Verb Tenses 1

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I walk. -> Present simple. Something true in the moment. Ex. I have a headache. I feel great.

Something that happens regularly I get headaches in the morning. I am walking. -> Present Progressive/Continuous Something happening in the moment I am having difficulty breathing. His blood pressure is dropping. I walked. -> simple past An action that began and ended in the past I had a headache. I broke my leg last year. I have walked. -> present perfect (S + have + past participle) A situation that started in the past and continues up to the present OR it is connected to the present. I have broken my leg. OWWWWWWWWWW! I have had cancer for 5 years. VS I saw The Avengers last week. (simple past) I have been walking. (present perfect continuous) (S + have + been + v-ing) [for/since] My bleeding has been getting worse. Life experiences I have seen The Avengers. (present perfect)

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