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NIEC , EI 4 year, 7th Sem


Digital Measurement Technique Assignment - 2

Q - 1 Using block diagram explain the measurement of the product of two frequencies & the ratio of two of two freq.? Q - 2 Explain the freq. Difference Measurement Tech.? Q 3 Explain the Peak freq. measurement tech.? Q 4 Explain the Power system freq. deviation measurement? Q 5 Describe the fast low freq. measurement tech.? Q 6 Explain the tech. used for the max / min freq. indicator? Q 7 Write a note on freq. measurement of Sinusoidal varying Signals? Q 8 What do u understands by Digital measurement? Why microprocessor/micro controller is used for it? Q 9 Describe the power system frequency deviation measurement with the help of block diagram? Q 10 Explain the method of peak frequency measurment with the help of proper block Diagram?

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