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Course Content

Module 1: Back To Basics

Accounting concepts Understanding -P & L -Balance Sheet -Cash Flows from analysis point of view Ratio Analysis Break -Even Analysis (Computation , Assumptions Advantage and limitations) Capital Budgeting (NPV , IRR , Profitability Index, Pay back , Payback reciprocal and Accounting rate of return )

Module2: Excel for Modeling

Basics Of Excel 2007 Formula and functions , VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP,INDEX,MATCH,CHOOSE Goal Seek, IF and Nested IF ,And or Function, List Input Working With Graphs Pivot Table And Annuity Functions (PV, FV,PMT, NPV, IRR,MIRR ,XNPV,XIRR) Introduction to Macros

Module 3: Building Good Model

Structuring the Problem Deciding On Input And Output Variables Users For the Model Understanding the financial and Mathematical Aspects of Model Designing the spread Sheet Testing Model Using Different Scenarios

Module 4: Financial Modeling

Identifying the Macro Variables basis for Modeling Modeling for -Income Statement -Balance Sheet -Cash Flow Statement Developing dynamic model using excel functions (Forecast, Growth, Mean, Average and User defined input) Analyzing the effect on model with the change in Input Variables

Module 7: Communication and Interview Preparation

This module is spread over the entire course duration and is of the most importance for fresh graduates and post graduates looking for a job.

The contents of module are

Listening and Interpersonal Skills Development Group Communication Presentations Application Letter and Cover Letter Preparation CV preparation Essay Writing Basic of Mathematics Basics of Statistics

Mock Interviews Guest lecturers with visiting faculties form different companies Group Discussion and JAM round Preparation Discussion on Current Events

For Further details please mail us at or call Shivadeep @ 7416809654 / 09550812083

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