Year 6 Parent Meeting - Transition To MYP

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Y6 Parent Transition Meeting

When: Wednesday, March 27th, 2013 from 6:30 to 8:00 Where: NIST Secondary Building 1 Room 1201 This meeting has two parts. During the first part of the meeting, NIST Secondary School staff will introduce parents to the MYP, discuss the expectations for students in Year 7 and outline the ways in which we work together to support your children to be confident, connected and challenged learners. During the second part of this meeting, Donna Murphy, MSc, OTR will present a workshop to provide you will the knowledge and tools to guide your childs transition. Please see the details below. TRANSITION TO SECONDARY SCHOOL: TIPS AND TRAPS The transition to Year 7 or secondary school is considered that in which a child must surge forward socially, emotionally, cognitively and organizationally more than any other time since the transition to Year 1. You survived the first major transition (Year 1) so now learn some front end strategies to help your child (and you) make this next challenging transition go smoothly. This workshop will look at how you can guide your child toward better: Self Organization and Managing the new Environment; Organizing of school work; Time Management; Success in the Hidden Curriculum Street Credibility Learn a few of the Transition Traps for parents to avoid. Pre-adolescence and adolescence can be a time generally of increased anxiety. Be ready to help your child keep this in check with strategies in place early. This workshop format will be a presentation with very practical strategies offered. Donna Murphy Donna Murphy MSc, OTR is an experienced pediatric Occupational Therapist who has worked with hundreds of children, families, teachers and other professionals to improve or enhance a childs performance in all domains of their lives. She has worked as a clinician and academic in 9 different countries, presented at international conferences, developed programs for the WHO and is certified by WPS in sensory integration.

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