Script Draft 2

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SCRIPT DRAFT 2: Scene 1 Home video of Cocos first steps Maris: Careful, this way cmon.

Good girl cmon. Giggles. Okay cmon, here look at mummy. Scene 2 home video recording of Coco singing (Mid-shot of Coco sitting on the floor Shot 3 Dialogue of video park flashback (faded lullaby): Maris: Coco look at you, look how high youre going! As our inital script was quite short, we decided to make the monolgue much more dramatic and realistic rather than quite cliche. However, it is clear there are some faults in our script which need to be clearer, thus we shall complete a third draft. Coco&Maris: Shoot me down but I wont fall laughs titanium, shoot me down but I wont fall. Coco: Titanium! Laughing Shot 9 21 Voiceover Maris: (sitting in corner of room looking at photographs) Change. It comes when everything is perfect. (Panning of babys bedroom, toys on the floor, baby bottle laying on the floor spilling) what you never expected... not even thought about... what you considered impossible (Sitting on chair reading ransom note) Happiness includes NO preservatives. That smile which once lit up your life....soon expires (flashback of kidnapping scene baby playing/ sleeping in cot hovering Pause goes to babys cot ) but I willwhen you lose everything (empty cot with letter) . and have nothing. (Back to initial position reading ransom note in chair) you have the motivation to give your life for the most precious thing. this is me. I have my ways. Ill stop at nothing. Shot 22 speaks on phone Maris: Im on my way, lets do this.

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