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QCS 20 010


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nded that the e technical regulation, r Q Qatar Constru uction Specifications (QC CS), will be amended a It is inten periodica ally. Any sug ggestions for r amendmen nts to Qatar Construction C n Specificatio ons should be b sent to Laborato ories and Sta andardisation n Affairs in th he Ministry of f Environmen nt. B By post: The Coo ordinator Qatar Co onstruction S Specifications 2010 Laborato ories & Stand dardisation Affairs A Ministry of Environm ment PO Box 23277 Q Doha, Qatar qcs@mo

B By e-mail:

ensure that th he following information a are included in all correspondences: Please e Section number and title Part num mber and title e Clause and a paragrap ph number Page Your nam me and contact details

use the follow wing feedbac ck form wher re possible and applicable e. Please u QCS S 2010 Feedback Section n name and title t Part na ame and title Clause and paragra aph number Page Name a and contact details d

Date Commen nts / Sugges stions / Technical Justifications

QCS 2010

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