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List the names and school affiliations of all contributors to this classroom activity

Erica Hopewell Middle School Amber Hopewell Middle School

Each activity should meet a Georgia Studies standard and Common Core State Standard. Separate the standards by commas. Example: SS8H4, ELACCRI1, L6-8RH1

SS8H3, SS8H4, L6-8RH2, L6-8RH6, L6-8WHST1.

Time Needed to Complete Activity:

One class period.

Provide a few sentence preview of the activity.

Students will write a letter acting as Abigail Minis (a Patriot), or Elizabeth Lichtenstein Johnson (a loyalist), and will address the letter to which ever woman they did not impersonate. The letters will try to convince the other woman that they should switch their allegiance to either the Loyalist or Patriot cause.

Materials Needed
Elizabeth Lichtenstein Johnston (Loyalist) Secondary source New Georgia Encyclopedia Article: Primary Source PDF (her account starts on page 36): Online link: Abigail Minis (Patriot) Secondary Source GHS Online Exhibit:

Primary Source PDF

Provide a more specific description or list of student/teacher procedures

Teacher Task: Assign half the class to write from the perspective of Elizabeth Lichtenstein Johnston, and other half to write as Abigail Minis. Have them read documents on both women so that they become familiar with how each of them thinks. Student Task: Students should first outline the points they want to make in their letters. Perhaps they will want to appeal to the sympathies of the other woman, or strictly try to convince the other why she is wrong to think the way she does. Letters should be at least one page long.

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