects that give you bitmaps the illusion of three-dimensional depth. 3D ROTATES: The 3D rotate effect rotates the bitmap horizontally and vertically you set. The rotation is applied as if the bitmap we side of a three-dimensional box. EMBOSS: The Emboss effect creates a three-dimensional relief effect, which means that details in the bitmap appear to become three-dimensional ridges and crevices on a flat surface. The Emboss effect has its most dramatic effect on bitmaps that have medium to high contrast.

PAGE CURL: The Page Curl effect gives the impression that a corner of your bitmap has rolled in on itself. Controls in the Page Curl dialog box let you select a corner of the bitmap, the orientation and size of the curl, and its transparency level. PERSPECTIVE: An effect created by Increasing or Decreasing two adjacent sides of an object to create the impression that the object is receding from view in two directions. You can create two-point perspective by using Perspective command in the Effects menu. PINCH/PUNCH: The Pinch Punch effect warps your bitmap by either; pinching; the bi away from you or "punching" it toward you. MAP TO OBJECT: the Map to object effect creates the illusion that the bitmap has wrapped around a sphere or a vertical or horizontal cylinder. For best result with the horizontal and vertical cylinders, try using a high Percentage setting. BLUR: CorelDraw comes with three different blur effects that allow you to alter the pixels of your bitmaps to soften, smooth edges, blend, or create motion effects. GAUSSIAN: The Gaussian Blur effect produces a hazy (dull) effect. This effect can improve the quality of bitmaps with sharp edges. MOTION: The Motion Blur effect creates the illusion of movement in a bitmap. The direction of motion is selected using the Direction dial. The intensity of the effect controlled using the Speed slider. Higher values create a greater blurring effect. SMOOTH: The Smooth effect result's in only a slight loss of detail while something the bitmap. The Smooth effect is very subtle; in fact, you may have to zoom in to see its impact. You can set the intensity of the effect and you can, several times. NOISE: CorelDraw comes with two different noise effects that create, control

eliminate noise. Noise refers to the graininess of a bitmap, when random pixel; surface of a bitmap resemble static on a television screen. ADD NOISE: The Add Noise effect creates a granular effect that adds a texture to a flat or overly blended bitmap. There are three options available: Gaussian and Uniform. REMOVE NOISE: The Remove Noise effect softens the bitmap's appearance. Higher values cause less noise removal; lower values, cause greater noise removal. SHARPNESS EFFECT CorelDraw comes with two different effects that sharpen the pixels of your bitmap to focus and enhance edges. SHARPEN: The Sharpen effect soften the edges of the bitmap by finding the edges and increasing the contrast ARTISTIC : CorelDraw comes with three different artistic special effects that allow you to add some creative touches to your bitmap. GLASS BLOCK: The Glass Block effect mimics the effect of viewing an image through a number of blocks of glass. You can set the dimensions of individual blocks; since Width and Height values are set in pixels, smaller values will produce a low level pixilation effect, while larger numbers produce a diamond glass pattern. You will achieve the best results using values between 25 and 75. IMPRESSIONIST: The Impressionist effect gives a bitmap the look of an impressionist painting by grainy (dotted) effect of more or less same color.


VIGNETT: The Vignette effect creates a frame around your bitmap. A vignette can have a soft or hard edge, can be one of four shapes, and can be virtually any Use a vignette to create dreamy or shady effects, or give an old photo an attractive frame. COLOR TRANSFORM EFFECT: CorelDraw comes with two Color Transform effects that allow you to change the colors in your bitmap. PSYCHEDELIC: The Psychedelic effect changes the colors in your bitmap to bright, electric colors such as orange, hot pink, cyan, lime green, and others. Use low values to achieve some interesting effects. SOLARIZE: The Solarize effect transforms colors so that they appear like those (photographic negative. This effect is more pronounced when applied bitmaps. VIII. FORMATTING TEXT Formatting options for specifying font type, weight, size, spacing, and character properties are available for both Artistic text and Paragraph text. For graph text, you also have options for adding tabs, indents, bullets, automatic hyphenation, and drop caps. You can format text using the Property Bar, the Text tool the Format Text dialog box. Many of the formatting options you use most oft available on the Property Bar. If most of your work consist formatting text, you might want to display the Text toolbar to provide access options. To display the Text toolbar, click View, Toolbars, then enable the Text box. For more advanced options, use the Format Text command in the Text menu the Format Text check box on the Property Bar. EDIT TEXT: Artistic text Paragraph text can be edited directly in the Drawing Window or in the Edit Text dialog box. You might want to edit in the Drawing Window to display how the text fits in to documents overall design and use the Edit

Text dialog box to apply textual changes quickly. EXTRUDE TEXT Lets you create three-dimensional text (more-or less same as extrude effect shading). Extrude Text is available when you select Artistic text. FIT TEXT TO PATH Fits the selected text object to the path traced by the outline of a selected be triangle, circle, rectangle or any such type of complete object. You can type of path i.e. whether you want text above, below or on the line of the; from the property bar or Fit text to path rollup. ALIGN TO BASELINE to align a text on any type of Line or straight line to left, right or center. or bottom of a line. STRAIGTHEN TEXT To increase or decrease the text size when we select the text for path. WRITING TOOL The sophisticated writing tools enable you to correct errors in; grammar, correct mistakes automatically, and help you refine your writing style. SPELL CHECK ; The sophisticated writing tools enable you to correct errors in grammar, correct mistakes automatically, and help you refine style. GRAMMETIC: Use Grammatik to check your document for spelling, grammar errors, and style. THESAURUS: The Thesaurus displays a list of synonyms, antonyms, definitions and examples of usage for words for which you request. You can use the Thesaurus to look up a specific word in a document, or you can type a word for which .you want to find a definition.


TYPE ASSIST: With Type Assist, you can correct capitalization errors automatically and create shortcuts to frequently used words .and phrases. CHANGE CASE Allows you to change case of your text i.e. UPPER CASE (capital), lower case (small), Sentence case, Title Case, tOGLE cASE. TEXT STATISTICS Opens the Statistics dialog box, which summarizes the text present in your current file such as the number of lines, number of words, number of characters, number of fonts used, and more. If no objects are selected, the text elements that are present in the entire document are summarized. If you select one or more objects, only the text elements that are present in the selected objects is presented. IX. X. TABLE Create table and modify that table (Insert, delete, split, merge etc.). TOOLS CREATE ARROW the arrow you create can be any size you can adjust the size later using the Edit Arrowhead dialog box. - There are two limitations, however. First, the number of arrowheads is limited to 100. If you already have this many and want to create new ones, you must delete some of the existing ones first. Second, if the arrowhead consists of more than one object, all objects must be combined using the Combine command. CREATE PATTERN Lets you create your own Two-Color and Full- Color pattern files. XI. WINDOW You can show or hide the tool bar. Then arrange the window horizontally or vertically.


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