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Case Study byGroup II Akshay Sahu Amardeep Tirkey Anup Haldar Apurva Sinha A.


Vernacular architecture is a term used to categorize methods of

construction which use locally available resources and traditions to address local needs and circumstances. Vernacular architecture tends to evolve over time to reflect the environmental, cultural and historical context in which it exists. It has often been dismissed as crude and unrefined, but also has proponents who highlight its importance in current design. The building knowledge in vernacular architecture is often transported by local traditions and is thus based largely - but not only - upon knowledge achieved by trial and error and handed down through the generations, in contrast to the geometrical and physical calculations that underlie architecture planned by architects. This of course does not prevent architects from using vernacular architecture in their designs or from being firmly based in the vernacular architecture of their regions.

Influences In Vernacular
Vernacular architecture is influenced by a great range of different

aspects of human behaviour and environment, leading to differing building forms for almost every different context; even neighbouring villages may have subtly different approaches to the construction and use of their dwellings, even if they at first appear the same

Climate One of the most significant influences on vernacular architecture is the

macro climate of the area in which the building is constructed. Buildings in cold climates invariably have high thermal mass or significant amounts of insulation. They are usually sealed in order to prevent heat loss, and openings such as windows tend to be small or non-existent. Buildings in warm climates, by contrast, tend to be constructed of lighter materials and to allow significant crossventilation through openings in the fabric of the building.

Buildings for a continental climate must be able to cope with

significant variations in temperature, and may even be altered by their occupants according to the seasons.

Buildings take different forms depending on precipitation levels in the

region - leading to dwellings on stilts in many regions with frequent flooding or rainy monsoon seasons. Flat roofs are rare in areas with high levels of precipitation. Similarly, areas with high winds will lead to specialised buildings able to cope with them, and buildings will be oriented to present minimal area to the direction of prevailing winds.


The way of life of building occupants, and the way they use their shelters, is of great influence on building forms. The size of family units, who shares which spaces, how food is prepared and eaten, how people interact and many other cultural considerations will affect the layout and size of dwellings.
Environment and materials

The local environment and the construction materials it can provide governs many aspect of vernacular architecture. Areas rich in trees will develop a wooden vernacular, while areas without much wood may use mud or stone. In the Far East it is common to use bamboo, as it is both plentiful and versatile. Vernacular, almost by definition, is sustainable, and will not exhaust the local resources. If it is not sustainable, it is not suitable for its local context, and cannot be vernacular.

Area of Case Study

Mana Gaon 15 kilometers from Raipur , Chhattisgarh
Climate- The tropic of Cancer passes through

Chhattisgarh hence it gets warmer in the northern part after 2nd march. Its a region of high rainfall.

House 1
House is near Doomertarai

wholesale Market.
It was created in 1988 and is registered to

It has 09 Rooms and a courtyard. This house is divided for three families. Each family

has an average of 8 people.

No toilet is provided. Walls Walls are made up of Mud mixed with grass and rice

husk for strength purpose.

No reinforcements are provided inside the walls.

The walls are plastered with off white locally available

mud called as CHUHI mud. No windows are provided inside the rooms.

Front Faade of the House

Total Area of the House- 21m x 17m - 357 m2

Right Faade of the House

Courtyard area 15m x 5 m

Courtyard has Mud flooring which is very unstable in Rainy season. Some plantation is also done in the courtyard.

Large 2m x 1.50 m window is provided In the wall closing the corridoor.

400 mm Thick Columns made up of mud and bricks are provided to carry load of the roof.

Plinth is Made up of pure MUD laid a feet deep to the ground. The plinth is approx 1 foot ( 30 cm) in height.

Attic (Patav) is provided in the first room

Niche is provided in almost every wall in the house for multipurpose.

Bamboo Sticks runs through the room and provides base for Attic.

Ledged, Braced and Batten doors are used.

The Roofing is done with Bamboo sticks and timber and is covered with Country tiles .

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