Castle Rubric

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Castle Rubric

Category 4 Exceeds expectations 3 Meets expectations 2 Minimally meets expectations 1 Does not meet expectations Score

Elements required for castle life are included



Student included a dining hall for feasts, an area for tournaments to be held, living area for their families, servants and soldiers/guards, kitchen, storage larder, and other features. The castle design is well thought out and would be difficult to lay siege to. There is plenty of storage and other safety features in addition to defensible walls. All important parts of the castle are labelled properly and clearly The castle is very creative with well laid out floor plans and is drawn neatly.

Student included all required elements only.

Student included most of the required elements and features.

Student did not include many of the important castle elements.

The castle design is well thought out and would be difficult to lay siege to

The castle might withstand an attack but is unlikely to withstand a siege.

The castle design has given little thought to its defense.

All important features are labelled and legible.

Creativity, organization, and attractiveness


The castle is creative, well laid out, and drawn neatly.

Most important parts are labelled and/or legible. The castle may be creative, well, laid, or neat but not all 3.

The castle is not labelled or is labelled poorly or inaccurately. Very little care was taken in the castles creation.

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