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Data Validation

Home Data Validation



CD Orders


Data validation checks that the data is sensible before it is processed. Methods used for validation are... range check This checks that the data lies within a specified range of values. Eg the month of a person's DOB should lie between 1 and 12 presence check This checks that important data is actually there and has not been missed out. Eg Customers may be required to have their telephone numbers. type check A check that data is of the right type. Eg number, text etc length check Checks that fields have the correct number of characters. Eg A bank account number may always be 10 digits long. check digits Used for numerical data. An extra digit is added to a number which is calculated from the other digits. The computer checks this calculation when data is entered. Eg The ISBN number on a book. The last digit is a check digit. batch totals This checks for missing records. Numerical fields may be added together for all records in a batch. The batch total is entered and the computer checks that the total is correct. Eg Add the 'Total Cost' field of a number of transactions together. hash totals This is just a batch total done on a meaningless field. Eg Add the Telephone Numbers together for a number of Customers.

Pre se nce che ck s can be ca rrie d o ut by running que rie s tha t look for 'Null' fie lds.



Data Validation

Exercise : Data Validation is used to check that data is sensible before it is processed. Methods used for validation are... - used to check that important fields in records have been entered. - checks to see that data lies within a range of values. - an extra digit added onto a numerical field. It is calculated using the other digits of the number. The computer checks the calculation. - checks for missing records. Numerical fields are added together for all the records in a batch. This sum is checked by the computer. - a batch total used on a meaningless field (eg dates of birth) - checks that data is of the right type (integer, text) - checks that there is the correct number of characters in the data
(Gre e n indicate s succe ss)


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