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RBTI Online Class Lesson 2

Part 1 - The Diet Booklet & How to Use It

In the following 25 pages you will find the basis for how I work with people using the RBTI. I have more to add but as it stands, the Diet Booklet that follows is about as complete as it has to be for the skilled RBTI Practitioner to use with artful understanding of the RBTI Numbers and the person he or she is working with. Everything you need to get started is included and other specifics can be typed or written in. This is your RBTI Tool Box so to speak. Use it wisely. Michael
Disclaimer: Not intended for diagnosis or treatment or prevention of any disease and/or other medical condition.

Reams Biological Theory of Ionization (RBTI) The REAMS Diet Daily Guidelines

The Specific Recommendations In This Booklet Should Only Be Followed By The Person Named Above

Authored &/or Arranged By: Michael Sigurd Olszta

RBTI Instructor & Consultant 20 Warsaw Avenue Manchester, NH 03103 United States of America Voice: 1-603-930-1683 Fax: 1-603-622-4701 Copyright 2011- Michael Sigurd Olszta

Disclaimer: Not intended for diagnosis or treatment or prevention of any disease and/or other medical condition.

Contents of Diet* Booklet in Order of Appearance As Listed Below.

Note: This Diet Booklet is being offered for Educational Purposes Only and its contents should only be used by persons trained in the practice of RBTI Scientific Nutrition & Individualized Dietary Consulting based on the RBTI Urine & Saliva Test results. Individuals using this booklet who are not trained in this special science may find themselves not obtaining the results they are hoping for since what are energy providing fluids, foods, food supplements, ancillary therapies, etc. for one person may be energy depleting for another person. The RBTI & The REAMS Diet built upon the RBTI are individually oriented programs and dietary suggestions are customized based upon the results of the RBTI urine & saliva test results of that individual. It is only by analyzing these results and using them to customize an individual dietary plan for the specific person it applies to that increases in every day Usable Energy & foundational & long lasting Reserve Energy should be expected. At a variety of consulting / coaching and/or coaching / instruction options are offered at very reasonable prices including one time payment options that provide a lifetime of coaching & instruction benefits to the buyer. Please consider signing up for at least one of these options for best results. Thank you. Michael Sigurd Olszta / RBTI Consultant & Instructor

Diet =

[Middle English diete, from Old French, from Latin diaeta, way of living, diet, from Greek diaita, back-

formation from diait sthai, to







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Front Cover Table of Contents Agreement Form Personal Information Chart Questionnaire for Research Purposes Only Eye Sclera Charts With Instructions RBTI Urine / Saliva Testing Instructions (Quickest Method) Client Progress Chart (includes Questionnaire for Research Purposes) Body Chemistry Range Chart Instructions For Making Lemon Water, Lemonade, Juice, Tea, Etc. Fasting to Light Diet to Normal Diet General Outline Prominent Calcium(s) Per Specific Food &/or Ingestible Substance General Dietary Instructions, Children's Diet, Sample One Day Menu One Day Breakfast, Lunch, Supper Plan With Recipes Food Supplements Ancillary Suggestions Putting It Altogether - One Page Daily Schedule Sheet For Filling In
DISCLAIMER: The teaching, instruction, claims, recommendations, suggestions, information, and products mentioned in my e-mails, snail mail, in conversation, and/or through associated website pages, and this Diet Booklet have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided by e-mail, snail mail, in conversation, and/or through associated website pages and this Diet Booklet is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other healthcare professional. You should not use any of this information contained in any of the latter forms of communication for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should always consult with a licensed healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem . All Rights Reserved.

Agreement Between & Michael Sigurd Olszta

I, residing at: being of sound mind and judgment and able to make each & every one of my own personal life decisions, hereby declare:
1. That I know of no restrictions placed upon me by my own knowledge of my personal health nor by any licensed medical doctor that would preclude my choosing to follow any of the possible suggestions that are made in this diet booklet authored by Michael Sigurd Olszta and if I believe that any of the suggestions in this booklet and/or others made in conjunction with its use may possibly be restricted by my medical doctor, I will consult with my medical doctor before implementing these suggestions. 2. That I am not a diabetic. I do not presently use nor have I ever used any type of sugar controlling drug or substance such as insulin or any of the different sugar controlling substances presently prescribed by physicians and sold by the pharmacies. If other, please explain. 3. That I understand and it has been explained to me by Michael Sigurd Olszta that Michael Sigurd Olszta is not a medical doctor, naturopath, dietitian, massage therapist, and/or any other health field professional requiring licensing by the State of New Hampshire and that he does not diagnose, treat, nor mitigate in the treatment of any disease or condition. 4. That I understand and it has been explained to me that I am paying Michael Sigurd Olszta to tell me what he would do for himself if the Personal Information, the RBTI Urine / Saliva Test Results, the Eye Numbers, etc. that I have provided him were his own and that I am personally making the choice of whether I would do the same things he has said he would do if the information I have provided applied to him personally and that I have also agreed to fill out a Questionnaire (see below) and return it to Michael for research purposes only. 5. That I hereby agree to hold Michael Sigurd Olszta harmless for any mental and/or physical condition I might or might not have previously been diagnosed with, am or am not presently diagnosed with, and/or may or may not be diagnosed with in the future and that I will pay all of Michael Sigurd Olsztas attorneys costs in connection with any legal suit I might file against him should I renege on this agreement now or at any time in the future.

Signed Name Here: Print Name Here: Date:

Disclaimer: Not intended for diagnosis or treatment or prevention of any disease and/or other medical condition.

Right & Left Eye Sclera Charts

Disclaimer: Not intended for diagnosis or treatment or prevention of any disease and/or other medical condition.

Instructions For Using Right & Left Eye Sclera Charts

There are 2 ways of using the Eye Charts above to record the Eye Numbers:
1. Make a copy of the Eye Charts page, place it on a clipboard, and while looking at the client's right & left eyes individually as s/he is looking up, down, left, & right, draw lines according to blood vessel patterns seen in each sclera & make a check mark in the numbered block when you see a thin blood vessel, make a + sign for a thick blood vessel, and write a B for a blood vessel that looks like a blotch instead of a clear line. 2. OR Take pictures of the client's eyes with each eye looking up, down, left, & right which will give you a total of 8 pictures. Then by looking at those pictures, draw lines corresponding to blood vessels and make your marks on the charts, a better method for both client and practitioner in my opinion. 3. Once you are finished recording the numbers on the eye charts, they must now be recorded onto the Progress Chart on the appropriate line for each eye. This is how you will record the numbers: * If you put a check mark in the numbered box of the eye chart, then just the write the number of the box followed by a comma. * If you put a + sign in the numbered box of the eye chart, then you will write the number with a + sign directly after it followed by a comma. * Finally, if you put a B in the numbered box of the eye chart, then you will write the number with a B directly after it followed by a comma.

Purpose of The Eye Numbers

Dr. Manthei says it like this: The eye readings have no bearing as to preparing the diet. They are a guide or a confirmation to determine how well nature is cooperating. If the urine/saliva numbers are far from perfect, way out of line, and yet there are no vessels in the sclera of the eye, it is a sign that nature is not cooperating with the mineral deficiencies that exist. On the other hand if the sclera is filled with a lot of enlarged vessels, and the urine/saliva numbers are close to perfect, then it implies confusion and lack of harmony in the body chemistry. In either case, the eye readings help to validate and confirm the urine/saliva numbers. The vessels of the eye are very tiny and contain about 80 miles of vessels according to Reams. Whenever there are delta cells cast off from the body, if they are not removed from the system it will cause the vessels in the sclera to dilate. If there are a lot of delta cells, then the vessels will be very distorted and engorged with blood. These vessels are recorded with a (+). If there is any type of blotch or dark area on the sclera or a blob, it is recorded as a (B.). The eye numbers are recorded in consecutive order from 1 through 60. Parentheses can be used if there are three or more numbers to be recorded, e.g. instead of writing 31, 32, 33; it could be written: (31 - 33). Whenever there is an advanced Vitamin C deficiency, the eyeball will have many vessels and most of the numbers will be recorded. The eye chart can be used for future reference to determine progress also. The eyes do not need to be recorded except once every three or four months. A comparison to the previous chart could yield information regarding an increase or decrease in the intensity of any of the vessels and in the numbers recorded.The right and left eye readings should be recorded in their appropriate location on the 5 x 8 cards. Session A, Pages 109 & 111 Dr. Beddoe says the following concerning the eye numbers: The blood vessels in the sclera are very delicate channels. It is the only place in the whole body where blood vessels can actually be observed in their uncovered state. These vessels are highly subject to showing a sort of sympathetic reaction when other parts of the body are under an extra load. The load
Disclaimer: Not intended for diagnosis or treatment or prevention of any disease and/or other medical condition.

that is showing relates to the energy loss in the glands, organs, and tissues. When an organ or tissue of the body is not being provided for, because of the lack of mineral energy to the liver, the breakdown products will be increased in those parts of the human system. It appears that the overload will demonstrate reflex changes in the vessels of the white of the eye. Experience has shown that the greater the number of enlarged blood vessels on the vertical axis that appear in the sclera of the eye, the greater the amount of delta cells the kidneys are trying to throw out, but not completely succeeding. When the kidneys are not removing all the cellular debris they should, the arterial blood supply is put under greater pressure and this will usually appear in the vertical arteries of the sclera, showing an enlargement due to dilation from back pressure. The vertical vessels also show reflex relations to capillary dilation in areas of delta cells above the waist line. On the other hand, the enlarged vessels that appear on the horizontal axis of the sclera usually show that nature is trying to cooperate by mobilizing the dead and dying tissue in an effort to get it out of the system. These horizontal vessels will most likely be veins, which is indicative of a greater amount of waste exiting areas of the body below the waist line; thus, the dilation is due to the large volume of dead cell removal through the veins from capillaries. So, it is vital that a person continue following the proper chemistry principles for the system in order to help nature accomplish what it is trying to do. As a person follows the program, the sclera readings can be used as a cross check to see if nature is still cooperating. As it does, you should see a larger number of vessels. Whether they are on the vertical or horizontal axis of the eye is usually according to the congestion being either pre-cell or post-cell. When the line of least resistance is holding properly, and the eye readings show that the body is cleansing, all is well. It is possible to expect more healing crises or withdrawal syndromes when the kidneys are not able to clear the dead cell debris fast enough. This means that the body will use other avenues for waste and toxin removal. If a person is following the program faithfully, and the sclera vessels disappear when the chemistry is off, then this is to be of concern. This is an indication that the body is not cooperating. The metabolic waste is not being mobilized or removed. This is a sign of extreme breakdown because the body cannot rebuild unless the dead cells are removed. So, in simple terms, the scleral readings are a verification of the cause and effect of energy loss or energy gain. The readings are only to be used as a cross check and not for analysis. For this reason the application of the scleral evaluation is not included in the main body of information. Experience in the past has shown that students often tend to place excessive emphasis in the scleral information beyond what was intended, thus distorting the primary value. Figure 17-1 represents your view of the clients right (top) a nd left (bottom) eye and is for recording the scleral numbers. The numbers are laid out in a horizontal sequence. When recording the vessel pattern of the sclera, put down only those numbers with which the vessels are associated. The diagrams are used for the purpose of sketching out the vessels as they exist at the first test. The numbers are written down sequentially. Grouping numbers is helpful during the recording process in that it allows a series of numbers to be written in short hand. For example, if there were vessels in numbers 5 to 10, instead of writing all the numbers individually, it could be written (5-10). If a spot is noted at a certain part of the sclera, then record a B after the number on which the spot is located. This will designate a spot whenever it appears in the notes then. Always keep in mind that when recording the information on the data cards, it is written in the shortest form possible. With future tests, the eyes can be checked to compare the changes and verify whether all is going as expected or intended. Just remember that the scleral readings serve as a verification of cause and effect as to whether or not the body is cooperating. Biological Ionization As Applied To Human Nutrition, Pages 251,252,253.
Disclaimer: Not intended for diagnosis or treatment or prevention of any disease and/or other medical condition.

RBTI Urine / Saliva Testing Equipment Recommended

The Testing Kit Below Has Been Carefully Put Together To Provide You with All Your Testing Needs Using Good Quality Equipment. A Set of Instructional Videos are Included That are Essential for the Beginning RBTI Practitioner to Learn to Test Properly & Accurately. Available at:

(Note: Links Provided to Read Descriptions at Pike Agri-Lab, Inc. Website) 1. VeeGee Btx-1 Refractometer - For testing Sugars. 2. UpH-3 Kit Carey Reams Urine/Saliva (FULL KIT) - For testing pHs & Ureas. 3. Bromthymol Blue 30ml Test Liquid - For when first bottle runs out. 4. DiST 6 Conductivity Meter - For testing Conductivity or Total Salts. 5. Conductivity Standard 12,880 Microsiemens - For calibrating DiST 6 meter. 6. 2 Spray Bottles - One for 100% Distilled Water. The Other for 50/50 Distilled Water / 91% Isopropyl Alcohol Mixture for Final Rinse of Labware after cleaning. 7. 3 Extra Screw Down Pipettes For Nitrate Solution - In case bulb wears out. 8. Graduated Cylinder, 100ml - Glass - For accurate dilution measuring. 9. Culture Tubes (250/pkg) - For mixing urine & extracting solution. 10. Michael's Testing Instructional Videos - For learning to test properly & accurately.
Disclaimer: Not intended for diagnosis or treatment or prevention of any disease and/or other medical condition.

RBTI Urine / Saliva Testing Instructions (Quickest Method)

Ureas - Put 6 drops of Universal Extracting Solution (UES) in a test tube. Add 1 drop of urine using a clean pipette. Take a clean pipette & agitate the solution by squeezing the bulb for 1 minute or 120 squeezes. Add 1 drop of the Urine/UES mixture to well # 3. Add 4 drops of the Ammonia Nitrate test solution to well # 6. Add 1 drop of the Urine/UES mixture to the 4 drops of Ammonia Nitrate test solution in well # 6. Add 4 drops of the Nitrate Nitrogen test solution to the 1 drop of Urine/UES mixture at 12, 3, 6, & 9 o'clock in well # 3. Try to allow drops to slide down side of well into drop. Set timer for 5 minutes. Read the results from well # 6 & record them. Note: At this point, you will test the Sugars, pHs, Salts, & Albumin and afterwards read the Nitrate Nitrogen test results which should occur just about when your 5 minute timer rings. Sugars - 2-3 drops on the refract meter. Point toward light source and look through eye piece to get the brix reading. Record the reading. pH's 1. Put 1 drop of urine in well plate numbers 1 & 2. Put 1 drop of saliva in well plate numbers 4 & 5. 2. Put 1 drop of Bromthymol Blue in well plate number 1 and 4. Read the number using the Bromthymol Blue pH color card. Record the results if no cross-check is needed. Note: If the color is off the Bromthymol chart showing a strong blue color, then put 1 drop of Phenol Red in the well plate number (2 & / or 5) that needs the cross-check and read the number using the Phenol Red pH color card. Record the result(s). Note: If the color is off the Bromthymol chart showing yellow, then put 1 drop of Chlorphenol Red in the well plate number (2 or 5) that needs the cross-check and read the number using the Chlorphenol Red pH color card. Record the result(s). Note: If the color is less than the lowest number on the Chlorphenol Red Chart, use another well plate and add 1 drop urine or saliva, whatever fluid it concerns or both, to well plate numbers 1 & 4 respectively, then put 1 drop of Bromcresol Green in either one or both, whatever the case may be, and read the number using the Bromcresol Green pH color card. Record the result(s). Salts - Turn meter on, wait for 0s to come up (DiST4) along with the temperature (DiST6) in display window, insert probe into urine, swish around, let stand still for reading to settle, divide reading by 0.7 The answer equals the total salts in "C" units. Write the number with a C after it. If a # 1 displays, salt reading is higher than 19,900 microsiemens & you must dilute urine by mixing equal parts of distilled water & urine. Follow procedure above, multiply final answer by 2 for "C" reading. Albumin - Look for small particles in the specimen. If you can't see them, give it a slight stir and then see if you can see the dust like particles. Each particle represents 20,000 you can't see. If there are more than you can count, you know the number is a 4M. Learn the + system for proper recording of albumin. Sugars, pHs, Salts, Albumin should have taken no more than 5 minutes and when the 5 minute timer rings, read the results from well plate 3. Note: For the nitrate nitrogen (well plate 3) to be higher than a 10, blue lines must begin to swirl BEFORE the 4th drop is put into the well plate 3. If this doesn't occur, you know the reading is a 10 or less. Clean Up.
Disclaimer: Not intended for diagnosis or treatment or prevention of any disease and/or other medical condition.

CLIENT Personal Information, Questionnaire & Progress Chart Combo

Instructions: Do not print this form out. Fill it in with your keyboard; save as Your Name Progress Chart.doc.
Attach to same email as Agreement form & send to

Personal Information Questions

Name Address Home Phone Cell Phone Fax Email Website

Daily Schedule & Specific Routines Type Answers in cell space to the right of each question. Wake Up Time Breakfast Time Lunch Time Supper Time Bed Time Supplements Medications Surgeries Fluids Consumed On A Daily Basis. Be Specific. What Type of Fluid & the Amounts. Questionnaire For Research Purposes Only - The purpose of RBTI is to help each client increase his or her usable and reserve
energy to help that person feel more energetic and thus have a happier and more productive life. We do this by offering suggestions based on the Urine / Saliva test results and in accordance with RBTI theory. When the suggestions are followed and the person responds favorably, this will show up in the follow up Urine / Saliva test results as well as in the person's sense of wellbeing. Suggestions made in connection with this program are for dietary purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent, diagnose, mitigate in the treatment of, nor treat any disease or medical condition. Answer the questions below with a Yes or No and please offer any specific explanations you can give. Although we do not use this information for diagnosis nor to treat any of the specific problems you may describe yourself as having, we like to know if there are any positive or negative changes to what you answer below after you have followed the suggestions we make to bring your RBTI test numbers back into the Energy Restoration Range. This information could prove helpful in the future should mainstream medical practitioners choose to implement diet and lifestyle recommendations in their allopathic practices.

Please answer the questions in the cell space to the right of the center line. Use as much space as you need.
Question 1. Do you have physical weaknesses? 2. Do you lack stamina? 3. Do you have pain in the joints? 4. Are you overweight? 5. Have you had any loss of weight in the last six months? 6. Have you had any operations? 7. Do you have a tendency to be anemic? 8. Do you know your red blood cell count? 9. Do you know your white blood cell count? 10. Do you know your platelet count? 11. Are you coughing or spitting blood? 12. Do you have chronic fever? Date


13. Do you have rectal itching? 14. Does your nose itch? 15. Do you experience motion sickness? 16. Do you have seizures? 17. Are you forgetful (long term memory)? 18. Are you absent-minded (short term memory)? 19. Does your head tilt to one side? 20. Do you have headaches? 21. Is your hair dull (lack of sheen)? 22. Are your pupils enlarged? 23. Are your eyeballs protruding? 24. Is there a bulge on an eyeball? 25. Do you wear glasses? 26. Do you wear contacts? 27. Do you have dimness of vision? 28. Do you have cataracts? 29. Are you blind or have a prosthetic eye? 30. What is the color of your teeth? 31. What is the color of your gums? 32. Are your gums receding? 33. Do you have cavities or fillings? 34. Are your teeth glassy at the ends? 35. Are they rough on the edges? 36. Do you have any missing limbs? 37. Do you have athletes foot? 38. Do you have numbness of hands or feet? 39. Do you have cold hands or feet? 40. Do you have fingernail problems (split, brittle, rough, soft, ridged)? 41. Is your skin abnormally discolored? 42. Is your skin oily? 43. Is your skin dry? 44. Do you have any reddish, scaly patches of skin, rashes or psoriasis? 45. Are you bothered by jock itch? 46. Is your appetite poor? 47. Do you have trouble after eating raw cabbage or coleslaw? 48. Do any foods upset your system? 49. List the foods that upset your system: 50. Do you have burning during or after urination? 51. Has your urine lost its force or is hard to start or stop? 52. Do you have to get up at night to urinate? 53. Are your bowel movements regular? 54. How often do you have a movement? 55. Is the consistency of the stool abnormal? 56. Do you ever have any pain or rectal bleeding with your movements? 57. Is your tongue coated? 58. Is your tongue dry? 59. Is your tongue hot? 60. Is the color of your tongue other than pink? 61. Do you have muscular pains? 62. Do the pains travel or move around? 63. Do you have pain in the bladder area?


64. Do you have pain in the appendix area? 65. Do you have pain in the legs? 66. Do you have pain in the lower back (especially after prolonged sitting or riding)? 67. Do you have chest pains? 68. Do you have pain in your left arm? 69. Do you sleep soundly? 70. Do you wake up several times throughout the night? 71. Do you wake up rested and refreshed in the morning? 72. How many hours of sleep do you average each night? 73. Do you exercise? 74. How often do you exercise? 75. What form of exercise do you do? 76. Do you smoke cigars? 77. How many cigars do you smoke? 78. Do you smoke cigarettes? 79. How many cigarettes do you smoke? 80. How long have you been smoking? 81. If no to 78, have you EVER smoked cigarettes? 82. If yes to 81, how long ago did you quit? 83. How long did you smoke before you quit? 84. Do you use drugs or hallucinogens? 85. If yes to 84, which ones do you use? 86. Do you use hormones? 87. If yes to 87, which ones do you use? 88. Do your use oral insulin? 89. If yes to 88, which oral insulin do you use? 90. How often do you take the oral insulin? 91. How long have you used oral insulin? 92. Do you use injected insulin? 93. If yes to 92, how long have you used it? 94. How often and how much insulin do you take? 95. What type of insulin are you using? 96. Are you currently using medications? (Note: If answered on Personal Information Chart, you do not need to answer this question nor 97 & 98 either.) 97. If yes to 96, which ones are you using? 98. Why are you taking these medications? 99. Are you currently using any vitamin/mineral/herb food supplements? (Note: If answered on Personal Information Chart, you do not need to answer this question nor 97 & 98 either.) 100. If yes to 99, which ones, how often, and how much of each are you taking? 101. Do you eat breakfast? 102. What do you eat for breakfast? 103. How often do you eat breakfast? 104. Do you eat lunch? 105. What do you eat for lunch? 106. How often do you eat lunch? 107. Do you eat supper? 108. What do you eat for supper? 109. How often do you eat supper? 110. Do you eat snacks between meals? 111. If yes, what snacks do you eat? 112. When do you eat the snacks?


113. Do you drink coffee? 114. How many cups of coffee per day do you drink? 115. When do you drink your coffee? 116. Do you drink coffee with caffeine or decaf? 117. Do you drink tea? 118. How often and how much tea do you drink? 119. What kinds of tea do you drink? 120. Do you drink soda pop? 121. How often and how much soda pop do you drink? 122. Do you use chocolate? 123. How much chocolate and in what form? 124. Do you use alcoholic beverages? 125. How often do you drink alcoholic beverages? 126. What kind of alcoholic beverages do you drink? 127. Do you add salt to your food? 128. How much and how often do you add salt to your food? 129. Do you ever crave any foods? 130. If yes to 129, which foods do you crave? NOTE: QUESTIONS 131-144 FOR FEMALES. 131. Are you pregnant? 132. How many children have you borne? 133. What are their ages? 134. Are you nursing a baby? 135. Did you nurse all your children? 136. How long did you nurse your children for? 137. Do you use birth control pills? 138. If yes to 137, how long have you used them? 139. If no to 137, have you ever used them? 140. If yes to 139, when and for how long did you use them? 141. Do you still have your periods? 142. Are they regular? If not, please explain. 143. Do you have strong menstrual cramps? 144. If no to 141, when did they cease? 145. PLEASE TYPE IN ANYTHING ELSE YOU THINK IS IMPORTANT.








Right Eye #s: Left Eye #s:

Number Perfect Restore Sugar 1.5 1.0-2.0

Please take 4 digital pictures of each eye looking up, down, to the right, & to the left. Attach the pictures to the same email you send this form & the Agreement form to. SCR 4.33 4.0-4.7 UpH 6.4 6.2-6.8 SpH 6.4 6.2-6.8 ApH 6.4 6.2-6.8 Salts 6.5c 5-10c Debris .04m 1-4m NO3 3 6-14 NH4 3 5-8 TN 6 1220

Please fill in your test results below. Below are the names of the abbreviations with other information: Date Please use the following format: MonthDayYear 071612 = July 16, 2012. Time Please use 24 hour time: 9:00 AM = 0900. 11:00 PM = 2300. Brix Usually 1 digit to the left of the decimal & 1 digit to the right: 2.8, 0.6, 10.4.


SCR Divide the brix into the Salt. Example: Brix is 1.2 & Salt is 11c. 11 / 1.2 = 9.17. SCR = 9.17. UpH Unless using pH meter, should read like 6.4, 5.2, 8.0, etc. SpH The same as for the UpH. ApH UpH + SpH + SpH = X --- X / 3 = ApH --- Ex. 6.4/7.2 --- 6.4 + 7.2 + 7.2 = 20.80 --- 20.80 / 3 = 6.93 ApH Salts 1 or 2 digits to the left & to the right of the decimal. Example: 6.4c, 22.76, 13.4, etc. Debris Also known as Albumin. Marked with a whole or decimal number followed by m. Example: 4m or 4M. NO3 Anionic Nitrogen Urea Number. Whole numbers only from 1 to 18. NH4 Cationic Nitrogen Urea Number. Whole numbers only from 1 to 18. TN Total Nitrogens. Just add the NO3 and NH4 numbers to get the TN.













Disclaimer: Not intended for diagnosis or treatment or prevention of any disease and/or other medical condition.


Ranges According To Choose Life Or Death Page 86

Range C Range B Range A* Range D Range E 8.6-13.0 2.1-8.5 1.0-2.0 0.5-0.9 0.0-0.4 7.3-8.4 6.9-7.2 6.2-6.8 5.2-6.1 4.4-5.1 36-80c 11-35c 6-10c 3-5c 0-2c 4-4m++++ 1-4m .04-1m 1-4m++++ 0-1m 18-30 12-17 06-11 04-05 02-03

*Range A above is the swing Range A, not the perfect Range A. RBTI Faithful, I've included Chapter 10 from CLOD, Page 86 to the end of the second paragraph on page 87 for verification of the range chart and the table format of the same. Most important of these for the present purpose is the following:
The perfect Range has numbers so many decimals on each side of perfect. The Ranges are A, B, C, D, and E. Range B is whole numbers away from Range A. Range C is way out; it is a long way from Range A. In Range C the numbers are the farthest out above the ones in Range A. That is, they are on the alkali side, or on the anionic side. In the Range D the numbers drop below perfect, or on the lower side of the A Range. In the E Range the numbers are way out below the A and D Range.

So in B & C we have higher than perfect and in D & E we have lower than perfect except for the Albumin reading and maybe that should also have lower numbers although experience shows otherwise. So, if we use what Reams says in CLOD and if we use the Manthei Range A SWING Range for Range A and look at the rest of Manthei's lines of demarcation against Beddoe's and we fix their numbers by making sure there are no gaps between the numbers, aside from using decimal points in the salt readings which were never used in the past anyway, we simply rounded up or down according to the standard rule, I believe the above is right on the money. If you want to use Range A in the Perfect Numbers mode, then the Ranges would look like the following: Range C Range B Range A* Range D Range E Equation Type Perfect Numbers Restoration #s 8.6-13.0 1.6-8.5 1.5 0.5-1.4 0.0-0.4 Brix 1.5 1.0-2.0 7.3-8.4 6.5-7.2 6.4/6.4 5.2-6.3 4.4-5.1 UpH 6.4 6.2-6.8 SpH 6.4 6.2-6.8 36-80c 8-35c 6-7c 3-5c 0-2c Cond. 7c 5-10c 4-4m++++ .05-4m .04m .05-4m++++ 0-.04m Debris .04m 1-4m 18-30 7-17 (3/3) - 6 04-05 02-03 NO3 3 6-14 NH4 3 5-8

Disclaimer: Not intended for diagnosis or treatment or prevention of any disease and/or other medical condition.


Instructions for Making Lemon Water, Lemonade, Etc.

STEAM DISTILLED WATER Only steam distilled water is to be used in this program for daily systematic drinking and it should be used in cooking also. It can be purchased in stores or a water distiller may be purchased and it can be made in your own home or office. Good store brands are Poland Springs, Belmont Springs, Natures Way, etc. Be sure it says words like Steam Distilled, Purified by Steam Vaporization, etc. Better yet, go to the company's website and verify the process of purification. TO MAKE LEMON WATER - Squeeze out enough juice from fresh lemons using a citrus juicer and run it through a sieve to yield the number of ounces needed to make up the suggested daily total for you. The standard ratio is 1 ounce of freshly squeezed & strained lemon juice to 9 ounces of distilled water. For example, if a total of 40 ounces of lemon water or lemonade is suggested, one will need 4 ounces of freshly squeezed lemon juice to add to 36 ounces of distilled water for that particular ratio. LEMONADE is actually sweetened LEMON WATER. If you are to be making lemonade, natural sweeteners need to be used. I suggest using a different sweetener for each day of the week to avoid the possibility of becoming allergic to any one of them. It is important that the lemonade taste sweet to your taste buds. This should be tested with a refractometer and recorded each day so that the brix level of each solution of lemonade is the same and this should be re-adjusted if it is keeping the sugars too high or too low. To begin with, try adding 1 teaspoon of sweetener to every 10 ounces of lemon water and see if that is enough to reach the desired brix level. If not, add more. Also, as your sugar levels begin to lower during the day, you may need to add more sweetener to the lemonade to keep it sweet enough for your sugars to stay between 1.0 and 2.0, preferably between 1.5 and 2.0, so you may wish to take extra with you if you wont be home. The following is an example of sweeteners along with a schedule for them to be used: Sunday - Maple Syrup (the real stuff!) Monday - Rice Syrup Tuesday - Date Sugar or Date Syrup (syrup better than the sugar) Wednesday - Sucanat or some type of Molasses Thursday - Honey Friday - Sorghum Saturday - Barley Malt Sweetener Other Choices - Agave Nectar, Palm Sugar, Fructose, Gatorade Powder, Corn Syrup, Dextrose, others JASON WINTERS TEA - In the initial months of a program, a cleansing tea like JW Tea can be alternated during each hour with the lemon water/ade. To make the original tea with the chaparral in it that Winters used to sell in the United States, you must first purchase 3 herbs in bulk form: Red Clover, Gotu Kola, Chaparral. These are mixed together using 15 parts Red Clover, 4 parts Gotu Kola, 1 part Chaparral to make the loose tea blend. To prepare the tea, add 1/4 cup of the tea blend to 35 ounces of distilled water in a pot. Turn the heat on, cover, bring to a boil, turn heat down to low and allow it to brew on low for 15 minutes. Pour the tea through a coffee filter and into a thermos to keep it nice and hot all day long. Sweeten to the same brix as the lemonade if drinking lemonade. NOTE: Make stronger or milder tea by using more or less than the 1/4 cup starting measurement. FRUIT JUICE - The best way to make Fruit Juice is to take a can of fruit juice concentrate and put it in a container and begin adding distilled water until the specific brix level you wish to have it at is reached. This will take some trial and error at first but if you keep a record of how much water is needed for each different kind of fruit juice concentrate being used, you will soon be able to just follow those directions. HOW TO DRINK - When it is time to take your drink, measure out the exact amount you are supposed to consume drink it up immediately. Fluids are to be consumed like this throughout the day until the total allotment for the day is finished. Do not allow any drink to linger. Bottoms up always. TIMER - It is extremely important to consume each and every drink exactly on time and to drink it all at once in a bottoms up manner. The only way to make this happen is to use a timer. They cost $1 to $5 or so.


Fasting to Light Diet to Normal Diet

FASTING - Fast up to _____ days and/or until the body chemistry numbers go into a withdrawal pattern and remain there. Break the fast the morning following the day the numbers come out of withdrawal. To do this properly, you will test your numbers 2 hours after the normal times you would eat breakfast, lunch & supper. If everything goes as planned, the numbers will begin to drop very low until they reach the state of a deep withdrawal pattern. They might look something like this with the first set being non-fasting numbers and the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th sets being fasting numbers: 1. Monday 2. Tuesday 3. Wednesday 4. Thursday 5. Friday 2.4 1.8 1.2 1.0 1.3 6.8 / 7.2 28c 12c 7c 5c 6c 4m 12 / 8 8/8 2/6 1/5 9/6

You will note how the numbers begin to drop and gradually get very low. The 4th set of numbers indicates a deep withdrawal meaning the body is going through a chemistry change meaning it is changing from one range to another. Once the body chemistry has gone into a deep withdrawal like the above, the fast continues until numbers like we see on the 5th day are read on the tests. The sugars and salts would be between 1.0 & 2.0 and 5 & 10c respectively and the ureas would climb to at least a 12 in total but preferably reach 15 to 20 in total like they are shown above. This type of a pattern shows the person has responded well and it is time to break the fast. The person will finish fasting out the day when a pattern like the 5th pattern above shows up and then start on the light diet the following day. LIGHT DIET - The fast will be broken on the morning after the person comes out of withdrawal. The longer the fast has lasted, the longer the light diet should last, generally a day of light diet for each day fasted up to 1 week of light diet. Below is a suggested light diet for someone who has fasted 3 days. It is nearly identical to what one would expect to see at a Reams / Manthei retreat.

BREAKFAST - 1 Poached Egg, 1 Slice Whole Grain Toast, 1 Cup of Herb Tea LUNCH - Small Green Leafy Salad, 1 Cup Celery Broth, Whole Grain Crackers, Yogurt, Cranberry Juice SUPPER - Small Green Leafy Salad, Bowl of Vegetable Soup, 1 Slice Whole Grain Toast, Milk, Herb Tea

BREAKFAST - 1 Bowl Oatmeal, 1 Slice Whole Grain Toast, 1 Small Banana, 1 Cup of Herb Tea LUNCH - Small Garden Salad, Serving of 2-3 Steamed Vegetables, & Rice, Cranberry Juice SUPPER - Small Garden Salad, Bowl of Vegetable Soup, 1 Slice Whole Grain Toast, Yogurt, Herb Tea

BREAKFAST - 1 Poached or Scrambled Egg, 1 Slice Toast, Grits, 1 Pear, Milk, Herb Tea or Coffee (mild) LUNCH - Garden Salad, Vegetable Casserole w/ Grain, Cornbread, Cranberry Juice, Fruit, Yogurt, Tea SUPPER - Garden Salad, Vegetable Soup or Stew, 1 Toast, Green Drink or Carrot Juice, Yogurt, Herb Tea NORMAL DIET - The normal diet follows in the next 4 pages. However, specific foods for specific chemistries will be suggested from the following Foods By Calcium List depending on the resistance and other factors of the body chemistry on the initial test as well as how the body chemistry is responding to the general overall diet after the fast. These specific recommendations will be noted along with the suggested food supplements and ancillary suggestions that the person whose name is on the front of this diet booklet for which the specific recommendations in the diet booklet are written to. No one else should follow these.
Disclaimer: Not intended for diagnosis or treatment or prevention of any disease and/or other medical condition.


Prominent Calcium(s) Per Specific Food &/or Ingestible Substance

Anionic Calcium Compound ++ Oxide Amaranth Oxide Asparagus Oxide Bamboo Shoots Oxide/P/Gl/Gy Bananas Oxide/P Boiled Nuts Oxide Buckwheat Oxide Carob Oxide Chives Oxide Corn Meal Oxide Dried Corn Oxide/P Dried Fruit Oxide Dry Beans Oxide/Gy Dry Peas Oxide/P Garlic Oxide Globe Artichoke Oxide Grits Oxide Guava Oxide Hominy Oxide JerusalemArtichoke Oxide/Gy Jicama Oxide Kelp Oxide/P Leechee Oxide/P Leeks Oxide/Gy Loquat Oxide Malunga Oxide Nuts Oxide Onions Oxide Peaches Oxide Peanuts Oxide Rice Oxide Rye Oxide Shallot Oxide Sprouted Alfalfa Oxide Sprouted Wheat Oxide/P Sweet Blueberries Oxide Sweet Currants Oxide Sweet Gooseberries Oxide SweetHuckleberries Oxide Tomatoes Oxide Water Chestnut Oxide Wheat Oxide Wheat Germ Oxide White Potatoes Oxide Yucca Anionic Calcium Compound + Carbonate Cucumber Carbonate Eggs Carbonate Green Beans Carbonate Green Olives Carbonate Kiwi Carbonate Lemon Carbonate Millet Carbonate Mint Carbonate Mushrooms Carbonate Nectarine Carbonate Non Legumes Carbonate Olive Oil Carbonate Pumpkin Carbonate Pumpkin Seeds Carbonate Sesame Seeds Carbonate Soft Drinks Carbonate Squash Carbonate Sunflower Seeds Carbonate Sweet Cherries Carbonate Sweet Grapes Carbonate Sweet Plums Carbonate Tapioca Carbonate Bak Soda in Juice Carbonate SweetFloridaBarBados Cherries Neutral Calcium Compound + Gluconate/Gy Gluconate Gluconate Gluconate Gluconate Gluconate Gluconate Gluconate Gluconate Gluconate Gluconate/Gy Cottage Cheese Cream of Tartar Goat Milk Melons (All Types) Paw Paw Powdered Milk Soy Milk Sprouts Sweet Corn Sweet Milk Wine Cationic Calcium Compound Phosphate Parsley Phosphate Persimmons Phosphate Radish Phosphate Root Crops Phosphate Rutabaga Phosphate Sweet Potatoes Cationic Calcium Compound Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Acidophilus Apples Blackberries Boysenberries Buttermilk Citrus Cranberry Dewberry Kefir Kumquat Lemon Grass Pineapple Pomegranate Prickly Pear Quince Raspberries Rhubarb Sour Blueberries Sour Cherries Sour Currants SourGooseberries SourHuckleberries Sour Plums Sour Soy Milk Strawberries Ugli Fruit

Cationic Calcium Compound -

Phosphate Baking Powder Phosphate Barley Phosphate Brussel Sprouts Phosphate Cabbage Anionic Calcium Compound + Phosphate Carrots Dolomite/O/P/Gy BlackStrapMolasse Carbonate Alka-Seltzer Phosphate Cauliflower Dolomite/O/P/Gy Cane Syrup Carbonate Animal Meats Phosphate Celery Dolomite Chaparral Carbonate Apricot Phosphate Chlorophyll Dolomite/C/O/P/Gl Coconut Carbonate Arrowroot Phosphate Comfrey Dolomite Fish Carbonate Avocado Phosphate Eggplant Dolomite/C/O/P/Gl Mango Carbonate Beer Phosphate Green Peppers Dolomite/C/O/P Papaya Carbonate Bird Meats Phosphate Honey Dolomite Pears Carbonate Black Olives Phosphate Kohlrabi Dolomite Psyillium Powder Carbonate Broccoli Phosphate Leafy Vegetables Dolomite Salsify Carbonate Cassava Phosphate Legumes Dolomite/C/O/P/Gl Sea Grapes Carbonate Chayote Phosphate Maple Syrup Dolomite Senna Carbonate Cheese Phosphate Oatmeal Dolomite/O/P/Gy Sorghum Carbonate Corn Starch Phosphate Okra Dolomite Watercress Disclaimer: Not intended for diagnosis or treatment or prevention of any disease and/or other medical condition.

Dolomite = Calcium + Magnesium. They are both rejected in digestion. Both go into blood & Magnesium runs into Urea & turns it into heat or electrical energy which evaporates. Urine pH may rise from calcium carbonate in blood but it is not used to build cells or gastric juice. Chaparral, pears, psyillium, senna, watercress provide a laxative effect. May move chemistry in acid direction.


General Dietary Instructions & Other Suggestions

Below you will find the general dietary guidelines which follow the concept of eating Breakfast for a Queen, Lunch for a King, and Supper for a Pauper. In other words, the heaviest meal of the day would be the lunch meal, breakfast would be the second heaviest, and supper would be the lightest. Breakfast tends to have more carbohydrates, lunch tends to have higher amounts of protein, and supper is sort of a light combination of both of these. Of course, the basis of eating these meals depends on when a person works. For someone working a 2nd or 3rd shift schedule, then these plans should not be followed in this order. Since most people do work a 1st shift schedule, the booklet that follows is based on that type of schedule. However, it can be changed to suit whatever schedule a person does work.

BREAKFAST - Normal Diet - For a Queen

BREAKFAST can be nothing at all to just having some fruit to having whole grain cooked cereals, pancakes, toast, dry (but soaked!) cereals, eggs, etc. This is something the individual will have to experiment with him or herself. The suggestions below should be based upon true hunger, not just because it is time to eat. Please recognize to learn the difference. I find myself not always requiring breakfast. Others will be different depending on age, occupation, body chemistry, etc. If the individual is not hungry, then it is better to not eat! However, if the individual is hungry, consider the following: FRUIT - Try to eat a different kind of fruit each day of the month. Use especially in season, locally grown fruit. Mango, pineapple, coconut, papaya, and avocado are especially nutritious. Make fruit salads using several different kinds of fruits. Delicious fruit drinks using all the fruit can be made using a Vita-Mix or other like high speed blender. Creativity should be used to prepare delicious fruit compliments and entrees to the grains eaten for breakfast. Fruit should be eaten before the rest of one's meal. COOKED CEREALS such as Oatmeal, Millet, Roman Meal, Cream of Rye, Cream of Wheat, Cream of Rice, Hominy Grits, etc. are possible choices. These can be made in many different ways instead of just plain. The individual may add different sweeteners, dried fruits, maybe some nuts, oil, etc. to increase the mineral content of the grains and make them more nutritious and really tasty. DRY CEREALS such as Grape Nuts, Rolled Oats, Corn Flakes, Shredded Wheat, Granola, Muesli, etc. are possible choices. Purchase the brands that do not use white sugar or little of it in their processing. Dry cereals should be soaked well for best digestibility. Try not to eat dry cereals more than once per week. It is easy to fall into a pattern of corn flakes every day for breakfast since it is so simple. Remember, variety is the spice of life! Therefore, avoid getting trapped into the dry cereal, everyday routine. WHOLE GRAIN Toast, Biscuits, Muffins, Pancakes, French Toast, etc. Learn to make these for oneself if there is time. If not, supermarkets are carrying more varieties of whole grain breads, various whole grain flour mixes, etc. Health food stores and specialty type stores like Trader Joe's also have these made from rice, millet, barley, etc. Jams and jellies may also be used. Many of these do not use white sugar (sucrose) anymore and can be better for some people than brands that do use sucrose. EGGS can be eaten once or twice per week and prepared anyway they are liked. If possible, one should obtain eggs from sources where the chickens are raised healthily and humanely. Regarding soy meat, try the Morningstar brand of soy sausage and soy bacon. It is surprising just how closely it tastes to the real thing! After a while, many people like them better than the energy depleting pork sources. Also, turkey &/or other clean meat prepared sausages are fine. Remember, though, your personal limitations on meats, fowl, and fish. Once per day is plenty and once every other day has always been the general norm on this program. DRINK - fruit juices and/or skim milk if desired.
Disclaimer: Not intended for diagnosis or treatment or prevention of any disease and/or other medical condition.


LUNCH - Normal Diet - For a King

LUNCH can be nothing at all if there is no real hunger to having a large salad, several steamed vegetables or a vegetable casserole, a fish, poultry, beef, or wild game dish, some type of grain, some bread, fruit, cranberry juice, milk, yogurt, etc. If meat, fish, or fowl is to be eaten, eat it at the lunch meal as this is the meal that emphasizes higher proteins. The following are suggestions for lunch: LARGE FRESH VEGETABLE SALAD with tea/tablespoon(s) Olive Oil on it. Use 1 teaspoon of Olive Oil for every 50 pounds of body weight. Use salad dressings as desired. Make salads with a variety of leafy lettuces (California mix, Romaine, Boston, some Iceberg) and lots of raw vegetables (carrots, peppers, radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers, regular and green onions, spinach leaves, bean sprouts, etc.) and condiments like olives, baby corn, artichoke hearts, etc. Like eating fresh fruit before the rest of breakfast was eaten, it is suggested that the salad be eaten before the rest of the lunch meal. The reason for this is so the body can extract the gelatin from the raw food which will aid in the digestion of the rest of the lunch entrees. It will also help prevent overeating. 2 - 3 STEAMED VEGETABLES & some sort of GRAIN such as rice, millet, bulgur wheat, barley, etc. OR THE SALAD described above AND A VEGETABLE CASSEROLE made with at least 2 - 3 vegetables. Have a grain as described above if it is not in the casserole. Vegetarian based casseroles are delicious ways to make vegetables so everyone eating will enjoy them. Any good vegetarian cookbook should have many recipes to choose from. OR THE SALAD described above AND A SANDWICH made with whole grain bread. Vegetarian sandwiches can be made using raw veggies, beans and bean spreads, nut butters (go easy on these though), prepared soy meats found in most supermarkets nowadays, etc. If meat is desired to use in one's sandwiches (beef, poultry, fish, etc.) please read the note on meats in the General Dietary Limitations & Other Suggestions section below.

SUPPER - Normal Diet - For a Pauper

SUPPER can be nothing at all or include the following: A SALAD like at lunch time. To satisfy one's hunger and to add more variety to the meal at supper time, consider having the following with the salad: A VEGETARIAN SOUP or STEW. SOME whole grain bread, preferably toasted, or some whole grain crackers. YOGURT - Try to always eat yogurt once per day as it is extremely good in restoring the friendly bacteria needed by the colon. I suggest buying yogurts that are made with S. Thermophilus, L. Bulgaricus, L. Acidophilus, and Bifidus live active cultures. Brands I know of that use some and/or all of these cultures are Stoneyfield Farms, Trader Joe's, Activia, 7 Stars, Brown Cow, and Yoplait.* *Yogurt may be eaten before going to bed as a sort of 4 th meal of the day. If desired and/or or needed, add some fiber to it such as whole grain bran flakes which will help with elimination. Shredded coconut, some jam, maple syrup or other natural sweetener turn good plain yogurt into a delicious & healthy dessert.
Disclaimer: Not intended for diagnosis or treatment or prevention of any disease and/or other medical condition.


AVOID ALL "UNCLEAN" FOODS LISTED IN LEVITICUS 11 & DEUTERONOMY 14! Taken from to which I have made a couple of changes. Land Animals Armadillo, Ass, Badger Bear, Beaver, Boar Camel , Cat, Cheetah Coyote, Dog, Donkey Elephant, Fox, Gorilla Groundhog, Hare, Hippopotamus Horse, Hyena, Jackal Kangaroo, Leopard, Lion, Llama, Mole, Monkey, Mouse, Mule Muskrat, Onager Opossum, Panther Peccary, Pig (ham, ribs, bacon, sausage, chops, jowls, crisp pork skins, cracklings, chitterlings, fat, lard, etc.) Land Animals cont. Porcupine, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rat, Rhinoceros, Skunk, Slug Snail (escargot), Squirrel, Tiger, Wallaby Weasel, Wolf, Wolverine, Worm, Zebra Birds - Fowl Albatross, Bat, Bittern Buzzard, Condor, Coot, Cormorant, Crane, Crow, Cuckoo, Duck, Eagle, Flamingo, Goose, Grebe, Grosbeak, Gull, Hawk, Hen, Heron, Birds - Fowl cont. Kite, Lapwing, Loon, Magpie, Osprey, Owl, Parrot, Pelican, Penguin, Plover, Rail, Raven, Roadrunner, Sandpiper, Seagull, Stork, Swallow, Swift, Vulture, Water Hen, Woodpecker Reptiles, Insects Alligator, Blindworm, Caiman, Crocodile, Frog Lizard, Newt, Salamander, Snake, Toad, Turtle, All insects except for some in the locust family. Fish, Shellfish, & other Marine Animals Abalone, Bullhead, Catfish, Clam, Crab Cuttlefish, Dolphin, Eel European turbot, Crayfish, Jellyfish, Limpet, Lobster, Marlin Mussel, Octopus, Otter Oyster, Paddlefish Porpoise, Prawn, Scallop, Seal, Shark Shrimp, Squid(calamari) Stickleback, Sturgeon (includes most caviar), Swordfish, Tuna, Walrus, Whale

PROCESSED ORIENTAL TEAS such as Lipton, Nestea, Earl of Gray, Orange Pekoe, etc. Substitute with herbal teas (chamomile, mint, cinnamon, etc.) instead. Dr. Reams says that more damage has been done to human health by consuming processed oriental teas than all the food preservatives ever used. SEA SALT (all brands!). This is the saltiest of salts and will cause the conductivity to go too high. THE FOLLOWING SHOULD BE LIMITED AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE OR AS SUGGESTED: COCOA / CHOCOLATE. CARBONATED BEVERAGES. WHITE FLOUR PRODUCTS including bread, biscuits, pancakes, cakes, cookies, etc. WHITE SUGAR and anything made from it including candy, cookies, cakes, cereals, ice cream, etc. WHITE RICE and anything made from it. Use whole grain or parboiled rice instead. WHITE POTATOES (Idaho, Russet, Maine, etc.) should be limited to once per month. TABLE SALT. Use Lowery's & other salt free salt substitutes instead. BLACK PEPPER & NUTMEG. These are irritating to the colon. COFFEE - One cup per day of very weak coffee is acceptable for most people 30 years old or older but it can be problematic for those with low sugars. Heavy coffee drinkers (more than 4 cups per day) should taper off slowly for several days until reaching the one cup per day allotment or it can be eliminated altogether if there is no special need for it. Mild coffee is very good for the kidneys. ALCOHOL - Unless needed to relieve extreme gas and indigestion problems or for rare special occasions.


NUTS & NUT BUTTERS. Go easy on these. Although they are high in mineral, most people have difficulty digesting them. Making nut milks is, however, an acceptable way of using nuts in one's diet. Also, using nuts in cooking so that they become very soft is another way that makes them acceptable. CHEESE - We were taught to use cheese "to taste. Cheese is a heavy food and difficult to digest for many people. It also contains a lot of fat. It is suggested that no more than 1/2 ounce per 25 pounds of body weight per WEEK be consumed. Example: A person weighs 150 pounds - 150 / 25 = 6 x 1/2 = 3 ounces of cheese per WEEK. It is best to use a hard cheese such as cheddar which has been aged at least one year. BREAD - Dr. Reams said the more bread one eats per day the less mineral one will get from the other foods eaten. It is easy to fill up on bread because it is easy to use and tastes good. But when a person does this, he/she misses out on valuable minerals and enzymes available in other food sources. Suggested is half a slice of bread per day for every 50 pounds of body weight. Toast it if possible for the best digestibility. If eating pancakes, muffins, and/or biscuits for breakfast, make sure you calculate these into your daily allotment of bread for the day. *AS TO THE RATIO OF RAW TO COOKED FOODS, common sense should be used. I like to use the phrase "as much raw as one can jaw" when making dietary suggestions. Dr. Reams recommended at least 35% of the diet be made up of raw food fiber. This agrees with other traditional dietary habits of peoples throughout the world who consistently exhibit good health. Fruit will be eaten first at breakfast time followed by the other suggestions to satisfy one's hunger. The same rule would apply at lunch and supper except that the salad is eaten first, followed afterwards by the cooked vegetables, grains, meats, etc. *PLEASE DON'T OVEREAT! Eating the wrong foods is bad but I think over eating is just as bad, perhaps worse. The advice of an older gentleman to me one time was: "If you wish to not become overweight, leave the table a little hungry. He's right. When we have eaten until we feel really full or stuffed, we have eaten too much and are overtaxing our digestive systems. We should learn to eat just enough so that we are satisfied but not full to the point of discomfort and bloating. *IF ONE IS NOT HUNGRY, ONE SHOULDN'T EAT! It's better to skip the meal altogether and wait for the next meal. If skipping a meal causes a person to feel very hungry before the next meal, then try drinking a glass of juice in place of the water and/or eat a piece of fruit. Once one begins the lemon water program, it will give a tremendous energy boost of energy making the desire for snacks even less to no desire at all. Eating three to four meals per day every four to five hours is the best rhythm for the body. *IN REGARDS TO LOSING WEIGHT, experience both shows and proves that once a person gets and keeps the RBTI numbers in the Energy Restoration Range, the person's weight will return to where it is supposed to be. Dr. Reams was noted to say: "Quit trying to be like the scale ..." The point is that our weight has much to do with the overall size of our bone structure, how hard we work, how much exercise we do, etc. When the person's RBTI numbers get into the Energy Restoration Range and stay there, that person's body weight will adjust itself accordingly. INVITED TO DINNER: If I am invited to a friend's house for dinner and a delicious PORK roast is being served for the main meal with whipped mashed potatoes and a wonderful dessert made with loads of white sugar, I would eat what is set before me. I think more energy would be lost over offending the cook by not eating the meal rather than eating it. I don't have to overdo, however. Remember, it is the systematic daily and weekly use of these foods that causes problems, not the rare occasion we find ourselves eating them. *WHEN BATHING OR SHOWERING and using soap on the skin, it is very important to replace the natural oils that have been washed off by putting on some bath oil after drying off. Dr. Reams said our natural oils hold in much of the Vitamin C that is stored in our bodies and removing these natural oils allows Vitamin C to escape from our bodies making us more susceptible to colds and other viruses. *TRY TO SET ASIDE ONE DAY PER WEEK TO REST ON. In the Old Testament, the Sabbath was made for man and the animals to rest their bodies from their six day work week. The Sabbath, along with all the other commands God gave to the children of Israel, had one thing in mind: "that it may go well with


thee, and with thy children after thee, and that thou mayest prolong thy days upon the earth ..." (Deuteronomy 4:40) Giving our bodies a day of rest each week only makes sense & should be followed.

Sample One Day Meal Plan With Recipes

I have taken 2 recipes from Pam Manthei's Help From The Sanctuary Food Preparation Manual along with other things she recommends & added a few things of my own. I include milk with each meal as a choice, not a requirement. Remember the Prominent Calcium per Food List on Page 16 for your specific body chemistry calcium needs. Purchase food preparation books at: --- Click on the Books & CDs link to find Help From The Sanctuary as well as some very nice reference works for your RBTI Library. Always remember that any cookbook can be used to make a nutritious meal for you and your family. Help From The Sanctuary will instill this into you while you read. The key is to keep in the recipes what fit the Rules of RBTI Meal Preparation AND more specifically Your Own Personal Needs according to YOUR Personal RBTI Test Results. No more fads, just what works. Go By The Numbers!

Oatmeal Supreme Nut Milk or Milk on Oatmeal Toast (toast it dark) Fruit (as desired) Juice (as desired) Oatmeal Supreme Recipe Serves 4 3 1/2 cups water 2 tsp. blackstrap molasses 2 tsp honey 2 tsp ASH* Dash Lawry's Salt 1 3/4 cups rolled oats 1/2 cup coconut 1/2 cup chopped dates or raisins 1 Tbsp corn oil 1/2 tsp vanilla 1. Combine water, sweeteners, & seasonings. 2. Add remaining ingredients, stirring until mixture begins to thicken. 3. Cover & turn off heat. Let stand for about 20 minutes before serving. *ASH stands for All Spices & Herbs, a blend of upwards of 100 different spices & herbs.

Baked Stuffed Eggplant Rice or other whole grain. 2-3 Vegetables Tossed Salad (add condiments) Carrot or Cranberry Juice, Milk Baked Stuff Eggplant Recipe Serves 4 2 eggplants 1/2 cup chopped onion 6 Tbsp margarine 1 cup bread crumbs 1 tsp seasoning salt 3 cups cooked or canned corn Bacos
NOTE: For those desiring flesh (beef, fowl, fish) with the meal, cook up what you like & add to the above.

Dr. Reams' Onion Soup Whole Grain Crackers or Toast Raw Veggie Sticks or Salad Yogurt (add dried coconut, etc.) Green Drink (if needed) or Milk Dr. Reams' Onion Soup Recipe Serves 4-6 3 cups steam distilled water 4-5 medium sized onions Fresh or frozen vegetables Parsley, Basil, other herbs Herb Ox or Jensen's seasoning Natural oil to improve flavor 1. Peel & chip onions & add them to the distilled water in a pot. 2. Cook 15-20 minutes until the onions become soft& transparent. 3. Then add some fresh or frozen vegetables, herbs such as basil or parsley. 4. Add Herb Ox &/or Jensen's seasoning. 5. Add small amount of oil . 6. At times you may add skim milk, barley, arrowroot flour or eggplant to improve texture. 7. Eat the liquid & the onions together to obtain all benefits.

1. Wash eggplants and cut in half lengthwise; Parboil for 15 minutes & drain. Scoop out the center & chop fine. 2. Brown onion in margarine; add remaining ingredients except Bacons. Fill shells with corn mixture & place in baking dish. 3. Bake in 400 degree oven for 20 minutes. 4. Top with Bacos & serve. 1. The meals above give an idea as to how the concept of variety in food choices is used. Count the # of different foods used in the meals above & you will see just how many different sources of minerals one can introduce in the diet on a daily basis. 2. Leftovers from the lunch meal can be used to make a hearty soup for supper so that a whole new meal does not have to be cooked. Just add the leftovers to a soup stock or even a store purchased soup & you have a delicious evening meal. Add a few crackers, perhaps the leftover salad from lunch or some raw veggies, green drink, & yogurt for dessert & supper can be both easy to make & extremely nutritious. 3. Again, it is strongly recommended that the Help From The Sanctuary Food Preparation Manual be purchased. It can be followed verbatim but more importantly, it provides an outstanding presentation of how to cook the RBTI way & can be used to help you create your own masterpiece feasts of nutrition.
Disclaimer: Not intended for diagnosis or treatment or prevention of any disease and/or other medical condition.


Food Supplement Suggestions

Listed below are food supplements that may be used with your program. If such is the case, they will be marked in accordance with your counselor's suggestions including the quantity that should be taken along with the time of day. Remember that food supplements are just that, food supplements or additions to foods. The biggest mistake a person can make is to overload themselves with these very concentrated products. This isn't saying they aren't needed or aren't helpful. It is saying to keep everything in its proper context. God made foods; man makes food supplements. Also, Mineral Supplements (Min Col, Calciums, Algazim, Potassium, etc.) are to be taken with meals when the strongest digestive juices are working to break down one's meal while Vitamin Supplements (Vitamin A,B,C,D,E) are to be taken in-between meals. Note that "with" meals means "at least after one bite and at least before the last bite is taken." Please do not adjust supplement usage by yourself unless you've been properly instructed on how to do so. Supplements are available at: & Supplement Quantity When

Algazim Argentine Liver Powder (NOW) Brewers Yeast Tablets* Cal II Supreme* Cal II (Reams Formula) Calcium Aspartate Calcium Citrate Calcium Gluconate Calcium Lactate Calcium Orotate Chaparral Colloidal Silver Colon Aid Coral Calcium (Sango) Dairy Calcium Dolomite Ferro Tonic Ginger Root Powder Golden Seal Jason Winters Tea K-Min Lime Water Min Col Min-66 Miracle 7 Colon Cleanser Para-Min Potassium Aspartate Potassium Citrate Royal Jelly Tri-Min (Zinc, Manganese, Selenium) Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E *Brewers Yeast tablets should be taken w/ Cal II Supreme capsules to help digest the Calcium Hydroxide.
Disclaimer: Not intended for diagnosis or treatment or prevention of any disease and/or other medical condition.


Ancillary Suggestions
Chiropractic Adjustments Therapeutic Full Body Massage Reflexology Colon Hydro-Therapy Gall Bladder Flush Sitz Baths Walking Rebounder Exercise Singing Play Harmonica Sun Bathing Music Therapy Proper Ventilation Physical Therapy - Prescribed by a licensed physician. Medications - Prescribed by a licensed physician. Surgeries - Recommended and done by a licensed physician. Other - The point of the above list is to offer various things other than diet that can help us in time of need to get through life. Dr. Reams had many surgeries during his life on earth because of the many injuries he suffered while in the military. He even had to take a certain medication during his entire life. I've been through 2 lower back surgeries and I had tried everything conservative before I opted for this. And when I did, I chose a scope surgery. That doctor gave me my life back. So please don't think medical doctors can't help you. For certain things they can help us just like for certain things other health care practitioners can help us. We don't need everything each of them offer all the time but every now and then we need exactly what one type of professional has to offer over another. Remember, the front cover of Choose Life Or Death has the perfect equation set up like this: CS + 1.5 6.4 6.4 6.5c .04m 3 3 = PH CS means Common Sense. Let's make sure we always use our Common Sense and not think that we should only use one modality over another, etc. In RBTI, we have the numbers for knowing what to do as far as Diet is concerned. That said; please don't rule anything out because of a prejudice not grounded in fact; you may need it someday. Proper diet according to the individualized RBTI testing will certainly provide us with the knowledge to provide us with a great majority of our everyday nutritional needs. But there may come a time that something else is needed. Remain teachable to it.
Disclaimer: Not intended for diagnosis or treatment or prevention of any disease and/or other medical condition.


Putting It Altogether - Your Daily Schedule

Below is an exact schedule of your day following your personalized RBTI program.

? Arise

? Retire to Bed
Disclaimer: Not intended for diagnosis or treatment or prevention of any disease and/or other medical condition.

3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 26

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