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Isn't it time you backed a mainstream party?

People across Surrey, from all walks of life, already are "I'm thinking about my future. So I vote UKIP."
Laura McEvoy, 25, says: "What choice is there in Surrey for parents who can't afford homes in catchment areas for good schools, or private education? I was lucky my parents could choose, all children should have that chance. UKIP supports grammar schools and real school choice for everybody."

"I was a trades unionist. So I vote UKIP."

Chris Browne worked for Thames Water for 30 years. "Labour has turned its back on working people. They ran up huge debts which will take us all years to payoff. Despite its cuts, debt is still rising under today's Coalition government."

"I'm a former councillor. So I vote UKIP."

Roger Bird was a Conservative Councillor in Wandsworth for eight years. "In Surrey our council tax always rises and the council even refused government help to keep the tax down. The Surrey Conservatives are the opposite of low-tax Wandsworth."

"I run a small business. So I vote UKIP."

Helena Windsor runs a microbiology testing business in Surrey. "Conservatives and Lib Dems have increased VAT and business rates. The Council wanted to bring in town centre parking charges. We need councillors who will support small businesses, as UKIP does."

"I'm a former policeman. So I vote UKIP."

Having spent over a decade in policing, most of which was in Surrey, Rob Burberry is concerned about the year-on-year cuts affecting Surrey Police and ultimately front line policing in the county.



on May 2nd


tel: 01883743214

Printed by Printbridge, 16, Castle Street, Bodmin,Comwall, PL31 2DU Published and promoted by Roger Bird, 20 Newbery Close, Caterham, Surrey, CR3 6GD on behalf of the UK Independence

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