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Jasper Chang Professor Wingate English 114B March 17, 2013 You Can Be Influential Everyone has the ability to be influential, whether it is changing a persons mind or the environment around you. But first, you need to allow others to understand your ideas and view things from your perspective. People need vivid details to see or even feel the story that you are telling. Fortunately, descriptive writings will provide the best experience because the reader can create the most precise images with feelings in his or her head. We stared off with two short stories named "Dinner with Father" and "Drowning Kittens. Both writings were extremely descriptive and vivid. I had noticed that it was much easier for the readers to relate themselves with stories that contain rich details. For example, the stories were talking the father. However, these two fathers had completely different personalities. If the stories did not describes those fathers traits and habits, we might just assumed that they are typical fathers, a solemn and distant figure. I remember one of the fathers was emotionally aggressive, and some of my classmates could easily relate to that because their fathers are like that sometimes. For descriptive writing, you need to create a piece that describes an object precisely and thoroughly. In this case, the assigned object was actually a short clip from the movie V for Vendetta. The movie was full of intense scenes, therefore, a 1-3 minute short clip was more than enough for you to describe in details. However, you were not allowed to use adjectives that are straightforward. For example, if you want to describe a scary night, you would say, The night is

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dark and quiet. You can hear some noises, but you do not recognize what kind of creature they are. instead of The night was scary. The reader would blend into this environment where the night is formidable. If your writing is detailed enough, you reader will not need you to address the night was scary because he or she can feel it from your descriptive words. Although a rich description can provide the reader a better reading experience, a short but precise piece will not end not dry and tedious. In other words, poetry falls into this category. Writing a nice poem requires skills and techniques. The writer needs to express the main idea under certain rules (unless it is a freestyle poem), such as phrase length, rhymes, syllables, etc. One of the keys is to find the shortest word/ phrase that can represent a thousand words. The reader can get the sensation of the poem without reading a list of unnecessary adjectives. Making an irrational video was the last part of Project Space. This time, instead of describing things in details, we had to break a social norm and film it. My partner, Sarrah, and I decided to take a nap at a nice restaurant. We chose Cheesecake Factory because its lights are always dim and the seat are fairly comfortable. It was a great success because we created a small chaos (the manager and waitresses were horrified). Making a good video was not an easy task. Although we were the one who manipulated the whole situation, there were so many things that we had to consider. For example, we had to worry about whether the audience is going to grasp the meaning behind the video or not. Sarrah and I had put much effort into it because we wanted to present our best work and express the idea thoroughly and precisely. Visual media is also a good way to express something thoroughly. That is why some movies are converted from books because different people have different preferences. Franky, I enjoyed most of the assignments from Project Space. This topic had expanded my horizons and let me view things differently. Being descriptive is a way to allow people to

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read your mind like an open book. Your ideas can now be conveyed correctly, and you will have a greater resonance with your audiences.

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