Relationships Handout 20090308

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Purposing, in relationships, to walk in God glorifying

attitudes, effort, speech, and purity.

An overview of relationship dynamics from Ephesians (based on the English Stand-
ard Version)


1.Study the following verses to discover the attitudes, effort, speech, and purity
that are to characterize our relationships.
2.As you look at each one put an “N” by the ones that come naturally and a “D” by
the ones that you find difficult to obey.
3.After you complete the study, look at the ones that are difficult and ask yourself
what desires you have that make it difficult to walk in obedience in this area?

Eph- The attitudes that are to characterize our relationships Difficult/Natur-

esians al
4:2 H
4:2 G
4:2 P
4:2 B
4:3 Eager …
4:26 Be …
4:31 Putting away …
4:32 K,
4:32 T
4:32 F
5:2 Walking in
5:21 S

Eph- The effort that is to characterize our relationships Difficult/Natur-

esians al
4:12 engaged in the w of the ministry, for b
up the body of Christ.
4:16 each part w properly, builds itself up in love.
4:28 Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him l ,
doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may
have something to share with anyone in need.
5:16 making of the time, because the days
are evil.
5:5 Slaves, obey your earthly masters with fear and trembling,
with a sincere heart, as you would Christ,
5:6 not by the way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but as
servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart,
7rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and not
to man,
5:9 Masters, do the same to them, and stop your threatening,


Eph- The speech that is to characterize our relationships Difficult/Natur-

esians al
4:15 speaking the …
4:25 put away …
4:25 speak the …
4:29 Let no …
4:29 but only such as is …
4:29 as fits …
4:29 that it may give …
5:4 Let there be no nor talk
nor joking,
5:4 let there be …
5:19 addressing one another …
5:20 giving …

Eph- The purity that is to characterize our relationships Difficult/Natur-

esians al
5:3 But sexual …
5:3 and all …
5:3 or must not even be named among


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