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Department of Chemical Engineering

Vacation Employment Summary Report Form

This form along with your supervisors letter and OH&S checklist (if not submitted prior to start of
placement) should be submitted to the Department of Chemical Engineering within 2 months of
completing your Vacation Work.

Student Name: ..
ID Number:
Dates of Placement:
1) At which company did you complete your Vacation Work? .................................................................
2) What do they do? (Maximum One Paragraph in length) .....................................................................


3) What tasks did you perform whilst on placement? (half to one page in length) .....................................

3) What tasks did you perform whilst on placement? (continued) ............................................................

4) What did you learn from your placement? (Maximum half page in length) .............................................
5) What were the benefits gained during your placement? (Maximum half page in length) .......................

Student Signature: ____________________________

Date: ______________

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