Containment PP

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Containment Final Paper

Mr. Russell Modern World History Weeks 4-8

The Assignment
Your assignment is to write a 1-2 page paper describing the events leading up to, during and the aftermath of Containment. The paper will be double spaced, size 12 font in Times New Roman with your name and date in the top left corner. You need at least 3 outside sources other than the things in my website for you. It is due whenever you make it back to school along with your short paragraph assignment listed on the website.

Criteria and Points Content: 35 Points Exceeds Paper has quality points and is accurate. Paper is organized with Intro, Body and Conclusion and cited properly. Has more than the required 3 sources. Meets Paper is good and meets or just meets the acceptable points. Paper has acceptable organization and cited with >2 mistakes. Has the required 3 sources. Unacceptable Paper has nothing to do with content and makes no sense. Paper is all over the place, has no Intro, Body or Conclusion and sources cited wrong or not at all. Has 1 or no sources.

Organization: 35 Points

Sources: 30 Points

Due Date
In class, it is due the day of our final quiz or at the end of the class of that day. But in your case, whenever you make it back to class is fine, unless you would want to email it and the short paragraph assignment to me through my school email.

If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an email that I gave to you in the previous slide. Send me a tweet on our class twitter account. Or if you would like, you can give me a call on my cell phone and I can possibly walk you through some points and give you hints and ideas.

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