Maplestory Phantom

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Aria! Phantom shouts as he runs toward Shinsou and the fallen empress.

He reaches them and sees empress Aria lying motionless against Shinsous wing. They were too powerful Shinsou manages breathe in an exhausted and pained voice. Phantom looked at Aria, feeling tears well up in his eyes as he remembers one of their first encounters. It was a similar night with the stars glimmering and scarce clouds floating in the dark night sky. Whos there? Aria gasps as Phantom surprises her, landing on the balcony behind her. Dont tell me youve been out here waiting for me all night, Phantom said teasingly. He wore an embroidered white coat with a blue hat coming to something of a beak patterned with golden strokes over his pale golden hair. His blue cape flowed like liquid in the soft night wind. Shall I summon the guard? Aria says, grinning slightly as he stepped down from the railing letting a slight chuckle escape his lips. Ill not hand over our treasure no matter how charming you try to be, she claims, her back still turned to him. Charming? Youre finally coming to your senses, Phantom comments, making Aria turn her head slightly to peer at him. Though amused by his words, she lowers her head solemnly as she begins to think. I have invited an envoy from the Black Mage to Ereve. I hope to negotiate terms of peace, Aria says as Phantom walks towards her. He stares at her long straight golden hair and innocent blue eyes as she speaks. All this worrying, its going to give you crows feet. he tells her as he holds up an elaborately designed card, offering it to Aria. She gasps as the card shreds into shards of light and reshapes into a beautiful red rose. She looks at him admiringly as he tilts his head slightly to the side and looks calmly back at her. I prefer a woman with a smile on her face, Phantom says charmingly, causing Aria to smile happily at his words. He remembers that beautiful smile as he looks at her now, lying so still with her golden hair falling messily over her dark, pale face. It has started to rain now and it is Shinsous voice that rouses Phantom from his trance. Phantom, you must take the Skaia You must protect it He looks up at the dark sky and quietly vows to himself to protect the gem entrusted to him and the dream left by Aria. Phantom knew well that joining the alliance against the Black Mage was essential, so he heads to see an old acquaintance. The infamous Phantom appears at my doorstep, and offers to change his ways, Freud muses as he walks slowly towards the door where Phantom stood waiting. Tell me. Is your conscience that heavy? Freud asks, watching Phantom twirl a white card by the corner slowly on his finger. What is it? Freud asks with a touch of genuine curiosity. A confession, Phantom remarks as he throws he card and watches it drift slowly towards the ground near where Freud stood. Freud picks up the card and

examines it. On the card was a picture of Phantom and Aria, both dressed elegantly in white and gold and looking at each other happily as they held one another. It appears the Black Mage stole the wrong treasure, Freud says amusingly as he looks at the card. He glances up at Phantom and chuckles, noticing he is looking out at the night sky while leaning against the doorframe. Freud thinks for a moment and finally says, Alright, I hope you can keep your hands to yourself. Afrien hates thieves. He grins as he throws the card back to Phantom. Catching the card, Phantom looks confidently back at Freud. This scoundrel turned hero. Its a big clich isnt it? Phantom remarks as the card between his fingers flares into shards of red light. He turns toward Freud with one last look of acknowledgement before taking his leave. He takes his blue cape and as he pulls it around his shoulders, he disappears within a storm of blood red cards. Years later, the Black Mage has been defeated once by the 5 legendary heroes: Aran the warrior, Freud the dragon mage, Mercedes the elven dual bowgun master, the legendary thief Phantom, and Luminous the mage of light. During a fierce battle that took place in the Temple of Time, Freud and Mercedes infiltrated the temple together and fought through to the Black Mage. Freud, however, was killed while protecting his dragon Afrien from the Black Mages fierce attack and without his partner Afrien retreated. Although the 5 heroes had defeated and sealed him away, the Black Mage devoted his last efforts and cast a powerful darkness over the heroes and the world. As Luminous finalized the seal imprisoning the Black Mage, he was tainted by the Black Mages dark energies. The 4 remaining heroes were encased in ice and imprisoned for a century. After awakening from his sleep, Phantom infiltrates Ereve, now ruled by Empress Cygnus, the niece of Aria, to overlook the meeting that is taking place there. There is a young woman standing and speaking in the center of the conference. She wears a sleeveless light blue dress with golden bracelets around her wrists and long flowing brown hair. By the time Phantom arrives, the conference has already started and he hides among the masses while watching. The conference was taking place in the early afternoon in an outdoor enclosing. Looking towards the throne, Phantom sees Empress Cygnus and her 5 knights, Eckhart, Oz, Mihile, Halkeye, and Irena. He recognized the girl speaking and knew immediately that she was not who she claimed to be. He grew anxious but waited to hear her speak. Everyone, how long will we let this frail child play at being our empress? You are nothing but a pretender to Arias throne, and I have proof she accuses, directing the audiences attention to a beautiful red gem with a golden pattern etched in a ring around its center. This is Skaia, the lost jewel of Empress Aria. The crowd gasps with a mix of confusion and surprise. Do you all see? I am the true heir to Ereve. The crowd has grown restless now and the people are now speaking loudly amongst themselves. Empress Cygnus looks scared for she has no proof against what she is accused of but her own word.

Hold it, Phantom interjects, for he has elected to step in. Thats a delightful story, but I believe you forgot some things. The young lady speaking and Cygnus look around the conference for the mysterious voice but see no distinct speaker. First, theres the bloodline. Empress Aria had no children, only a niece. You on the other hand, are trying to pass yourself off as something youre not. Phantom says as he sees through the young ladys disguise and also sees a dark energy about her. Who dares question me? She shouts. Second, Phantom continues, ignoring her You use the Empresss weakness to question her right to rule. Her frailty is proof shes absorbing Shinsous power. And finally, you claim to hold the treasure of Ereve? The Legendary gem Skaia? A true Empress would know that the Skaia you hold is a ruse, a bobble. Dressed up to lure the great thief Phantom out of hiding. What proof do you have of these lies? The young lady shouts, now very frustrated. How can we believe- She is interrupted by a strong gust of wind as Phantom appears between her and Empress Cygnus. Set aside your parlor tricks. The real Skaia is safe. In the hands of Phantom he says as he relieves himself of the robe he had been wearing, revealing himself to the rest of the audience. The young lady stands frozen looking with a hint of fear creeping into her eyes as a card materializes in Phantoms hand. He throws the card with incredible speed and accuracy, piercing and shattering the gem in her hand, leaving her speechless. Are we going to keep playing this game, Hilla? Phantom lifts his cane and spins it adeptly in his right hand before stopping it abruptly with both his hands clasped firmly at its center. A bright oceanic flood of blue light has surrounded him and the cane in his hand emanates an intense blue energy. The light seems to dance around his cane before crafting a curved, blood red dagger in his hand. The energy around him has now formed a series of bright blue marked orbs in a circular pattern. The orbs of energy converge at the center behind Phantom, channeling a large flow of karma energy into him. Now, the cane in Phantoms hand is licked by an orange aura and shapes a long pointed spear as the energy around him turns a blinding orange. The orange light flares, as it molds the image of an enormous warrior clad impressively in armor. The entity powerfully strikes the spear in its hand onto the ground causing bright sparks to burst from its body and weapon, offering to Phantom the power and vitality of a warrior. Finally, he flurries the cane as a mystic green light envelops him and the cane is his hand glows gracefully green. The cane takes the shape of an elegant bow and the greenish yellow energy behind Phantom creates an elaborately patterned circle with falconlike wings that expand outward as they give Phantom the accuracy and speed of a bowman. The light around him disappears but Phantom now feels a great strength coursing through him. Prepared to fight if need be, Phantom raises the still glowing green bow in his hand and aims it expertly at Hilla.

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