CH 4 CD List

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Dominion of New England Glorious Revolution Robert Walpole Navigation Acts British Board of Trade 1754 report to King

Privy Council Benjamin Franklin colonial agents Colonial Postal Service 1691 Franklins Albany Plan 1954 Iroquois Confederacy French and Indian War 1954-63 (Seven Years War) Fort Necessity George Washington William Pitt (impressments, seize supplies, quartering troops) New York City riot 1757 peoples army King George III Grenville program Proclamation of 1763

Mutiny Act of 1765 Sugar Act of 1764 Currency Act 1764 Stamp Act of 1765 Mercantilism Paxton Boys -PA Regulators NC Depression of 1763 Boston Stamp Act 1765 External/Internal taxation House of Burgesses Patrick Henry VA Give me Liberty, or give me death! Virginia Resolves no taxes except their own James Otis MA No taxation without representation! Stamp Act Congress -1765 Sons of Liberty attacked Thomas Hutchinsons house Sugar Act boycotts Stamp Act repeal/ Declaratory Act New York Assembly refuses to enforce Mutiny Act

Townshend Duties lead, paint, paper, tea (external) ninety-two MA support for letter opposing Parl. Taxes Lord North repeals most of Townshend duties 1770 Boston Massacre 1770 (Paul Reveres engraving) Samuel Adams Committees of Correspondence -1772 John Locke Gaspe 1772 burned by RIers Tea Act of 1773 British East India Company Tea boycott Mercy Otis Warren Daughters of Liberty Boston Tea Party -1775 Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts) 1775 Quebec Act 1775 First Continental Congress 1774 John Adams

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