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1 Ian Baker GAM 351 Cleric Path - KoRa

Table of contents World Background_____________________________________________________________ 2 Game Overview_______________________________________________________________ 6 Character Bios________________________________________________________________ 8 Game Setting, Quests & Dialogue________________________________________________ 14 Ending/Conclusion___________________________________________________________ _ 20

2 KoRa: World Background The world of KoRa is a unique one. The planet revolves around its sun with and axis perpendicular to it. This creates a unique setting much like our moon. One side is in perpetual darkness, while the other side is in perpetual light. The planet has 4 moons, 1 large that revolves around the sun and is forever suck on the dark side of the planet, and three small, which are constantly spinning around moving from light to dark. The light reflected from the larger moon illuminates the dark side slight but nothing significant. The world consists of 3 continents; the largest of the 3 mainly reside in the light with a small portion branching into the dark. The second resides wholly in the dark side. While the smallest is split half and half on both and is close to 1/8 the size of the largest. Starting from the light side, there is a very large desert that takes up a large portion of continent one. A unique feature of this desert is it flows a lot like our oceans, it has currents the move large amounts of sand across the desert in what look like streams. This is due to highly unstable tectonic plates that are constantly moving in the center of this continent. This and constant high speed winds create a unique environment in which the inhabitants can actually sail across these sand streams. While they are few and far between there are also creatures the swim in the sand and use it as a means to hunt. Surrounding the dessert on one side is water. Naturally, towards the water we start to see vegetation, the climate is much like the Mediterranean area on earth. On the other side there is a decent size jungle/rain forest, as you make your way through, the world begins to turn to twilight and the climate begins to cool. Much of this area in twilight, the land between dark and light, is flat and seemingly lifeless. But in actuality its teeming with life and predators. Its very rich farm land,

3 but is typically avoided but the inhabitants of the planet. As we move towards the dark side we enter very thick forest. This woodland extends to the end of the continent in the dark side with the end consisting of large ice shelves. The second continent be completely engulfed in darkness is very cold. The edges that extend just into twilight are very thick forests, but the closer to the center of it you get the more snow and ice is seen. The center is a frigid wasteland of ice with very few inhabitants. The main race of this planet, the humans on it, is split into two groups. The Boukah are the inhabitants near the desert and the Zhondai the inhabitants near the water. They inhabit the light side of the planet and worship the sun as there god. The people are much like the Egyptians of our planet earth but more adventuress and exploratory. The heart of their population is near the Mediterranean-esque area. A large portion also pushes into the desert and uses the sand streams there as transportation. While the desert isnt a huge mine of raw materials for them a large amount of hunting is done there. The major creatures there are, Lerablor, Poytah, and Silos. Lerablor are very large ell-like predators which are hunted for their extremely thick skin. Much of it is used for their armor and weapons as well as boats. Its very durable and very light. The poytah, are like fat 2 legged camels. Theyre herded and domesticated for travel, and are able to go very long distances with little water but are fairly slow. And finally he Silos are best described as extremely large flying manta rays. They are very porous and light as well as being extremely passive and peaceful creatures. They are hunted as a means for food, but very rarely caught. Most of the animals in the desert Mediterranean area are reptiles, amphibians and

4 fish like creatures. almost no mammals other than the humans inhabit the light side. The Boukah are dark-skinned and mainly inhabit the dessert area. they rely on trade from the Zhondai to maintain there well-being in the dessert. They are fierce hunters and warriors, and overall a very nomadic group. They know the dessert as well as the back of their own hand , and with that they know the dangers it harbors as well. The Zhondai in turn rely on the Boukah for protection from the desert in its dangers. The Zhondai are much lighter in skin tone and are a very sea-fairing culture. They live in harmony, if only because they know they can not exist without the other. To these cultures very little is known about whats beyond the dessert. Very few have ventured near twilight and darkness, and even few have returned to tell of it. The humans on the light side of this planet all have very slow metabolisms. They have no calender structure like we do, its constantly day time there. They are up for very long periods of time, and in turn sleep for very long periods of time. The tell time by the alignment of the 3 moons in the sky. One full revolution of the closest moon is about 8 hours, one full revolution of the middle moon is about 20 hours, and one full revolution of the last moon is about 44 hours. One full cylce of the last moons marks the begging of a sleep cycle for them. Unknown to the inhabitants of the light side. I race of humans also live on the darker side of the planet. These people are known as the Chotwor. They have an amazing sense of hearing and smell to make up for the lack of sight in the darkness. Because of this the re eyes are almost completely black in the night. When looked at in the light they resemble a very pale grey, but a solid color, no iris. They stay

5 closer to the twilight but do occasionally venture inland. They a re a large burly race, there bodies much hairier then those of the light side. The creatures of the dark side consist of mostly mega fauna and are primarily mammals with fur. The edges of land near the twilight are heavily wooded and provide a nice habitat for the Chotwor to settle. The are a fearsome warrior race, but also filled with honor and pride , family is of the utmost importance to them. The Dark side of Ko'ra, where the Cho'twor reside, is split into 4 parts based on who inhabits and owns rules the land. Think of a circle split in thirds with the center blacked out, so your left with a ring spilt in thirds. The center is no man's land, it's the dead lands. To dark and filled with terror even the Cho'twor don't venture into it. But the ring, the three sections are the Deamek, the Gradel, and the Rovlek.

Kora: Game Overview The game will be an action puzzler, with a very large world to explore. Much like the Legend of Zelda or the Prince of Persia series, but on a much larger scale.The worlds will be immersive and puzzle driven. The main hook and idea that i want to explore in this game is illusions of the mind. What i mean is that, given my setting i have 2 completely different races and ways of life residing on the same planet. These 2 radically different, but humanoid races have never meet. This game will catalog the meetings of the two races for the first time in their histories. We have the people of the light and the people of the dark neither of which have explored the opposite sides of their planets. So when the dark side meets the light for the first time theyre completely overwhelmed. Theyve never seen dark skinned people, theyve never seen poytah,or any of the other creatures in the light. They have also never seen building made of clay or brick, and have never seen stream of sand. As the player, when you first encounter these things they all look menacing and over whelming. I want the player, as the game progresses, to have the view of the light side change. So as you progress the models, little be little will change into less menacing figures. The best analogy for this is with native Americans. Imagine yourself as a native American seeing the English and French ships for the first time, seeing men

7 in suits of armour for the first time. Some tribes, especially in South America believed people in armour like Cortez to be gods. And who's to blame them, everything from the guns to the ships was so radically different. This is what I want to represent in my game. Along side this i want both the light world and dark world to be completely self sufficient, and look extremely different from each other. The game will be a very vast world, think in terms of Skyrim, but i want the focus to be more along the lines of exploration. While there will be a battle system, I want battles to be intuitive rather than just repetition, much like Shadow of the Colossus. As well as the character models and landscapes as the talking done by the light people will appear as gibberish. As you spend more and more time in the light and become more adapted the words will slowly be swapped with ones you understand to make it seem as though your characters learning the language.

Kora: Character Backrounds

The Mara Family Vallek Mara Vallek Mara is the soon to be ruler of the Deamek as well as the games main character. Vallek, who is currently 17, came into his power at the young age of 12 when his father was murdered. To the Deamek people, his father died of old age. Vallek is convinced it was a Rovlek assassin that took his father. The Rovlek and Deamek have always had there differences. The Rovlek want to invade the light side and enslave its week and scrawny inhabitants, while the Deamek are set in letting each other be. The Cho'twor stay in the dark while the light is left alone. Vallek while technically the king, he has no real decision making power, his uncle takes the burden of all decision making till Vallek has come of age. Vallek is the youngest of three. The eldest Mara was killed and war will Vallek was 3, being that as it was he has no memory of his brother. His sister 4 years his senior, left on the first campaign into the light. She has been gone 2 years and no

9 one has heard anything from the group. Vallek hopes one day to leave the Cho'twor territory in search of her. So what's left now is simply Vallek(17) and his mother. He was raised with a strong sense of family and his lack thereof has left him very lonely, but rather than depression he has jump to compassion in hopes that no one will suffer the way he has. He is very popular among the people but is still not sure he wants to be tied down with the title of king. He thirst for exploration and truth, both of which cannot be found in the Deamek.

Alani Mara (Mother) Alani is a very docile women, shes very wise and was raised by her parents to see the inherent good in everything and she wants to pass this trait onto her children. After her husbands death, she immediately sought to fill his roll in the family herself, an extremely capable woman and not someone to be trifled with. Vallek and Chaslighn are all she has left, and rightly so will do anything to protect the two of them. Chaslighns Campaign to the light left her in a very depressed state, with just young Vallek left she feels as though she has failed to look out for and protect her family.

Chaslighn Mara (Sister)

10 Chaslighn, is a very bold and powerful women, before she left The Deamek, she was one of the finest warriors the land had to offer. Always cheerful and always willing to learn something or teach it to those willing. Chaslighns is part of the Campaign in to the light and as been gone from The Deamek for 2 years. In those 2 years her part y has faced many hardships. There are now close to 30 people left out of the 250 they started with. Theyve made it well into the light, and continue to find no sign of life, just sand and no reprieve form the son.

Mallow Mara (Uncle) There were many advantages to being unimportant. Some argue that Mallow was important, being the brother of a King. But he was often over shadowed his older brother. He came to be a man a few words, only giving his opinion if it was asked for.He didnt resent his brother for being king, actually, he was quite happy that responsibility didnt fall on himself. Mallow didnt like being the center of attention. When his brother died he took Vallek under his wing and trained him to be the next king as best he could, it wasnt to difficult considering he watched his brother play politics his whole life.

11 Vayron the Poytah Herder & Tay his Poytah Matriarch. Vayron was born in the desert and has spent most of his life roaming between it and the shoreline. While by blood he is a Boukah, he gets along well with both them and Zhondai and can speak both languages. This worldliness comes from his profession. He travels back and forth selling and breeding Poytah for all types of people. He leads a lonely life, there aren't many people as devoted to his trade as he is. The constant travelling makes it near impossible to form lasting relationships with people. In turn he seeks companionship from his Poytah, more specifically Tay, his personal Poytah and the matriarch of the herd. Poytah have a very strong family bond and travel in herds. Often lead by a matriarch that maintains the safety of the herd. The matriarchs can be easily identified as they are usually much larger than the average Poytah. Tay and Vayron share a special bond. When Vayron was 16 years of age his family and self took a sand bout towards the center of the desert, something went wrong and the ship was consumed by the sand. Vayron was the only one who survived, and still very unsure of the circumstances. The only thing he remembers is waking up on the back of Tay. He's been with the herd ever since. It's an interesting circumstance as the Poytah long outlive the humans but almost a hundred years, and as such don't usually form strong bonds with humans, but they seem to have made an exception for Vayron. This strong bond between Human and Poytah attracts him a lot of attention where every he goes. Rightly so he is a bit of a legend now and revered in the highest by anyone who trades with him. It is said that should a human pass before

12 there Poytah, Vayron and Tay will come to collect the Poytah and usher the lone Poytah into their herd, but this is just superstition. Vayron is a tall but thin individual. He's 6'3'' and 160lbs. His skin is very dark but seldom visible, spending most of his time in the desert he is usually wrapped from head to toe in a thin red and brown cloth. He has very few personal belongings other than the clothes on his back. They consist of a large horn used to communicate with his herd in the desert and a small trinket worn around his neck at all times. No one really sure what it is and to most it looks like a piece of garbage but to Vayron it's the only thing he has left to remind him or his childhood. Some assume it's part of the ship his family was lost on but it's all speculation. Tay his faithful companion is the largest recorded Poytah at 8 feet tall and 750lbs. The average Poytah sits at 4-5 feet and about 300 lbs. Tay's herd is also the largest recorded consisting of well over 250 Poytah, the average being about 70. Tay's fur is a dark red with the underbelly being a stark white by contrast. Her head and chest are speckled with this white as well. Poytah range anywhere from this dark red to a very pale white. It's said the darker the coat the older they are and higher they rank among the herd.

Cho'vast ageless Sentry of the Dead-lands Cho'vast is an interesting character, he is know by all the Cho'twor and hes been seen by most too. Little is know about him except that somehow he exists in three places at once. where ever there is a path into the Deadlands he is there. In

13 Deamek, Gradel, and Rovlek, he can always be seen guarding the path to the dead lands. What's more confusing is his friendly manner. He will speak to almost anyone, and is very up to date on gossip, seeing as he is in all three territories. Many people have taken to him as almost like a therapist, they go to speak there sins and vent there stresses. Cho'vast is always willing to listen and give advice unless the topic of the dead-lands comes up. At the slightest mention of his job or his past he turns and walks away. If pushed or pursued hi simply says "when my life ends all answers will be clear." Long ago this angered the Cho'twor, so they made a game of sending their fiercest warriors to fight and try to end his life. None ever so much as scratched him and soon the game was forgotten. Sometime after this another game was invented, this one consisted of trying to enter the dead lands by sneaking past Cho'vast. This too was soon forgotten, he always found you and ended your life without hesitation. So eventually the dead lands were just ignored, no one talks of them anymore, no one questions Cho'vast's existence, it simple is what it is and the Cho'twor live their lives as if the dead lands do not exist. Even more strange is the fact that Boukah and Zhondai of the light side know of Cho'vast as well. Not in the same sense though, for them he is simple the reaper of the dark side of the planet. His legend is what stops many from the light from venturing into the dark. Cho'vast is known to almost every being on the planet of Ko'ra but very few know what it is he protects and where he came from. In all artistic rendition he is represented by a simple black shadow or a frail old man dressed in black. To the Cho'twor he always appears as a middle-aged man, bellow

14 average build and jet black eyes. his actual facial features other than the eyes are different with each person's description .

Kora: Game Setting, Quests and Dialogue Intro Its 2 weeks till Vallek is officially pointed ruler of Deamek. He has a growing feeling that he is being watched, as he gets closer and closer and closer to the date.

15 Eventually he begins to see what he thinks are Rovlek assassins in the crowded streets. He first begins to think hes crazy, maybe his mind playing tricks on him, eerily reminiscent of his fathers past. He brings it up with his mother, and after much reluctance she admits shes seen them too. Everything comes to a climax 3 days before hes appointed. While running errands through the streets of a shady district of town, everyone on the streets begin to slowly disperse until there is almost no one left. When Vallek is the only one left on the streets the Rovlek assassins come out of hiding. (Start of game/ Tutorial) Vallek is first approached by a single assassin, Here is where combat gameplay will be explained. You will be walked step by step on how to defeat the first assassin. Next you will be approach by 4-5 assassins. Realizing you can possibly fight them and live, you turn and run. The player will be given the option to go where ever they want in-terms of running through the twist and turns of the streets. The player will become oriented with running, jumping, dodging, and hiding. Eventually the assassins will begin to block portions of the streets and coral you in to a part of the town where they think you are traped. They force you to the border of the dead lands, where Chovast is nonchalantly watching everything pan out. You have no other option but to run towards the deadlands. As you run past Chovast the two of you Lock eyes for what seems like an eternity. Eventually eye contact is broken and Chovast lets you by with no further acknowledgement.

16 The assassins now gathered en mass are extremely startled and confused by this. No one has ever passed into the deadlands, no one has every passed Chovast. A few daring Assassins chose to pursue, Chovast instantly takes there lives without hesitation and moves back to his seat. The rest of the assassins leave as quickly as possible. Dialogue Vallek rest for a short while and turns to walk back home. Before Vallek passes the threshold between Deamek and the Deadlands Chovast says Nothing leaves, and nothing enters Vallek ,confused, hesitantly moves forward. Chovast appears in front of Vallek and once again repeats Nothing leave, and nothing enters But I must get home and warn my mother replies Vallek Chovast point towards the deadlands You must turn around and move on Vallek takes a step forward and is thrown violently back towards the deadlands. I cannot explain why i let you through, but you must move on Chovast points towards The Deamek Youre life there is over, The Rovlek have already reported your death to the Deamek. Another has been appointed ruler The appointments not for another 3 days! cries Vallek

17 Chovast grins On the contrary Young Vallek, it happened 3 days ago Anguish clear on his face That's not possible! Ive only been her for a few short hours. Why must you say such things says Vallek V- Ive have never told a lie, nor will I ever. You however will tell many, both big and small. Tis the way of things. Now take this and leave, or pass me and die, it makes no difference Chovast tosses Vallek a compass. Vallek catches it and looks it over Why are there 3 hands? C-One for each member of your family, follow each hand to a different member V-Okay.... but again, why are there 3? There should be one, maybe two if what you say is true. C- There are many things you don't know and will never know, And many others you don't know but will learn Chovast says no more and returns to his chair. Vallek ventures towards the dead-lands. Chapter 2 As Vallek makes his way farther and father into the deadlands he realizes it is becoming, brighter and brighter. He questions this ( the sky should be getting darker as he delves deeper) but pushes onward. As the player is walking the world in front of him will change, but every time he turns around it will look as if he hasnt moved. Chovast will be right where you left him just staring at you and pointing. You will always maintain the distance you travel but when you turn around it will

18 look as if youve gone no where. I want the player to be just as disoriented and the character would be. As ground goes from grass, to dirt to sand, and soon he finds himself in a dessert. This part of the game is the first real quest. Your goal is simply to continue forward since you cant go back. As you progress there will be a few simple puzzles that will introduce you to a majority of the mechanics that will be used in the puzzles throughout the game. Moving and arranging parts of the landscape, destruction or construction of things to move forward, and simple riddles involved with the landscape. Eventually when you reach the end the heat becomes to intense, and with no water on him or in sight he begins to feel the pangs of dehydration. At this point a few new game mechanics will be introduced as well as explaining the health bar outside of battle. The next part of the game will be a sort of mini game/ side quest. Theres no real way to win just get as far as you can into the desert before you pass out. You can simply chose to just pass out in the begging or play through the game/sidequest. Mini-Game: You character will weave in and out of shade, pacing himself to make it as far as possible. Inevitably you will pass out. When you awake you will be among a herd of Poytah (chubby 2-legged camels). Depending on how far you make it will dictate the poytah that saved you, and eventually befriends you. There will be minor differences between the types of Poytah but will overall be balanced.


Dialogue After a surprising introduction to the Poytah you are shortly greeted by funny looking man, his entire body is covered in cloth and you can only make out his eyes. Confused on where he is and who this person is Vallek cautiously says Hello...? The person, clearly surprised at you speech muffles something in return. In his dazed stupor Vallek simply says Hello again. This time the person replies cha to sla vak ya no Its a mess of noise and Vallek soon realizes that this person clearly doesn't understands him nor he them. Vallek tries to declare himself and make communication, pointing to himself he says Vallek Mara Seeming to get the point after a long pause he points to himself and says Vayron Then quickly towards the beast next to vallek and says ______________ * This is where you'd name your poytah. Theres a start, now where am I Vallek says to himself *gibberish* replies Vayron Once again realizing no one will understand him he looks longingly and the dark side of the world.

20 Vayron notices this and points in that direction *gibberish* and points at Vallek *same Gibberish* If you mean is that where im from, then yes. points at dark and then himself. Speaking to himself and almost ignoring Vayron at this point he says Mother must be worried sick, I even know how long its been..... i mean it feels like a few hours, but theres no way i should be in the light right now... its just not possible. And what did Chovast mean about the compass He pulls it out and king of admires it, 2 arrows are pointing towards the dark and one further into the light If it really is my family why are there 3 points.... Before he cants a chance to think any longer on it he face is lick by his new poytah friend. Vayron laughing says *Gibberish* then proceeds to hop on his poytah and walk away. Valleks poytah friend looks at him expectantly then looks at his back. Why the hell not... Vallek proceeds to mount the poytah.


Ending/Conclusion The remainder of the game chronicles Vallek as he seeks explanation for where he is. He begins to learn the ways of the light people, and eventually finds his sister is also in the light. Chasligns campaign to the light was a success but they were not met with open arms. Eventually Vallek frees his sister but finds out that the light people are planning a raid into the dark to acquire more bodies for slavery and work. Vallek caught in the middle of both worlds that he has come to know is stuck at an impasse. Vallek is the only one who knows the goodness in both races, and its up to him to try and show the light that his people are not slaves, as well as show the dark that not all light people are bad. Eventually your visited by Chovast and given the mean to travel back and fourth between the light. He tells you what he would like to see happen, but ultimately leaves the moral decision up to the player. The game will have a number of different endings depending on how you play the game and how you react as a person. If you are partial to the dark people you can help fend of the invading light. If youre partial to the light you can help enslave the dark. Or you can chose to mediate both and try and come to a compromise. Both the story and game-play will be made to intuitively make the player question whats going on as well as try and mimic how the character would feel with the player. So for example, if the character is confused and disoriented i want (in a broad sense) the player to feel a bit confused as well. I want the player to fell like a part of the game and learn with the character in stead of feeling like and outside

22 party. This is why i want the illusions to the player as well with things like the textures, models, and text. Ideally id like to use something good with open worlds and textures like Bethesdas Creation engine. So given a perfect world it would be made in that to account for the two vastly different and large worlds.

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