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Squash Graham An Investigatory Project Presented To the High School Department Of The School Of The Roosevelt College Rodriguez

In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirements In High School Science Today

Submitted by: IV-Quezon Group # 1 Members: Ashley Perez Clarence Glen R. Lozada Daniella Erika Ramos Gurwinder Sekhon Jailet Sison Jazzril Villena Michael Reyes Reinan Paul Sibal Submitted to: Mrs. Rosana Alarilla March 2013

Chapter I The Problem and its Background Background of the Study A squash is a vegetable protected by a rind. This vegetable belongs to one of the four species of the Cupcurbita family. In the United States a Squash is typically categorized as summer or winter squashes. Both summer and winter squash are full of nutrients; containing trace amounts of B vitamins and healthy doses of iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium, while its rinds contain beta-carotene. Squash is a staple food for many weight-loss regimen because of its potential health benefits. The mentioned product will be beneficial to both parties: to its maker and consumer. Children are the researchers target consumer, especially those who believe vegetables to be unappealing. And flavored have been one of the school age children preferred desserts. That is why this study has been proposed as an alternative ingredient to graham. Aside from its appeal to children.

Statement of the Problem This study aims to create a product called Squash Graham to be assessed by selected seventh grade students of Roosevelt College Rodriguez School year 2012-2013. It seeks answer to the ff. questions: 1. How the Squash Graham described in terms of the following: 1.1 Taste? 1.2 Appearance and texture? 1.3 The products appeal to the children? 2. What are the health benefits of squash graham? 3. Is the squash graham a food preference by the selected seventh grade students of Roosevelt College Rodriguez School year 2012-2013?

Hypothesis The Squash Graham is preference by the selected seventh grade students Of Roosevelt College Rodriguez School year 20122013 for its taste, appearance and health benefits.

Significance of the Study This study will be beneficial to the following: Students -This study will be beneficial to the students due to the main products content of vitamins and nutrients. With the products content of Vitamin B, C, E, this can aid with their daily school activities. And it can boost a students memory.

Future Researchers -This can be a reliable source as a reference for a similar study.

Scope and Delimitation This study covers the health benefits of the squash Graham. The steps in making the product, and the taste of respondents. The researchers use the inner portion of the Squash, its flesh. As an ingredient for the Squash Graham. The outer surface of the vegetable and its seeds are disregarded. The researchers selected a number of Grade 7 Students of Roosevelt College Rodriguez as Respondents in the Study.

Definition of Terms Calcium- to maintain strong bones and carry out important functions it supports their structure and hardness. Iron- vital to the health of the human body found in every human cell, primarily linked with protein to form oxygen-carrying molecule hemoglobin. Magnesium- transmits nerve impulses, causes the contraction of muscles and is to healthy development of teeth and bones. Potassium- important mineral for the proper function of all cells, tissues, and organs in the human body.

Chapter II Review of Related Studies and Literature Related Studies James hackney (2006) states that Squashes are gourds, fleshy vegetables family, which also includes melons and cucumbers. Commonly divided into one of two main groups, summer Squashes and winter Squashes. Once considered markets throughout much of the year. A more accurate distinction between the two is that summer Squashes, with their soft shells and tender, lightcolored flesh, are picked while immature; winter Squashes, with their hard shells and darker, tougher flesh and seeds, are not harvested until maturity. Squash is a notably American food. It sustained Native Americans for some 5,000 years and then helped nourish the early European settlers. New England Colonists adapted the word squash from several Native American names for the vegetable, all of which meant something eaten raw. Two former presidents, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, were enthusiastic squash growers. Michael Harris (2009) states that the Graham Cracker was invented in 1829 in Bound Brook, New Jersey, by Presbyterian minister Sylvester Graham. The Original graham cracker was made with graham flavor, a combination of finely-ground unbleachedwheat flour with the wheat bran and germ coarsely-ground and added back in providing nutrition and flavor. While graham crackers started out as a mild food, unsweetened or mildly sweetened, They are more commonly known as a sugar and/or honey sweetened baked good that approaches a cookie (or the British English term biscuit).

Related Literature Simoun Martinez (2005) States that Squashes are native to the Americas and Columbus supposedly carried seed back to Europe, but if all squash is native to the Americas, they spread quickly in some cultures, because some of the oldest surviving cookbooks have recipes for winter squash/pumpkin type vegetables. There must have been varieties native to parts of Europe as well as the Americas. Pliny, Galen (ca. 131-200), Dioscorides (ca. 40-90 AD), and others describe vegetables thought to be winter squashes well before Columbus. The squash plant is indigenous to America and was cultivated to a large extent by the Iroquois and other eastern stocks. The word squash is derived from the Algonquin akuta squash or isquoter squash (Colonial spelling). Roger Williams writing on the agriculture of the New England Indians says: Askuta squash, their vine apples, which the English from them call squahes, are about the bigness of apples of several colours, a sweet light wholesome refreshing Squash may be the catalytic plant that graduated ancient peoples from hunter / gatherer to grower. Remnants of Curcurbita seed found in caves in Ecuador prove to be 12,000 years old. This predates the previously known dawn of agriculture by hundreds of years and the advent of cultivated corn by 2,000.But why squash? They say the large fruits of wild squash were easy to find. They offered flesh, nutritious seed, edible flowers and even containers. The first ceramic pots were formed to resemble commonly used vessels made from a hard-shell squash known as gourd. Native American farmers also harvested squash flowers. Each squash plant bears long vines that produce many male and female flowers. After enough young fruit is developing, they pinched off new flowers to eliminate further fruit production. This ensured that each pumpkin or squash reached its maximum size. This practice also provided a plentiful supply of freshly cut flowers throughout the growing season. Buffalo Bird Woman's Garden is perhaps the most important book ever written on the details of Native American gardening on the Missouri River flood plain. In it we learn that the Hidatsa and their neighbors also harvested the flowers on a daily basis. The flowers would be boiled , often

with corn and other wild seed.But the farming tribes also preserved the blossoms for later use. Bird Woman would lay them out carefully onto "deer hair" grass to create a large homogenous mass. When dry, she'd roll it all up and store in bags for winter. There is no doubt that all other tribes who grew the three sisters did much the same thing.Today the squash blossoms are brought fresh into Mexican markets every morning. In regions close to the point of origin for the species, a cheese quesadilla of squash blossoms is still a popular festival food.Two sources offer exciting Native American winter squash and pumpkins for next year's garden. Order catalogs or peruse their online stores. From nonprofit Native Seed/SEARCH come over a dozen different varieties from indigenous tribes of the desert Southwest and northern Mexico. They are great choices for hot, dry climates. Take a look at the oldest variety, Magdalena Big Cheese, plus Acoma Pumpkin, Striped Pima Bajo Sequalca and many others.

Chapter III Research Design and Methodology Method of Research The researchers initially participants about the creak product premises of the school. The problems datum are gathered with the use of a engaged in viewpoints of Squash Graham given in the have been cited and other Questionnaire.

The Experimental Method is facilitated in the research to determine the effectiveness product with the students appeal and reaction. Respondents of the Study The respondents for the study are the selected 7th grade students of Roosevelt College Rodriguez target population with sampling methods as specified. The Squash Graham product is presented to the respondents to be assessed, with inclusive standards of questions based upon the identified criteria Which will be gathered to weigh the stand of the study and for the implementation on further judgments. The 26 students were chosen based on random selection.

Sampling Technique The Experimental Method is used in this study. The method weighs the effectiveness of the Squash Graham in terms of taste, affordability and health benefits. A method done by performing and creating a product to be assessed and used as a medium for the respondents subjective reactions. A questionnaire is provided, aside from the mentioned, for every respondents to fill-up after assessing the product. The Questionnaire consists of questions answerable by Yes or NO

Locale of the Study This study will conducted at Roosevelt College Rodriguez on randomly selected 7th grade students. The participants consist of 26 participants, with fifteen(13)boys and fifteen(13)girls all activities are to be held in this school. It is a well-known private school in the municipality of Rodriguez Rizal. Data Gathering Procedure The researchers prepared a home-made dessert which are properly and aseptically stored. The researchers provide the desserts to the thirty randomly selected 7th grade students of Roosevelt College Rodriguez. The questionnaires are then distributed for the respondents to answer. The questionnaire consists of questions. Answerable by Yes and No. Development Procedure The preparations on Squash Graham are as follows: We brought fresh grahams peeled it then dried it up and slice into pieces. We also prepared some graham and pour some milk, and cream to make the sweet taste after the graham was dried we just simply put the squash at the top of the graham and we punt into the refrigerator to chilled.

Chapter IV Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data This chapter is primarily concerned with the presentation, interpretation and analysis of data gathered from the 7th grade student of Roosevelt College Rodriguez School year 2012-2013 and presented in tabular forms.

Analysis of Data YES NO

1. Was the product Delicious? 2. Is the product was cheap and easy? 3. Does the product was attract you?

26 23 16

0 3 10

4. Does the product taste like there is a mango in the product? 5. Is there too much sweetness in the product? 6. Did you prefer to eat Squash Graham?






The findings from the analysis of data are the following: 1. In the first question all the respondents answered Yes that the product was Delicious, which is equal to 100% 2. In the second question there are 23 respondents answered Yes, which is equal to 88.46%. On the contrary there are 3 respondents answered No, which is equal to 11.59%. 3. In the third question there are 16 respondents answered Yes, which is equal to 61.54%. On the contrary there are 10 respondents answered No, which is equal to 38.46%. 4. In the fourth question there are 18 respondents answered Yes, which is equal to 61.54%. On the contrary there are 8 respondents answered NO, which is equal to 30.76. 5. In the fifth question there are 14 respondents answered Yes, which is equal to 53.85%. On the contrary there are 8 respondents answered No, which is equal to 46.15%. 6. In the sixth question there are 17 respondents answered Yes, which is equal to 65.38%. On the contrary there are 9 respondents answered No, which is equal to 34.12%.

Chapter V Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation


A squash is a vegetable protected by a rind. The vegetable belongs to one of the four species of the Cupcurbita family. This study covers the health benefits of the Squash Graham, The steps in making the product, and the taste of the respondents. The researchers selected a number of grade 7 students of Roosevelt College Rodriguez as respondents in the study. Students will be the beneficial of this study and the future researchers. The researchers initially engaged in viewpoints of participants about the creak product Squash Graham given in the premises of the school. The Respondents for the study are the selected 7th grade students of Roosevelt College Rodriguez School target population with sampling methods as specified. Experimental method is used in this study. The method weighs effectiveness of the Squash Graham. This study will conducted at Roosevelt College Rodriguez on randomly selected students. The researchers Prepared a home made dessert which are properly and aseptically stored

Conclusion Based were drawn: from the findings, the following conclusions

1. The product was delicious. It also appealed to the younger children because of its fine appearance and texture. The texture may be very good that it appealed truly to the selected grade 7 students of Roosevelt College Rodriguez. 2. The squash has many health benefits and most of them are essential to the person consuming it. One of the known benefits of the squash is its capability to sharpen ones eyesight through vitamin D.


1. To the students they must learn and love to eat vegetables for it contains essential nutrients the body needs. 2. To the teachers they should also eat vegetables to keep them healthy so that they could teach their lessons very well. 3. To the school they should create a program about health and nutrition so that students may learn to eat veggies. 4. To the future researchers This study may serve as your guideline and this study may contribute to improve your study.


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