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Yogesh Lajmi : K.P. Astrologer, 202,La-Vista, Plot 132, Shivaji Park, Rd.

#2,MUMBAI- 400028 Tele: +92 22 24467314 ; CELL: 9820600875 RECTIFICATION/CORRECTION OF BIRTH TIME It is the experience of almost all of us that no Birth is recorded correctly with regard to the exact hour,minute and secondfor a variety of reasonsmainly because in different parts of India different parameters are followedfor example the correct TOB could be at the Time: 1)When the head is seenor 2)When the delivered infant touches the ground or delivery table...or 3)When the umbilical chord is severedor 4)At the first breath of the infant usually at the time of the first cry(the obstetrician is known to hold the newborn by his feet and give a sharp slap to elicit the cry) as that Is when the infant begins to live on his own As per K.P. this is the correct TOB when the infant has to breath in order to cry ! This is very difficult, as both the Nurse and the Doctor are busy cleaning the infantnaturally the best alternative is to use the Rectify the Time of Birth later,using the K.P. System.... Rectification of Birth Time,or the determination of the Exact Time of Birth,has assumed great importance in the present days,because a consultant expects the Astrologer to give his predictions very accurately,and if possible give the exact date and time of an event ,either yet to take place or already taken place Several methods came to be devised/prescribed by the different systems of Astrology,the old Traditional Astrological Method,the Tajik System,the K.P System,the Cuspal Interlink System of (CIL),Mr.K.Bhaskaran of Madurai,and Khullars KCIL, a slight modification of Bhaskarans CIL theory. Let us now examine the various methods as per Krishnamurthi PadhdhatiI will restrict our discussion to the easily practicable methods,now made possible by the advent of Computers and improved and very accurate,specially designed Software,which removes the cumbersome calculations of the old systems/methodslike using Ghatis Vighatis and the like Guruji KSKs system was inspired on reading and studying in depth Brihat Jataka, by the great VarahamihiraChapter 26,stanza 17,where a method to arrive at the correct Lagna from the Time of the Query is describedKSK drew inspiration from this stanza, which very unfortunately,remained ignored and no worthwhile research was attempted for the past so many years ! After a great deal of experimentation KSK,discovered that the Time Of Birth and the Time when the urge to work out and erect the Birth Chart,and the moment of the query,have a direct relationship, and there can be no two opinions on this scorein other words,thus was born the THEORY OF RULING PLANETS and the axiom that at the Ruling Planets at Time of Judgement,or beginning to work, will always govern the Lagna crowning KSK with unprecedented Fame and Glory ! ! The importance of correctness of the Date,Time and Place of BIRTH The importance and usefuness of the Correct Date and Time of Birth,has increased a great deal,these daysfor : 1)Admission to school, 2)Appearing at competetive Examinations, 3)Entry into the service in Govt., or Public Sector,and Private sector too 4)For Insurance purposes 5)For marriage purposeshoroscope matching etc 6)For forecasting future events accurately 7)For helping choose the most suitable Education Qualification/ Profession Rectification of Birth Time : A. When the given Time of Birth is suspected to be + or 20 to 25 minutes from the exact Time of Birth,then the one may resort to a very simple methodSimply adjust the TOB such that the sublord and subsub-lord of the Ascendant appear as the Moons star-lord and sublord, that TOB thus computedwill be the Exact Time of Birth. B. In all other cases The Ruling Planets at the time of judgement/query,will surely rule the Ascendant fully...(with due substitution of the nodes) Note: If one wants to find out the correct position of the Moon,with that query in ones mind,note the RPs at the TOJand write down the position of the Moon,accordingly If the correct Birth time is expected/suspected to be more than plus or minus 25-30 minutes,away from the given Time Of Birth(TOB)., then the method is as folows: a) First take the Ruling Planets at the time,when a strong urge arises... b) Then arrange write down the Sign lord,Star-lord, Sublord and sub-sub-lord of the MOON position at that Time... c) Now re-arrange these as : Sign-Lord,Star- lord,Sub- lord and sub-sub-lord as the degree in which the Ascendant is posited...

d) Now work out the time for this position of the Ascendant,and work out the exact Time... this will be the EXACT per K.P. Principles.. . C. D. Yet another method is that, whenever one meets with a minor accident or gets a minor cut with a knife or blade...note the EXACT time at that moment,and work out the Lagna at that time,immediately. .. Mysteriously, ,the sublords of the Houses IV,VIII & XII will be appearing as Lagna-lord,Lagna Starlord and Lagna Sublord... READERS ARE REQUESTED TO PLEASE TRY THIS OUT AND INFORM References: 1. The late Shri K.Ganapati (eldest son) 2. Sothida Mamani Shri K.Subramaniam (2nd son) 3.Sothida Chakravarthy Shri K.Hariharan (youngest son) (sons of Jyotish Marthand late Shri K.S.Krishnamurthi) 4.Astrosecrets & K.P. The same as in A

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