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eas 1 Company Structures Reading 1 Read the first paragraph of the text about MIS Systems Corporation and complete the following ‘fact file’. IMTS Systems Coxporation Headquarters in » Specialises in 2 EEE EEE EEE Factories located in + and No. of employees « 2 Now read the rest of the text, in which Bernard Levesque describes the organisation of MTS Paris, and contplete the organisation chart opposite. ‘My name's Bernard Levesque ond I'm the Technical ane Quality Manoger ot MTS in Paris and work within the MTD — the Materials Testing Division, which makes equipment used by industria firms to test the strength and durability of naterials lke plastics, mezals and so forth, Were a subsidiary of MTS Systems Corporation, an American firm based in Minneapalis. MTS employs roughiy 2,200 people worldwide and is a feading supplier of inechanice! testing and simulation equipment, Our mgjar development and manufacturing operations are located in the US, Fronce and Germany, and we have sales and service offices around the world, Before | describe the organisation of my department, outline the structure from the top, starting with Werner Ongyert. our CED, who oversees all aspects of our activities here, Just below him is the General Menager jacques Mordelet, wha is my immediate superior. Then there's Spviane Yiloret, the Human Resources Director, ond Genevieve Cometti, the GM's Secretary, who olsn report directly to him, We have a management team that includes myself Dominique Faurieux, the Sales Manager, fean-Frencais Reinauld, the Finance Manager, and of course, jacques ‘Mardelet, who is also the Morketing Manager There ore also twe new departments ~ Customer Service and NYD, the Noise and Vibration Division — headed by Louis Regnier and Patrick Dhommee respectively Now, getting back to the way my department is organised, 'm responsible for operations, so I'm in charge of Purchasing and Pianeing, R&D and Quality, The Purchasing and Plenning Department schedules production based on orders provided by the soles team and forecasts from the Marketing Department. In R&D, there ave three sub-departments ~ Mechanical Engineering, Electronics, and Software Engineering — which are involved in developing now products and modifying existing products to meet custemer demands. They receive technical specifications from the Marketing Department and provide drawings, @ ports (ist and ossembly lastructions, Nothalie Launay works closely with me on Quality ~ an areo that. takes up nearly a third of my time, And finally there's the head of Shipping, 19s well as the person in chorge of Assembly, who also report to me, Company Structures i —= r INMETS Paris —— z 5 a I 1 fs 6 Technical and bi . ? Quality Manager LC L I Purchasing and | [' a iz is Planning EEE SESE eb eEEen Mechanical a ts. Engineering Vocabulary 3 Circle the word that does not belong in each horizontal group. firm company society subsidiary salary manager engineer employee 1 2 3 fimance product planning marketing, 4 ship assemble customer purchase plant facility patent —_factory A Match the following definitions to the groups of three words that you identified above. a b a e 5 1 2 3 manufacturing sites stages in the manufacturing process _ people who work in a company ae types of business organisation TEE different departments in a company _ Match cach of the words that you circled with the following definitions. payment for work, usually monthly. ‘an item that has been made an organisation or club with members who share similar interests, a document that gives the exclusive right to make or sell a new product 1a person who buys goods or services ra) one Language Focus Present perfect and past simple 6 Complete the following company profile with elther the present perfect or past simple tense of the verb in brackets Procter & Gamble | Aas been (be) in the soap business since William Procter and James Gamble 2 (form) their partnership in 1837. In order to raise capital for expansion, the partners * (set up) a comporate structure in 1890, with an appointed president at the helm of the company. It (undergo) further restructuring in 1955, with the creation of individual operating divisions to better manage their growing lines of products. John £. Peppers (lead) the company since 1995, when he was elected Procter & Gamible's ninth Chaitman and Chief Executive Officer. The same year, the company & (move) from managing the business under two geographic areas, US and International, to four regions - North America, Latin America, Asia, and Europe/Middle East/Africa Ivory soap, which 7 (become) a common household name, # (come) onto the market in 1879. With the introduction and instant success of Tide laundry detergent in 1946, Procter & Gambie »__ (embark) on a strategy of rapid growth into new product lines as well as new markets around the world. The firm's commitment to innovation in technology @__ (help) Tide to remain their Single largest brand over the years. Perhaps the product that ___ (have) the greatest impact, however, is Pampers, the disposable nappy which they ‘2______ (launch) in 1961 ‘As a result of their aggressive expansion policy, Procter & Gamble sales ve (reach) $10 billion in 1980, Since then the company i (quadruple) the number of consumers it can serve with Its brands - to about five billion people around the world. In 1998 sales w__(rise) to $37.2 billion, Describing changes 7 Read the following sentences describing changes and decide if the verb or oun underlined is correct or incorrect. If it Is correct, put a tick (/) in the space provided. If itis incorrect, write the correction. 1 2 Domestic sales of toothpaste have raised by 4.5% over last year ison (or increased / gone up) Procter & Gamble increased its market share in the Busopean personal care category with the acquisition of the Blendax {ine of products. ‘The consolidation of product development operations in Asia brought about a reduce in the research and development staff ‘The candle part of the business saw a rapid decline after the electric light bulb was invented, “The successful nationwide marketing campaign rose shampoo sales dramatically “With the introduction of efit packs for liquid laundry detergents, packaging was reduced by 65%, Consumption of traditional cotton nappies has dropped dramatically since the introduction of the disposable nappy. ‘There was @ 10096 raise in business in South Aftica in 1994,

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