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Get the Council Services you deserve this May

U KI P'S Priorities for Surrey

A Responsive Council
Surrey's roads are still full of potholes - while British taxpayers lost 100million in a price fixing fraud for an EU funded road building project in Poland. UKIP will ensure this scandal remains in the news until the Council does its duty and repairs our roads properly UKIP wants to give local residents a real voice on planning applications by giving local referenda on major schemes ~ ~ " I am dismayed by the arrogance of local county councillors", Tandridge District Tory Councillor, Michael Cooper, 2012

An Efficient Council
Our Council Tax is way too high because of Surrey's waste: The Council's Chief Executive is paid 253,000 - more than David Cameron or Barack Obama. The Council spent 10,691 hiring Farnham Castle in 2012, including 4,000 for a 2 day"bonding workshop" for officers and councillors Surrey.refused extra government funds to keep Council Tax.down, saying this would restrict the Council's ability to increase it even further in future years. Now they are dodging a referendum on the rise by increasing the tax by 1.99% instead of 2% Our Council Tax has risen 72% in 10 years Voters no longer trust the Conservatives:
"They look in our eyes and don't think we will catch them if they fall." Tim Montgomerie, Editor, Conservative Home, 2012

Councillors enjoyed Surrey's premier conference venue at your expense

Standing up for Surrey

UKIP wants to stop the EU domination of local government:
Procurement rules now have to be published EU-wide. This costs housing associations 30 million annually. The EU wants to force 60 ton Super Lorries onto our roads yet Surrey already struggles to maintain its roads. The EU threatens our post offices by attacking Royal Mail's monopoly and ending subsidy of rural offices. Surrey CC spent 757,448 on translation services in the last three years The Lib Dems still think the EU is the solution not the problem. Their 2009 manifesto for Surrey called for more EU domination of the county's funding Local bus routes have been harmed by EU rules on tachographs and distances. Local coach operator Graham Bailey says "This is a disaster for small businesses"

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