Total Suspended Solid

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Total Suspended Solid (TSS, sometimes called filterable solids) in water are organic and mineral particulate matter

that do not pass through a 0,45 m filter. They may include silt, clay, metal oxides, sulfides, algae, bacteria, and fungi. TSS is generally removed by flocculation and filtering. TSS contributes to turbidity, which limits light penetration for photosynthesis and visibility in recreational waters.

Total Suspended Solid (TSS, kadang-kadang disebut padatan yang dapat disaring) dalam air adalah organik dan mineral partikel yang tidak melewati 0,45 pM filter. Mereka mungkin termasuk lumpur, tanah liat, oksida logam, sulfida, ganggang, bakteri, dan jamur. TSS umumnya dihilangkan dengan flokulasi dan penyaringan. TSS memberikan kontribusi untuk kekeruhan, yang membatasi penetrasi cahaya untuk fotosintesis dan visibilitas di perairan rekreasi. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS, sometimes called nonfilterable solids)are substances that will pass through a 0,45 m filter. If the water passed through the filter is evaporated, the TDS will remain behind as a solid residue. TDS may include dissolved minerals and salts, humic acids, tannin, and pyrogens. TDS is removed by precipitation, ion exchange, and RO. In natural waters, the major contributors to TDS are carbonate, bicarbonate, chloride, sulfate, phosphate, and nitrate salts. Taste problems in water often arise from the presence of high TDS levels with certain metals present, particularly iron, copper, manganese, and zinc.

The difference between suspended and dissolved solids is a matter of definition based on the filtering procedure. Solids are always measured as the dry weight, and careful attention must be paid to the drying procedure to avoid errors caused by reained moisture or loss of material by volatilization or oxidation.

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