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Technical Description of Flow-Mixed Asphalt KGO-III

Publication 2008:95

Technical Description of Flow-Mixed Asphalt KGO-III

Forword This document is a technical description of flow-mixed asphalt type KGO-III. It contains conditions and control of material, production and final product for bitumen-bounded layers manufactured according to the KGO-III method. It also describes the technique as well as gives advices for using the method. This document shall be used for all tenders concerning bitumen layers, together with NRAs documents AMA (Construction 07) and VVTBT (Bitumen-bounded layers). Borlnge 2008-06-24 Per Andersson Head of the Road Technique Section of The National Road Administration

This is an English version, translated by Sven Modig, of the Swedish document Teknisk beskrivning av fldesblandad asfalt KGO III edited by The Swedish National Road Administration.

Title: Teknisk beskrivning av fldesblandad asfalt KGO III Publication: 2008:95 Edition date: June 2008 Editor: The National Road Administration Contact person: Torbjrn Jacobsson ISSN: 1401-9612 Distributor:, telephone: 0243-755 00, fax: 0243-755 50, e-mail:

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Technical Description of Flow-Mixed Asphalt KGO-III

Publication 2008:95

Technical Description of Flow-Mixed Asphalt KGO-III..................................................................................1 Forword................................................................................................................................................................1 Title: Teknisk beskrivning av fldesblandad asfalt KGO III..........................................................................1 Content.................................................................................................................................................................2 Introduction..........................................................................................................................................................3 The flow-mixing method KGO-III..................................................................................................................3 Which pavements are suitable for KGO-III.....................................................................................................4 Composition conditions........................................................................................................................................4 Requirements at manufacturing, performing and control of the final product....................................................5 Requirements at the manufacturing.................................................................................................................5 At start-up and rebuilding of the plant.............................................................................................................5 At production...................................................................................................................................................5 Requirements at the performing......................................................................................................................6 Verifying of delivered asphalt mix and final pavement..................................................................................6 Remuneration and regulation..............................................................................................................................7 Remuneration...................................................................................................................................................7 Regulation........................................................................................................................................................7 Requirements on wear layer mix of type AB11....................................................................................................8

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Technical Description of Flow-Mixed Asphalt KGO-III

Publication 2008:95

Introduction The purpose of this document is to be used at tenders and executions of paving where the flow-mixed method KGO-III should be used. The conditions demanded in the document are based on several years of experience of using the method. Cursive text means advices. One of the biggest problems concerning production of asphalt paving is in-homogeneities in the asphalt mix, which by time can lead to damages and shortened life time of the paving. KGO-III is a patented mixing process, where the asphalt mix gets a more homogeneous composition, and where the coarse stone material gets a complete coverage of bitumen as well as a thicker bitumen film than at conventional mixing. The method has furthermore several positive impacts on the environment, e.g. less binder consumption, lower mix temperature and reduced discharge of waste gases from the heating process. The method is available for all contractors. KGO-III has been tested by all bigger contractors. A number of studies have been performed showing the following results: Good homogeneity of the mix and excellent bitumen coverage on the coarse material. The production temperature can be prominently reduced but still the compaction and pavement properties remain. Less asphalt smoke and less bitumen aging than for conventional mix. The binder share can be reduced by 0.5% (5 litre per ton) in the wear layer. Good lasting (durability) since the bitumen is more effectively used and the mix gets a more homogeneous composition. All asphalt production plants may not use the method (e.g. not functioning for drum mixing plant). Some asphalt plants get lower capacity by longer mixing process. At paving, the asphalt mix has been experienced as tougher than conventional asphalt. Production according to the KGO-III method demands careful management and control.
The flow-mixing method KGO-III

In order to give the asphalt mix as good consistency and homogeneity as possible, the components will be mixed in a certain order. The coarse ballast components (>4 mm) come first into the mixer at the same time as the bitumen. In the next step the filler is evenly spread into the mix by using a metal plate. At last the fine ballast components (0-4 mm) are added. This mixing procedure achieves a more even distribution of the filler and of the bitumen in the asphalt mix as well as the surfaces of the coarse ballast get a thicker coverage of the binder. The mixer must be modified for flow-mixed asphalt when using this method.

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Technical Description of Flow-Mixed Asphalt KGO-III

Publication 2008:95

Which pavements are suitable for KGO-III

When production of asphalt mix of type ABT, ABS, TSK, ABb and AG it will be suitable to use the KGO-III method. For ABT, ABS and ABb the bitumen share shall be reduced compared to the demand mentioned in the document VVTBT (Bitumen-bounded layers). For TSK and AG the binder share shall not be reduced. KGO-III is mainly used for asphalt mixes with maximum stone size larger than11 mm. PMB has been well functioning in the production, if the mix is proportioned according to the KGO-III specification (table 1). The method is also well suitable for the production of AB11, which is a mix type specially adapted for the KGO-III method (attachment 1). AB11 is well usable for roads with DT <2000 vehicles, e.g. through villages. It is also suitable for roads aimed for walking and bicycling as well as being adjustment mix for edge hang. For heat covering, like remixing and repaving, maximum 11 mm stone size is recommended. Composition conditions For the proportioning a trial mixing in an asphalt plant is preferable (if possible), since after a laboratory mixing it can be difficult to recreate the KGO-III qualities of the asphalt mix. However, it is an advantage, if - apart from the binder - also the amount of filler is varied at the proportioning. Existing recipes for conventional mixes can with correction of the binder content and to a certain degree of the grain curve still be the foundation for the proportioning of KGO-III mixes. The demands mentioned in the document VVTBT (Bitumen-bounded layers) are valid with a few exceptions even for asphalt mix made according to KGO-III. The binder content is lower or the same compared to conventionally made mixes (see table 1). A certain correction of the grain size distribution may be necessary, especially for ABT-mixes. The mix should be proportioned in such a way that the content of material bigger than 4 mm is a little higher than for conventional mix. However, the slope of the grain size curve must not be too steep in the 2-8 mm part. Thus the content of material passing between the 2 mm sieve and the 4 mm sieve should be maximum 8% and between the 4 mm sieve and the 8 mm sieve maximum 18%. This applies for all asphalt mixes. However, the grain size distribution must still comply with current demands. For all types of mixes the adhesion means should be used according to the prescript demands. Addition of limestone filler can give a positive effect on all asphalt mixes, regarding softness and packing ability as well as constancy. The binder content shall be corrected according to table 1. At the proportioning the binder content shall be as high as possible without deteriorating the mix consistence or risking binder drain. Table 1. Demands on asphalt mix made according to KGO-III. The binder content concerns corrections relative to demands in the document VVTBT.

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Technical Description of Flow-Mixed Asphalt KGO-III

Publication 2008:95

Quality parameters Correction of binder content, weight %

AG 0

ABb -0,2

ABS * -0,5

ABT* -0,5


* Lowest accepted binder content (recipe value) is 5.6%. The calculation values for respective pavement type shall be corrected according to table 1. In order to control that the mixing gives the expected result the mix shall be verified by TOD testing. The demand according to the TOD-method (see specific document) must be fulfilled. The test bodies shall be made from asphalt mix by Marshall packing (SS-EN 12697-30). Requirements at manufacturing, performing and control of the final product If addition of cold return asphalt, the mixing time of the coarse fraction shall be a little longer. The right mixing time shall be controlled by TOD. Addition of cold return asphalt (maximum 20% asphalt granulat) can make it easier to keep a lower manufacturing temperature on a constant level. The return asphalt is added as a coarse fraction.
Requirements at the manufacturing At start-up and rebuilding of the plant

Before a test paving the asphalt plant shall have gone through the start-up procedure of the KGO-III method. The procedure is described in a specific document Protocol for start-up of an asphalt plant. A test paving shall be performed for verifying a functional process. The test paving can be part of an ordinary project and shall comprise 100-300 m2. The void content shall be measured from two samples, which are drilled out of the final pavement layer. Grain size distribution, binder content and TOD analysis shall be performed on two mix samples from the paving trough. If the TOD demand is not fulfilled, the mixing process and the working recipe must revised.
At production

Requirements and testing applies for each type of mix according to the actual tender documents with following additions: Manufacturing temperature shall be between 130-140oC. Suitable target value is 135oC. The temperature must not exceed 150oC at any part of the process, since this could damage the asphalt mix. Avoid using conventional method and KGO-III during the production phase, as this may result in temperature disturbances.

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Technical Description of Flow-Mixed Asphalt KGO-III

Publication 2008:95

Control that the fine fraction in the warm pocket of the plant does not contain abnormal much filler. The fine fraction 0-4 mm may contain maximum 1% filler of all stone material weight. The control shall be performed at start-up and at intervals of 1 sample per 2000 ton asphalt mix. If the filler amount is small and no problems can be seen after 5 samples, the control can cease. The control shall be re-established, if any problem with the asphalt mix occurs or if damp is feared to be in the fine fraction (e.g. in the autumn). Control the consistence of the mix by TOD analysis (one sample per 2000 ton mix). Control the temperature in the asphalt mix regularly (once per working shift). As the temperature of the ballast is considerably lower at KGO-III manufacturing, there is a certain risk for incomplete burning of the heating oil in the dryer drum. Therefore it is recommended that the smell of the heated ballast material is extra carefully controlled during the start-up phase. Any smell of heating oil or of unclean combustion must not appear. The control shall be registered in a log. If no problem is seen during the start-up phase, only random samples need to be taken (e.g. one sample per 5000 ton). If the mix does not stand the TOD demand, or if the composition of the asphalt mix does not apply with the working recipe, control the manufacturing process.
Requirements at the performing

Paving is performed by using normal paving equipment. The KGO-III mix is tougher to pave and not equally easy to pave by hand as conventionally made asphalt. Too warm asphalt mix often gives fat parts in the middle of the paving line. Control the temperature often. The occurrence of roller cracks may depend on many causes. Control that the roller scheme is followed and that the temperature is not too high. The composition of the mix may also affect the occurrence of cracks. These cracks seem to heal by easy cold rolling. At paving joint, the height of the paver does not need to be equally high. In fact, there might be a risk for an uneven joint, if not slightly lowering the paver height. The reason for this is that the mix is more compact from the beginning and does not pack equally much by the roller. The mix is often more ductile, and the continuous advance of the paving machine ought to be prioritized in order not to get any deformations at load changes.
Verifying of delivered asphalt mix and final pavement

Requirements and testing applies for each type of mix according to the actual tender documents with the following addition: The requirements for delivered asphalt mix and final pavement (quality control) in the document VVTBT (Bitumen-bounded layers) is valid also for flow-mixed asphalt but with following deviation for all wearing layers: Accepted deviation of the binder content may be

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Technical Description of Flow-Mixed Asphalt KGO-III

Publication 2008:95

maximum +0.4% and minimum -0.3% for a single sample and +/-0.2% for the average of four samples. Remuneration and regulation

If stimulation contribution is not mentioned in the tender documents, the contractor will be remunerated with 15 SEK/ton asphalt mix as compensation for the license fee and eventual increased production costs. The contractor is responsible for paying the license fee to the patent holder.

Binder content, grain size distribution and void content are regulated in a common way.

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Technical Description of Flow-Mixed Asphalt KGO-III

Publication 2008:95

Attachment 1

Requirements on wear layer mix of type AB11 Quality parameter AB11 Bitumen content, % 5.5 (70/100) 5.4 (160/220) Passing at 0.063 mm, % Passing at 2 mm, % Passing at 4 mm, % Passing at 8 mm, % Void content (drill sample), % 7-9 27-32 30-40 (< 8 %*) 40-58 (<18 %*) 1.5-4.0

* Value within parenthesis shows maximum increase relative earlier control sieve.

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