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What happened 5 years ago?

So, what did happen? I asked. He was assigned to look after the two of the Hermes boys on a dangerous and violent quest, A quest that would shift the balance of power. But it didnt go according to plan, I didnt realize that Hades had been storing so much hatred towards his brother, I didnt notice the frustration he felt every time he was only given the task of controlling the kindly ones That people always looked upon Zeus more favorably. Chiron gave an exhausted sigh as he said. Lets talk about it later Percy, as it is a long story. Now Chiron had sparked my interest, I needed to know why this affected Grover and I needed to know what happened on that quest. So playing on the role of student to teacher as I had always been to Chiron, I begged him to tell me what happened. Chiron opened by saying; okay Percy, if you really need to know then let me try and explain. Thank you, I said, waiting with anticipation. The three boys, Jake, Liam and Grover, were asked to go and speak to Hades to tell him to calm down because he had been getting angry towards Zeus and making it obvious that there was rivalry between them. Chiron said, But isnt this just a continuation of their conflict from times past, that fight about good and evil? I asked Chiron. Yes, Percy, in some ways it is. Chiron then continued; Anyway, lets keep going shall we? The boys and Grover headed off on their quest to the West, with our chauffeur, and myself Argus. We drove them into the city and then left them to continue their journey to the underworld. Upon reaching the gates they were met by a Cerberus, however, luckily Hades knew they were coming and controlled the Cerberus, allowing them entry. Hades asked the boys to explain what had brought them into his world. The boys tried to make Hades understand that they knew how he felt to be the second child and to always be placed last in the rank of the gods. Hades became angry by this and the boys had no choice but to leave with their quest unfinished. Unbeknown to the boys, Hades in a rage, had called upon the kindly ones to now come and kill them. More importantly though, Grover had been assigned the task to protect and guard over Liam and Jake. However, Grover was not prepared for such anger and wrath from Hades and became frightened of the fight. Grover ran away in fear, leaving Jake and Liam to fight it out. When Jake was bringing out his sword, one of the furies was making a beeline for him. Once it reached him, it hoisted him up into the air dropping him from such a high height that really he should of died. He got back up again, slashed his sword right at the fury and cut its head off. Unfortunately, this made the other Furies even more enraged. They went for Liam this time and the Fury that tried to kill him was better skilled and faster. As he swung his sword to try and kill the Fury it lashed back at him, snatching his sword from him and stabbing Liam right in the heart, leaving him to die. Jake was distraught, but he had to push through, he tried so hard to defeat them but eventually he became too weak and just let the Furies kill him. They boys were no match for Hades army of Furies. Grover carries the weight and burden of guilt, knowing that he sentenced the two boys to their deaths. In the eyes of the gods, he will always be at fault. I stood still, stunned that the poor boys had to go through that painful fight but also Grover being burdened by a fight that was never really his to have. So I asked the question to Chiron, Shouldnt the Gods take blame for sending three young boys on a quest that was far above their ability?

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