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Market Survey

Consumers View on TVS Electronics Products in Hospitality

1. NAME:

2. AGE



1. What is the first thing which comes to your mind when you think about TVS Electronics? a) Quality c) Brand b) Affordabilty d) Nothing

2. Are you using the TVS Electronics products? a) Yes b) No

3. If Yes,what products are you preferred to use? a) Billing printers display c)Keyboards d)Others 4. How long have you used our product/service? a) less than 6months c) Over 3 years used b) 1-3 years d) Never b) Customer

5. Do you think TVS Electronics is offering better products compared to others in the market? a) YES e) NOT SURE b) NO f) CANT SAY

6. Thinking of similar products/services offered by other companies,how would you compare our product/service offerd? a)Much better b) Some what better c)some what worse d)much worse e)same

f)dont know

7. How satisfied are you with regarding the following items(TVS Electronics products)? A) Overall Quality a)satisfied applicable B) Value a)Satisfied C) Price a)Satisfied b)Unsatisfied c)Neutral d)Not applicable b)Unsatisfied c)Neutral d)Not applicable b) Unsatisfied c)Neutral d) Not

D) Purchase Experience a)Satisfied b)Unsatisfied c)Neutral d)Not applicable

E) Usage Experience a)Satisfied b)Unsatisfied c)Neutral d)Not applicable

F) Service Experience a)Satisfied b)Unsatisfied c)Neutral d)Not applicable

8. Will you use/purchase the product again? a) Yes c) might or might not b) No d)Cant say

9. Will you recommend the product to your friends? a) Yes c) Not sure b) No d) Cant say

10. Based on your experience with the product,how likely are you to buy a other product again ? a) very likely b)likely c)Unlikely d)Very likely e)dont know 11.If you contacted(company) customer service,were all problems resolved to your complete satisfaction? a) Yes,by the company or their representatives b)Yes,by me or someone outside the company c)No,the problem was not solved. d)No problems,No contact with customer service.

12. Do you think TVS Electronics are metting the customers requirements and needs ? a) Yes c) Not sure b) No d)dont know

13. If No,what are your requirements

14. If you have any additional comments about how Electronics can improve your satisfaction with our products and services,please fill them here

15.Overall satisfaction on the products? a)very much b)not very much c)neutral d)cant say

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