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Technical Note

Input Data
This Technical Note describes the composite beam design input data for AISCASD89. The input can be printed to a printer or to a text file when you click the File menu > Print Tables > Composite Beam Design command. A printout of the input data provides the user with the opportunity to carefully review the parameters that have been input into the program and upon which program design is based.

Beam Overwrites Input Data

The program provides the printout of the input data in a series of tables. The tables typically correspond to the tabs used in the Composite Beam Overwrites form. The column headings for input data and a description of what is included in the columns of the tables are provided in Table 1 of this Technical Note. Recall that the composite beam overwrites apply to all beams to which they have been specifically assigned. To access the composite beam overwrites, select one or more beams and then click the Design menu > Composite Beam Design > View/Revise Overwrites command. Information about composite beam overwrites is available in Technical Note Overwrites Composite Beam Design AISC-ASD89.

Beam Overwrites Input Data

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Composite Beam Design AISC-ASD89

Input Data

Table 1 Beam Overwrites Input Data


Beam Location Information

This information does not correspond to one of the tabs in the composite beam overwrites. This data is provided to help identify the beam to which printed overwrites apply. X Y Length Global X coordinate of the center of the beam to which the overwrites apply. Global Y coordinate of the center of the beam to which the overwrites apply. Length of the beam to which the overwrites apply. Type of beam design. The choices are Composite, NC w/ studs and NC w/o studs. NC w/ studs is short for noncomposite with minimum shear studs. NC w/o studs is short for noncomposite without shear studs. Note that this option allows you to design a noncomposite floor beam in the Composite Beam Design postprocessor. This item is Yes if the composite beam is shored. Otherwise, it is No. Note that this item supersedes the Shored Floor item in the composite beam preferences. If the beff left width is program calculated, this item reads "Prog Calc." Otherwise, this item is the user-defined width for beff left. See Technical Note Effective Width of the Concrete Slab Composite Beam Design for discussion of the effective width of the slab. If the beff right width is program calculated, this item reads "Prog Calc." Otherwise, this item is the user-defined width for beff right. See Technical Note Effective Width of the Concrete Slab Composite Beam Design for discussion of the effective width of the slab. If the beam yield stress is based on the material property specified for the beam, this item reads "Prog Calc." Otherwise, this item is the user-defined yield stress of the beam. If the beam minimum tensile strength is based on the material property specified for the beam, this item reads "Prog Calc." Otherwise, this item is the user-defined minimum tensile strength of the beam.

Beam Properties
Composite Type

Shoring Provided

b-eff Left

b-eff Right

Beam Fy

Beam Fu

Table 1 Beam Overwrites Input Data

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Composite Beam Design AISC-ASD89

Input Data

Table 1 Beam Overwrites Input Data


Cover Plate
This information is included on the Beam tab of the overwrites. Plate Width Plate Thick Plate Fy Consider Cover Plate Width of the cover plate. Thickness of the cover plate. Yield stress of the cover plate. If this item is "Yes," the specified cover plate is considered in the design of the beam. Otherwise, the cover plate is not considered in the beam design.

Beam Unbraced Length

Beam unbraced length data is provided for both the construction condition and the final condition. The headings for these two types of beam unbraced lengths are Beam Unbraced Length (Construction Loading) and Beam Unbraced Length (Final Loading). The types of data provided in each of these tables is identical and is documented once here. Bracing State This item can be "Prog Calc," "User Bracing," or "Length Given." Prog Calc means that the program determines the braced points of the beam. User Bracing means that you have specified the actual bracing for the beam. The user-defined bracing may be point or uniform bracing along the top and bottom flange of the beam. Length Given means that you have specified a single maximum unbraced length for the beam. If the Bracing State item is "Length Given," this item is the userspecified maximum unbraced length of the beam. Otherwise, this item is specified as N/A. If the Bracing State item is "Length Given," this item indicates whether the user-specified maximum unbraced length of the beam (the Unbraced L22 item) is an absolute (actual) length or a relative length. A relative length is the maximum unbraced length divided by the length of the beam. If the Bracing State item is not Length Given, this item is specified as N/A. If the Cb factor is calculated by the program, this item reads "Prog Calc." Otherwise, the user-defined Cb factor that is used in determining the allowable bending stress is displayed. (Note that when the Cb factor is program calculated, it may be different for each design load combination, and, for a given design load combination, it may be different for each station considered along the length of the beam.)

Unbraced L22

L22 Absolute

Cb Factor

Table 1 Beam Overwrites Input Data

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Composite Beam Design AISC-ASD89

Input Data

Table 1 Beam Overwrites Input Data


Point Braces
The heading of the point braces data table specifies whether the point braces are program calculated or user-defined, and whether the distances used to locate the point braces (Location item) are absolute (actual) distances or relative distances. A relative distance is the distance divided by the length of the beam. Location This is the distance from the I-end of the beam to the point brace. As described in the preceding paragraph, it may be an absolute or a relative distance. The choices for this item are TopFlange, BotFlange or BothFlngs. TopFlange means only the top flange is braced at this point. BotFlange means only the bottom flange is braced at this point. BothFlngs means both the top and bottom flanges are braced at this point.


Uniform Braces
The heading of the uniform braces data table specifies whether the point braces are program calculated or user-defined, and whether the distances used to define the extent of the uniform braces (Start and End items) are absolute (actual) distances or relative distances. A relative distance is the distance divided by the length of the beam. Note: Details about the location and type of program calculated point and uniform braces is only reported after you have run the design. Before you run the design, this information is not available. Start This is the distance from the I-end of the beam to the starting point of the uniform brace. As described in the preceding paragraph, it may be an absolute or a relative distance. This is the distance from the I-end of the beam to the ending point of the uniform brace. This distance is always larger than the Start item. As described previously, it may be an absolute or a relative distance. The choices for this item are TopFlange, BotFlange or BothFlngs. TopFlange means only the top flange is uniformly braced along the specified length. BotFlange means only the bottom flange is uniformly braced along the specified length. BothFlngs means both the top and bottom flanges are uniformly braced along the specified length.



Table 1 Beam Overwrites Input Data

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Composite Beam Design AISC-ASD89

Input Data

Table 1 Beam Overwrites Input Data

COLUMN HEADING DESCRIPTION This item is either Left or Right. It indicates to which side of the beam the deck label and deck direction specified in the same row apply. This item is either Prog Calc, if the deck label is determined by the program, or it is the label (name) of a defined deck section, if this is a user-specified overwrite, or it is "None" if no composite deck has been specified on the side of the beam. This item is Prog Calc, Parallel, or Perpendclr. Prog Calc means that the direction of the deck span (parallel or perpendicular to the beam span) is program determined. Parallel means that the span of the metal deck is parallel to the beam span. Perpendclr means that the span of the metal deck is perpendicular to the beam span. Minimum longitudinal spacing of shear studs along the beam. Maximum longitudinal spacing of shear studs along the beam. Minimum transverse spacing of shear studs across the beam flange. Maximum number of shear studs in a single row across the beam flange. This item is Prog Calc if the allowable horizontal load for a single shear stud is determined by the program, or it is a userdefined allowable horizontal load for a single shear stud. The uniform spacing of single shear studs along the length of the beam.

Deck Properties
Beam Side

Deck Label

Deck Direction

Shear Stud Properties

Min Long Spacing Max Long Spacing Min Tran Spacing Max Conn in a Row Stud q

User-Defined Shear Stud Pattern

Uniform Spacing

User-Defined Uniform Stud Sections

The heading of the uniform stud sections data table specifies whether the distances used to define the extent of the stud sections (Start, End and Length items) are absolute (actual) distances or relative distances. A relative distance is the distance divided by the length of the beam. Note: User-defined shear stud patterns are described in Technical Note UserDefined Shear Stud Patterns Composite Beam Design.

Table 1 Beam Overwrites Input Data

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Composite Beam Design AISC-ASD89

Input Data

Table 1 Beam Overwrites Input Data

COLUMN HEADING Start DESCRIPTION This is the distance from the I-end of the beam to the starting point of the uniform stud section. As described previously, it may be an absolute or a relative distance. This is the distance from the I-end of the beam to the ending point of the uniform stud section. As described previously, it may be an absolute or a relative distance. This is the length of the uniform stud section. As described previously, it may be an absolute or a relative distance. The number of uniformly spaced shear studs in the uniform stud section. If the live load and total load deflection limits are specified as absolute (actual) distances, this item is Yes. If they are specified as a divisor of beam length (relative), this item is No. The live load deflection limit for the beam. The total load deflection limit for the beam. If this item is Yes, the program calculates the camber for the beam. If it is No, the program does not calculate a camber, but if desired, the user can specify the camber. User-specified camber when the program does not calculate the beam camber. This item is Prog Calc if the number of effective beams for vibration calculations is determined by the program, or it is a user-defined number of effective beams. This item is Yes if the beam depth limitations (Minimum Depth and Maximum Depth items) are considered by the program for beams with auto select section lists. This item is No if the beam depth limitations are not considered. Minimum actual (not nominal) beam depth considered in the auto select section list if the Limit Beam Depth item is Yes. Maximum actual (not nominal) beam depth considered in the auto select section list if the Limit Beam Depth item is Yes.


Length Number

Deflection, Camber and Vibration

Deflection Absolute

Live Load Limit Total Load Limit Calculate Camber

Specified Camber Neff Beams

Other Restrictions
Limit Beam Depth

Minimum Depth Maximum Depth

Table 1 Beam Overwrites Input Data

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Composite Beam Design AISC-ASD89

Input Data

Table 1 Beam Overwrites Input Data

COLUMN HEADING Minimum PCC Maximum PCC RLLF DESCRIPTION Minimum percent composite connection considered by the program for the beam. Maximum percent composite connection considered by the program for the beam. This represents the reducible live load factor. A reducible live load is multiplied by this factor to obtain the reduced live load. This item is Prog Calc if the reducible live load factor is determined by the program, or it is a user-defined reducible live load factor. The EQ Factor is a multiplier applied to earthquake loads. This item corresponds to the EQ Factor item in the composite beam design overwrites. More information about the EQ Factor is available from Technical Note Overwrites Composite Beam Design AISC-ASD89. This item is Active if the one-third increase in allowable stresses for design load combinations, including wind or seismic loads, is considered for the beam. The item is Inactive if the one-third increase is not considered.


1/3 Increase

Table 1 Beam Overwrites Input Data

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