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Jasmine Larsen (Nrsg 405 -A) This is a reflective commentary on the article The Ultimate Deception: Child Sexual

Abuse in the Church authored by Linda J. Cook. The article expounds on the subject of the sexual abuse of children within the church. People who use their position of authority in the church to abuse those under them often cause more harm because they hold a position of trust within the church. Often the consequence of being sexually abused within a church setting is not only exceedingly traumatic it has far reaching implications. While sexual abuse of any kind is damaging, being sexually abused by someone in the church breaks a sacred level of trust. The church is supposed to be a place of forgiveness, trust and love, and by association it includes those who work within it. According to Cook, when something like this happens it creates great emotional and spiritual distress for victims, their families and everyone associated with the church (Cook, 2005). When a child has been sexually abused they sometimes exhibit signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This is something that I have always associated with soldiers who have been fighting in Iraq and Iran. It is jarring to realize that it can happen independent of war, as well as to young children. Also, Cook highlights that sexually abused children may project their pain and humiliation onto others through cruelty to them as well as animals, thus continuing a vicious cycle. Unfortunately it is often too easy for child sex abusers to gain access to helpless children. They are the most vulnerable when they are being transported for church functions. Cook states that the abusers often go to their home, the victims or even use the outdoors to enact their crime. A small but crucial step towards preventing this abhorrent behavior is to know who is working

for you, as well as do not permit children to be alone with only one adult. Over the last decade or so the media has brought the subject of child sexual abuse in church to the forefront of public awareness. Although embarrassing for various denominations, the public awareness has enabled churches to create and implement preventive measures that could be taken to stop or definitely minimize sexual abuse of children within church communities.

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