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DEET, is slightly yellow-colored oil. This is the substance most commonly used as an active ingredient in insect repellent. This substance is intended for use on skin or clothing, and are mainly used to repel mosquitoes.

Concentration of DEET
DEET with a concentration of 100% to provide protection up to 12 hours while some lowconcentration DEET formulations (20-34%) to give 3-6 hours of protection. DEET is often sold and used in spray or lotion in concentrations up to 100%.

Effects on health
DEET can act as an irritant substance and in rare cases, can cause skin reactions. DEET is known to have a function to inhibit the enzyme activity of the central nervous system, namely asetilkolinesterase, both in insects and mammals.

DEET Toxicity
DEET Toxicity depends on the route of exposure and dose that enters the body. Routes of exposure that often occurs in the use of DEET is because ingested and Excessive use of topical. Ingested DEET causes : a. disorders of the digestive tract ( nausea and vomitus) b. hypertension, tachycardia, convulsions, central nervous system depression, lethargy, ataxia, tremor, opistotonus, hipertonia, toxic hepatitis, respiratory depression, and coma.

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